Nowhere will the agenda be globalisternas symbolically more evident than in the new banknote series of the Riksbank Announces 2015.
Sweden then becomes not only the first country in the world where cash is being eradicated.
Sweden becomes the first country in the world where the United Nations ‘ supremacy as the world‘s Government confirmed the country’s national currency.
Plaster gone, then, is the tradition of the banknote with the highest denomination – 1000 kroons – carries an image of the head of State/monarch.
The tradition is broken in the autumn of this year of the Riksbank’s Governor Stefan Ingves as he instead resererverar the site to (1) the Secretary-General of the United Nations, an organization whose logo is also going to sully the most valuable banknote (2).
The Swedish three crowns (3) has been delegated to a small place under UN cobwebs.
Readers who have not yet realized that the ultimate goal of finansoligarkernas process of globalisation is actually a worldwide dictatorship where the UNITED NATIONS plays the role of “World Government“ – and NATO its army — has the strongest symbolic proof imaginable that this actually is what it is.
This is what has gone on since 1985..
Swedish heads of State, monarchs, has gradually been replaced by Swedish citizens with shared that they are celebrities. The emphasis has been on cultural celebrities with strong personal ties to the rest of the world.
1985 lost three of five heads of States/monarchs – replaced by a författarina, a migrant singer and a botanist.
In the 2015 banknote series has completely wiped away and heads of State have been replaced by Pippi Longstocking’s mother, a Troubadour, a filmmaker, a singer and as a Secretary General of the United Nations.
Ban–Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary-General.
Swedes of all ages recommended to obtain any kind of petroleum jelly in preparation for the upcoming anal–penetration from this man.
That 1,000–kronor bank note, the highest denomination, has a special meaning and existence, easy when you look at who has crowned this symbolically important note.
In 1965 Bill series where it Bernadotte Karl XIV Johan, family and our current Royal family ancestor.
In 1985 Bill series was the founder, King Gustav Vasa of Sweden.
In the 2015 banknote series, it’s no longer a Swedish head of State/monarch representing the Swedish banknote with the highest denomination.
It is the Secretary-General of the United Nations 1953–1961, the former Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjöld.
If Stefan Ingves and other traitors of the Riksbank’s Executive Board and the Council wanted to choose a Swedish Cabinet Minister or politician who made efforts on behalf of Sweden, was the only man Hammarskjöld could come up with?
Selection criterion was obviously the United Nations.
Ingenstans torde globalisternas agenda vara symboliskt mer uppenbar än i den nya sedelserie riksbanken lanserar 2015. Sverige blir då inte bara det första land i världen där kontantväsendet utrotats. Sverige blir också det första land i världen där FN:s överhöghet som världsregering bekräftas på landets nationella valuta. Puts väck är då traditionen att sedeln med den högsta valören – 1000 kronor – bär en bild av statschefen/monarken. |
Traditionen bryts i höst i år av Riksbankens chef Stefan Ingves när han istället resererverar platsen åt Förenta Nationernas generalsekreterare (1), en organisation vars logotyp också kommer att besudla Sveriges mest värdefulla sedel(2).
Sveriges tre kronor (3) har delegerats till en liten plats under FN:s spindelnät.
Det här är vad som skett sedan 1985..
Svenska statschefer, monarker, har successivt ersatts med svenska medborgare med det gemensamma att de är kändisar. Tonvikten har legat på kulturkändisar med starka personliga kopplingar till utlandet.
1985 försvann tre av fem statschefer/monarker – ersatta av en författarina, en utvandrad sångerska och en botanist.
I 2015 års sedelserie har statscheferna helt suddats bort och ersatts av Pippi Långstrumps mamma, en trubadur, en filmare, ännu en sångerska och så en generalsekreterare för FN.
Ban-Ki-Moon, FN:s generalsekreterare.
Svenskar i alla åldrar rekommenderas inskaffa någon form av petroleum-gelé som förberedelse inför den kommande anal-penetrationen från denne man. PETITION: