Global day of action against investment and privatisation agreements
Social movements, trade
unions, peasants, youth, women, indigenous movements and grassroots activists around the world call for a global day of action april 18, 2015 for halting the emerging investment and privatisation contracts which spreads between the world’s regions, and instead promote
an economy that puts people and the environment in front of the lust for power.

Agreements that are now on their way between Europe and North America are hiding behind innocent abbreviations TTIP, CETA and TISA but involves extensive interventions in democratic principles and countries ‘ ability to protect the environment and social rights.
The past decades have people around the world struggling for food sovereignty, for public goods, to defend jobs
, for mother earth, for privacy on the internet
and to reclaim democracy. Along the way, the movement has grown, voices have been heard and important victories won.

Together we can stop the agreements now is on the way and turn the negative effects of previous agreements. We can bring our options that put human rights ahead of the power and privilege.
Here in Sweden we put the goal of stopping TTIP–agreement between the European Union and the United States.
We say
–Yes to democracy–no to the right to sue States for democratic decisions.
–Yes to social rights at work and the solidarity between the working – no to social dumping and the erosion of labour rights.
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