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FROM Anonymous World Legion Council Archive:



S. Svensson wrote:
Dear Mats!
I, as one of the representatives of the citizens of Sweden, want to call your attention to something very serious and happening now around most of the planet, including Sweden and that concerns us all.
I directed in the first instance my attention to you as a fellow human being, but also to you as a Member of Parliament [no longer / min Note.] And representative of the only Swedish Democratic Party defending human rights and the individual.
I intend to take up the very secret weather manipulation project “Project Cloverleaf” (USA) and “Combine the EU” (Europe), Geoengineering (weather manipulation), which I assume you are well aware, and that it was the then Prime Minister Göran Persson in 2001, in secret, behind SWEDISH PEOPLE backs, signed an agreement with the US government that Sweden would participate in the global weather manipulation project, which was said would “manage” global warming.
In 2007 included the Sweden also another secret treaty with the United States and that was that Sweden would “sneak included” in NATO and cooperate with the US military and other NATO countries for weather experiments in the ionosphere (the atmosphere’s upper part) and in the stratosphere. Ref.
http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/08/04/93/90057dc9.pdfFör be able to examine and influence the climate required HAARP facilities (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) as you well know, and the Swedish HAARP facility (LOIS) in Växsjö was inaugurated in 2008. This gigantic plant (one of the largest to the surface) consisting of 10,000 antennas, forming a forest of extensive electromagnetic radiation and affect nature and people very negatively.
Additionally am sure you also to implement these weather experiments are also needed “chemtrails” (“contrails” with toxic chemical substances in nano size water can condense around, such as aluminum, barium, titanium, magnesium, iron, nickel and strontium) to able to create artificial clouds, which have proven to be of great importance for the Earth’s climate. However, not only nanosized particles that can be used as condensation nuclei to form cloud. Countless sample analyzes in nature, such as samples from plants, soil, lakes and mountains, also demonstrated other substances such as viruses, bacteria and fungal spores! Abnormally high levels of aluminum and barium for example, has been demonstrated in both plants and humans who have undergone urine tests and blood and hair analysis in the USA. When a blood test was done on 18 people from Mohave County, Florida, as they felt sick without understanding why, was found in 87% of these people that aluminum levels were soaring and found himself high above the limits.
In a nature reserve in California was found 500 times elevated levels of aluminum, although there is no industry nearby that pollute the surrounding environment.
In Sweden, where spraying of chemtrails only have stayed in about 2-3 years, of which the first 2 years very sparingly, is due in the Swedish countryside gone incredibly fast.
The bees are completely disappearing. In southern Sweden, are they nonexistent.
Wasps have disappeared with a furious pace.
10,000’s of birds have died in recent years and various bird species are dying out.
Dandelions have almost disappeared.
Because of the strongly poisoned the earth, holding various insect species dying out.
Many trees look “fade” out, though it rained a lot this summer and when the wind blows, it has not only become loose leaves, but PARTS OF SEGMENTS loose and scattered on the lawns. This happens just during autumns!
Fish population declining alarmingly in Sweden (and the world).
The birds behave confused, because they are forced to fly much lower now than before, due to the heavy and many layers of electromagnetic, chemical cloud which rests heavily upon us all.
EXTREMELY cold winter autumn 2010 and spring 2011 with excessive amounts of snow.
Extremely Hurricanes, tornadoes, extreme cold, extreme downpour of rain has been extensively the last 2 years in Sweden (abroad have these extreme weather conditions been different lengths of time depending on how long a particular country participated in this monstrous, gigantic weather projects).
HUNDREDS DEAD BIRDS fell from the sky in the middle of a street in Falkirk in early January 2011. SHOCKING !!! Thousands of birds have gone the same fate in the US and hundreds of thousands of fish have washed up dead on beaches in the United States. (See article in Aftonbladet, 5 / 1-2011)
10,000’s of birds have died in recent years in Blekinge archipelago (Aftonbladet, 10 / 8-2012)
Thousands of birds is now LAME and dying in the archipelago !!! (Aftonbladet 10 / 8-2012)
14-15 MOOSE encountered recently mysteriously sick in Blekinge. LAME, emaciated, and blind, and behaved VERY CONFUSED !!! (Aftonbladet 10 / 8-2012)
It is our turn NEXT TIME ???
– Friends and acquaintances, who last year received prolonged cough and allergies;
that they did not have before.
The reason for these extreme weather types over the world, due to HAARP facilities along with chemtrails STEERING jet stream towards the desired goal … ..this is the simple and the only explanation !!
For example in the summer, so have all the high-pressure diverted from Sweden with the help of these jets, which has had the result that Iceland has never been so hot this summer.
Greenland has also had abnormally hot summer and the sea ice around Greenland melts now alarmingly fast !! In late July, one could read in Aftonbladet that a huge icebergs had broken away from the Petermann Glacier in northwestern coast of Greenland. The iceberg was twice the size of Manhattan and moved into the ocean and deep concern appeared that this giant icebergs would endanger shipping. Many researchers are now deeply concerned that sea ice is melting at an alarming high speed, because it occurred TWO calving from the glacier in only 2 years.
(Using HAARP facilities in Sweden, Norway and Iceland)
HAVE “geoengineering” demonstrated ANY POSITIVE RESULTS ON GLOBAL WARMING ????????????
Is there any other reason why you consciously trying to digest the sea ice around Greenland ???
OIL ????? Other natural resources ??????
Satellite images are proof available online and are made by skilled former professionals in this field who do not find themselves in this treachery longer the world’s populations.
HAVE THE “GLOBAL WARMING” handled and improved by this gigantic poisoning projects over the past 20 years (starting in the US) ????????? Or has it gotten worse ???????
Every day, week, month and even year, squirts then hundreds of military aircraft out massive poisons such as metals (nanoparticles), bacteria and viruses around the planet in our atmosphere, which we humans and animals then inhale !!
Researchers are completely agree on, that nanoparticles are very harmful to the health of both humans and animals !!! Because these particles are so small, they can easily pass through our bodies and add to the bloodstream and subsequently create a high concentration of these particles, which are then trapped in the blood, in body fat tissue and the brain, which can cause blood clots, cardiovascular disease, but also trouble with the lungs such as asthma and bronchitis are very common !! Even cancer and brain disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s have been demonstrated and derived from these nanoparticles contained in chemtrail-sprays.
Scientific studies regarding chemtrails and its harmful impact on nature and people have been conducted for about 20 years (including the US). Famous researchers, scientists, engineers, etc., have for many years, risked his entire reputation and image, to identify and raise the awareness of the planet’s various governments regarding these harmful chemtrails and that this unhealthy weather manipulation are now dead humans, animals and nature, both short and long term and which also threatens the entire planet’s existence !!!!
Despite this, the world’s governments refuse to listen and dismisses all of these scientific tests that conspiracy theories !!!!!! Newspapers and media shall not address this topic and hundreds of thousands deeply concerned citizens around the world, receive no response when they attempt to communicate with their governments.
Due to very strong pressure from the US to keep secret this “military projects”, then this extremely destructive weather manipulation to continue day in and day out, year in and year out, without almost any politician dares to stand up and raise their voice! Since this US weather modification is totally classified as a “military project, so there is no government that dares to question whether this destructive weather manipulation, which now threatens the entire human race and the entire planet’s existence is the way to go, to” manage “the” global warming “.
More and more researchers raises the now their voices and believes that the threat of climate change and the “global warming” is merely a fabricated lie and that was created by the US to get all governments in the world to join in this weather projects, in the belief that they helped to reduce “global warming”.
In fact, working more and more experts for the hypothesis that the US has a “hidden agenda” and that is that the United States would receive a total monopoly over the weather across the planet, to be used in eg war, such as to cause droughts, floods , earthquakes, cause viral epidemics in a particular country and generally used as a lever, to get different countries to “establish himself in the ranks” and that the goal is a “One World Government” …….
Regardless of which / what purposes the US government has with this gigantic weather projects, so it has meant that thousands of people have died, lost their homes in earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, torrential rain, extreme hurricane and that probably caused in many cases of this manipulation of jet streams, creation of artificial electronic cloud (which is ongoing daily) and the continuous nedsmältandet of sea ice in the North Pole. Birds, fish, insects, flower species, trees have died and are dying due to the earth, the seas are polluted and even the air we breathe heavily poisoned!
Lot’s of people around the planet have had severe lung problems, asthma and allergies.
Immensely many people around the planet, also suffers tremendously to no longer experience a NORMAL DEEP BLUE SKY normal fluffy clouds. The sky is not really blue anymore, but is, at best, light blue or white, and generally “smeared” by all these toxic chemtrail-sprays.
We must act now !!!! We all agree slowing poisoned and die !!!!!!
In Sweden, there have been measurements and analyzes in southern Sweden, concerning the aluminum level in the rain water for a couple of days in April 2012 and then sent to a foreign accredited laboratory for analysis.
A few days ago arrived sample responses and showed extremely high levels of aluminum !!! WAY OF LIMIT! In addition, also found uranium and ARSENIC !! (See Appendix)
Aluminum, uranium and arsenic, heavy metals and unnatural and should in general not occur in nature.
ALL VALUES OF ZERO really should not exist for the simple reason that these heavy metals belonging NOT plant or animal origin !!! Animals and people simply can not break down heavy metals and therefore they are stored in the body and generates various serious diseases. Then “the learned” discuss “forever” what “limit” should be.
Common sense tells us that the value should be zero !!!!
In summary, additionally inhale these substances from poisonous chemtrails, is the FULL catastrophic !!!!!!!!!!
Uranium is an alpha emitter and heavy metal, which is extremely potent and dangerous for humans to inhale and that can lead to very serious kidney damage, cancer, inflammation, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue etc … ..
We must now INVESTIGATE themselves and draw our own conclusions and definitely NOT listen to government propaganda and lies !!
It is really URGENT !!!!!!
If not this weather manipulation project ceases immediately, so will millions of people falling ill and dying in Scandinavia, Europe and even parts of the United States, within the space of a few years !!!
How many people, have to die before this destructive weather modification PROJECT STOPPED ????
There is an enormous amount of factual information on the Internet, which has been developed by scientists, researchers, engineers, biologists, astronomers, Metro lodges, etc., and who has spent many years of his life to researching how this “Geoengineeringsprojekt” affects humans, animals and nature and can warmly recommended as reference material. I can really recommend the following references:
– Article in the newspaper “2000-century science”, No. 3, 2012. For the first time is this topic up in the Swedish media in the article “Chemtrails are injurious to health” and where the writer Frank Rasmussen (engineer, Silkeborg, Denmark) goes through this complex issue . (Deputy Prime Minister Jan Björklund on magazine cover on an article about the 2nd world war)
– “What in the World are they Spraying” (DVD. Also available on YouTube). Available in both English and Swedish. The sequel also soon its world premiere on August 18 entitled “Why in the world are they spraying”. You can order on the Internet.
– “Your life’s most important information, Part 1 (re fish kills, deaths of bees, bird mortality, HAARP) study is available on YouTube.
– “Your life’s most important information, Part 2 (Sweden’s cooperation with NATO, chemtrails and HAARP (about 300 hours of work behind this production) (YouTube)
The blog “Chemtrails-Sweden” addresses this subject in a very profound way
Agenda 21 (UN)
We must act now, before it is too LATE !!!
IT’S A MONSTER betrayal and crimes against humanity, not to inform the world’s population, that they participate in a global weather experiment that has already killed many thousands of people, animals and caused very serious disorders and injuries in nature.
THIS PROCEEDING has no place in modern politics !!!
This behavior is nothing but FASCISM conducted and compared with Hitler’s extermination of millions of Jews during World War II !!!
We Swedish citizens pleading with you as fellow human beings, to take this seriously and do not listen to the government, but investigate for yourself! Do not reject this as “conspiracy theories” because it actually is not.
SUBSTANCE CHEMTRAILS MENTIONED IN THE GOVERNMENT’S OWN PAPER 2001, when Goran Persson entered into agreements with the United States and 13 April 2007, when the then Swedish Defence Minister Mikael Odenberg with trembling hand, signed a further contract with US Secretary of Defense (SUN 2007: 63) archived in the Parliamentary Archives.
We now have to save ourselves, our children, families, friends and other relations BEFORE TOO LATE !!!
Someone needs to “pull the emergency brake NOW !!!
Sweden may become the first country, which interrupt this devastating weather manipulation project (the “Project Combine the EU” and “Project Cloverleaf”), and that now threatens all life on this planet!
We also have a responsibility to the rest of the world’s peoples !!
There is nothing more important right now than to stop this MONSTER major global poisoning scandal of the planet, because vädermanipuleringen going on now. It is more important than economics, status and position. It is more important than anything else on earth !!!
This is no longer about to conceal a “military projects” for the population. This project concerns us all and which also is the largest MONSTER treason of recent times and is now at an accelerating pace, is about to exterminate humans, animals and nature !!!
This is about our own survival !!!!!
We appeal to you leftists to save the Swedish population and wildlife, and join us hundreds of thousands of Swedish citizens who know what is going on and break the silence !!!
The seriousness of this issue supersedes all PRACTICES AND NORMAL PROCEDURES !!!!!!!!!!
Government and the UN itself has infringed, and violated the most basic elements of the “DECLARATION on human rights,” and thus have set ourselves all the rules and conventions of the game !!!!!
LEFT could be the party that goes down in history for his great courage and integrity and forever be known as the party, which took responsibility for his country and its citizens’ health and life !!!!!!!
Millions of people throughout the world, will thank you and remember you for ever !!!!!!!
THIS MUST BE PUBLISHED NOW !!! WE are short on time !!
Swedish people must be informed about what is going on over their heads and that they involuntarily involved in a very destructive weather experiments, which means that the entire Swedish population SLOWLY poisoned and that they daily inhaled toxic heavy metals, such as aluminum, uranium, arsenic, viruses, germs and other chemical particles and which has already killed thousands of people on the planet and additionally caused HUGE woes and death among birds, fish and other animals, and caused EXTREME destruction in nature !!!!!
We must stop this genocide NOW !!!!!!
In retrospect a few years ……
We will feel proud of ourselves ???
ACCUSE ourselves ???
“Why did we not in time, when we still had a chance ?????



S. Svensson skrev:Bäste Mats!
Jag, som en av representanterna för Sveriges medborgare, vill påkalla Din uppmärksamhet på något MYCKET allvarligt och som nu sker runt större delen av planeten inklusive Sverige och som berör oss ALLA.
Jag riktar i första hand min uppmärksamhet till Dig som medmänniska, men även till Dig som riksdagsledamot [inte längre/min anmärkn.] och representant för det ENDA svenska demokratiska partiet som värnar om mänskliga rättigheter och den enskilda individen.
Jag ämnar ta upp det mycket hemligstämplade vädermanipuleringsprojektet “Project Cloverleaf”(USA) och “Combine EU” (Europa), Geoengineering (vädermanipulering), som jag antar att Ni är väl medvetna om och att det var dåvarande statsminister Göran Persson som år 2001, i all hemlighet, BAKOM SVENSKA FOLKETS RYGGAR, undertecknade en överenskommelse med USA:s regering att även Sverige skulle deltaga i det globala vädermanipuleringsprojektet, som sades skulle “hantera” den globala uppvärmningen.
År 2007 ingick ju även Sverige ett annat hemligt avtal med USA och det var att Sverige skulle “smygingå” i NATO och samarbeta med den amerikanska militären och övriga NATO-länder för väderexperiment i jonosfären (atmosfärens översta del) och i stratosfären. Ref.
http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/08/04/93/90057dc9.pdfFör att kunna undersöka och påverka klimatet krävs H.A.A.R.P-anläggningar (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) som Ni väl känner till och den svenska H.A.A.R.P-anläggningen (LOIS) i Växsjö invigdes år 2008. Denna gigantiska anläggning (en av världens största till ytan) bestående av 10 000 antenner, bildar en skog av omfattande elektromagnetisk strålning och påverkar naturen och människor MYCKET negativt.
Dessutom känner Ni säkert också till för att kunna genomföra dessa väderexperiment behövs även “chemtrails” (“contrails” med giftiga kemiska substanser i nanostorlek som vattnet kan kondensera runt, såsom aluminium, barium, titan, magnesium, järn, nickel och strontium) för att kunna skapa artificiella moln, som har visat sig ha mycket stor betydelse för jordens klimat. Det är dock inte enbart partiklar av nanostorlek som kan användas som kondensationskärnor för att bilda moln. Otaliga provanalyser i naturen såsom prover från växter, jord och sjöar samt berg, har även påvisat andra ämnen såsom virus, bakterier och svampsporer! Onormalt HÖGA halter av aluminium och barium har t ex påvisats både på växter och hos människor som genomgått urinprover samt blod- och håranalyser i bl a USA. När en undersökning av blodet gjordes på 18 personer från Mohave County,USA, eftersom dom kände sig sjuka utan att förstå varför, fann man hos 87% av dessa personer att aluminiumhalterna var SKYHÖGA och befann sig högt över gränsvärdena.
I ett naturreservat i Kalifornien fann man 500 GÅNGER förhöjda värden av aluminium, TROTS att det inte finns någon industri i närheten som förorenar dess närliggande omgivning.
I Sverige, där besprutning med chemtrails enbart har hållit på ca 2-3 år, varav de första 2 åren mycket sparsamt, har förfallet i den svenska naturen gått oerhört snabbt.
Bina håller helt och hållet på att försvinna. I södra Sverige är dom obefintliga.
Getingarna har försvunnit med en rasande fart.
10 000-tals fåglar har dött de senaste åren och olika fågelarter är på utdöende.
Maskrosorna har nästan försvunnit.
På grund av den kraftigt förgiftade jorden, håller olika insektsarter på att dö ut.
Många träd ser “vissna” ut, fast det regnat mycket denna sommar och när det blåser, så har det inte bara lossnat löv, utan DELAR AV GRENAR lossnar och ligger utspridda på gräsmattorna. Detta händer knappt under höstar!
Fiskbeståndet minskar oroväckande i Sverige (och i övriga världen).
Fåglarna beter sig förvirrat, eftersom dom är tvungna att flyga mycket lägre nu än förut, p.g.a de tunga och många lagren av elektromagnetiska, kemikaliska moln, som vilar tungt över oss alla.
EXTREMT kylig vinter hösten 2010 och våren 2011 med onormalt mycket snö.
Extremtorka, tromber, extremkyla, extrema skyfall av regn har förekommit i stor omfattning de senaste 2 åren i Sverige (utomlands har dessa extrema vädertyper förekommit olika länge beroende på hur länge ett visst land deltagit i detta monstruösa, gigantiska väderprojekt).
HUNDRA FÅGLAR ramlade DÖDA NED från himlen mitt på en gata i Falköping i början av januari 2011. CHOCKERANDE!!! Tusentals fåglar har gått samma öde till mötes i USA och hundratusentals fiskar har spolats upp döda på stränder i USA. (Se artikel i Aftonbladet, 5/1-2011)
10 000-tals fåglar har dött de senaste åren i Blekinges skärgård (Aftonbladet, 10/8-2012)
TUSENTALS FÅGLAR ligger just nu FÖRLAMADE och håller på att DÖ ute i skärgården!!! (Aftonbladet 10/8-2012)
14-15 ÄLGAR påträffades nyligen mystiskt sjuka i Blekinge. FÖRLAMADE, UTMÄRGLADE OCH BLINDA, samt UPPTRÄDDE MYCKET FÖRVIRRADE!!! (Aftonbladet 10/8-2012)
– Vänner och bekanta, som det senaste året fått långvarig hosta och allergier,
som dom inte haft tidigare.
Anledningen till dessa EXTREMA väderlekstyper världen över, beror på att H.A.A.R.P-anläggningar tillsammans med chemtrails STYR jetströmmarna mot önskade mål…..Detta är den enkla och ENDA förklaringen!!
Ex.vis i sommar, så har alla högtryck styrts bort från Sverige med hjälp av dessa jetströmmar, vilket har haft till följd att Island har aldrig någonsin haft så varm sommar.
Grönland har också haft ONORMALT VARM sommar och havsisen utanför Grönland smälter nu OROVÄCKANDE snabbt!! I slutet på juli kunde man läsa i Aftonbladet att ett enormt isberg hade brutit sig loss från Petermannglaciären vid nordvästra kusten av Grönland. Isberget var DUBBELT SÅ STORT som Manhattan och rörde sig i havet och djup oro infann sig, att detta gigantiska isberg skulle äventyra sjöfarten. Många forskare är nu djupt oroliga över att havsisen smälter i oroväckande hög hastighet, eftersom det skett TVÅ kalvningar från glaciären på endast 2 år.
(med hjälp av H.A.A.R.P-anläggningarna i Sverige, Norge och Island)
Satellitbilder finns som bevis utlagda på nätet och som är tagna av kunniga f.d. yrkesverksamma personer inom detta område, som ej finner sig i detta förräderi längre mot världens befolkningar.
HAR DEN “GLOBALA UPPVÄRMNINGEN” HANTERATS OCH FÖRBÄTTRATS med detta gigantiska förgiftningsprojekt under de 20 senaste åren (med början i USA)????????? ELLER HAR DET BLIVIT SÄMRE???????
VARJE DAG, vecka, månad och även år, sprutar alltså hundratals militära flygplan ut MASSIVA GIFTER såsom metaller (nanopartiklar), bakterier och virus runt hela planeten i vår atmosfär, som vi människor och djur sedan inandas!!
Forskare är fullständigt eniga rörande, att nanopartiklar är MYCKET SKADLIGA FÖR HÄLSAN hos både människor och djur!!! Eftersom dessa partiklar är så små, kan de lätt passera genom våra kroppar och lägga sig i blodbanorna och därefter skapa en hög koncentration av dessa partiklar, som sedan fastnar i blodet, i kroppens fettvävnad och i hjärnan, vilket kan orsaka blodproppar, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, men även besvär med lungorna såsom astma och bronkit är MYCKET vanligt förekommande!! Även cancer och sjukdomar i hjärnan såsom Parkinsons och Alzheimers har kunnat påvisats och som härrör från dessa nanopartiklar som ingår i chemtrail-besprutningarna.
Vetenskapliga undersökningar rörande chemtrails och dess skadliga påverkan på natur och människor har genomförts under ca 20 år (bl a i USA). Kända forskare, vetenskapsmän, ingenjörer etc., har under många år, riskerat hela sitt anseende och rykte, för att påvisa och höja medvetenheten hos planetens olika regeringar rörande dessa skadliga chemtrails och att denna hälsovådliga vädermanipulering håller nu på att döda både människor, djur och natur, både kortsiktigt och långsiktigt och som dessutom hotar hela planetens existens!!!!
TROTS detta så vägrar världens regeringar att lyssna och avfärdar alla dessa vetenskapliga tester som konspirationsteorier!!!!!! Tidningar och media får inte ta upp detta ämne och hundratusentals djupt oroliga medborgare världen över, får inga svar när dom försöker kommunicera med sina regeringar.
På grund av MYCKET starka påtryckningar från USA att hemlighålla detta “militära projekt”, så kan denna extremt destruktiva vädermanipulering få fortsätta dag ut och dag in, år ut och år in, utan att nästan någon politiker vågar ställa sig upp och höja sin röst! Eftersom denna amerikanska vädermodifiering är totalt hemligstämplat som ett “militärt projekt, så finns det ingen regering som vågar ifrågasätta om denna destruktiva vädermanipulering, som nu hotar hela människorasen och hela planetens existens är rätt väg att gå, för att “hantera” den “globala uppvärmningen”.
Fler och fler forskare höjer dessutom nu sina röster och menar att klimathotet och den “globala uppvärmningen” enbart är en FABRICERAD LÖGN och som skapades av USA för att få alla regeringar i världen att gå med på detta väderprojekt, i tron att dom bidrog till att minska “den globala uppvärmningen”.
I själva verket arbetar fler och fler experter efter hypotesen, att USA har en “dold agenda” och det är att USA vill få totalt monopol över vädret över hela planeten, för att kunna användas i ex.vis krig, såsom att orsaka torka, översvämningar, jordbävningar, orsaka skadliga virusepidemier i ett visst land och rent allmänt användas som ett påtryckningsmedel, för att få olika länder att “inrätta sig i ledet” och att målet är en “One World Government”…….
Oavsett vilket/vilka syften den amerikanska regeringen har med detta gigantiska väderprojekt, så har det inneburit att tusentals människor har dött, förlorat sina hem i jordbävningar, tsunamis, skogsbränder, skyfall, extremtorka och som troligtvis orsakats i många fall av detta manipulerande med jetströmmar, skapande av artificiella elektroniska moln (som pågår DAGLIGEN) och det kontinuerliga nedsmältandet av havsisen i Nordpolen. Fåglar, fiskar, insekter, blomarter, träd har dött och är på utdöende på grund av att jorden, haven är förgiftade och även luften vi andas är starkt förgiftad!
Massvis av människor runt planeten har fått svåra lungproblem, astma och allergier.
Ofantligt många människor planeten runt, LIDER också oerhört mycket av att inte längre få uppleva en NORMAL DJUPBLÅ HIMMEL med NORMALA fluffiga moln. Himlen är inte riktigt blå längre, utan är i bästa fall ljusblå eller vit och allmänt “nedsmetad” av alla dessa giftiga chemtrail-besprutningar.
I Sverige har det gjorts mätningar och analyser i södra Sverige, rörande aluminiumnivån i regnvattnet under ett par dagar i april 2012 och som sedan skickades till ett utländskt auktoriserat laboratorium för analys.
För ett par dagar sedan anlände provsvaren och uppvisade EXTREMT höga nivåer av aluminium!!! LÅNGT ÖVER GRÄNSVÄRDET! Dessutom påträffades även URAN och ARSENIK!! (Se bilaga)
Aluminium, Uran och Arsenik är TUNGMETALLER och EJ naturliga och borde överhuvudtaget inte förekomma i naturen.
ALLA VÄRDEN ÖVER NOLL BORDE EGENTLIGEN INTE FINNAS av den enkla anledningen att dessa tungmetaller tillhör EJ växt- eller djurriket!!! Djur och människor kan helt enkelt inte bryta ned tungmetaller och därför lagras dom i kroppen och genererar olika ALLVARLIGA sjukdomar. Sedan kan “de lärde” få diskutera “i evighet” vad “gränsvärdet” skall vara.
SUNDA FÖRNUFTET säger att värdet borde vara NOLL!!!!
Sammanfattningsvis, att DESSUTOM inandas dessa ämnen från GIFTIGA CHEMTRAILS, är ju FULLSTÄNDIGT KATASTROFALT!!!!!!!!!!
URAN är en alfastrålare och tungmetall, som är EXTREMT POTENT OCH FARLIG för människor att inandas och som kan leda till mycket allvarliga njurskador, lungcancer, inflammationer, muskelsvaghet, kronisk trötthet m.m…..
Om inte detta vädermanipuleringsprojekt upphör OMGÅENDE, så kommer miljontals människor att INSJUKNA OCH DÖ i Skandinavien, i Europa och även delar av USA, inom loppet av några år!!!
Det finns enormt mycket faktabaserad information på Internet, som har tagits fram av vetenskapsmän, forskare, ingenjörer, biologer, astronomer, metrologer etc., och som har spenderat många, många år av sitt liv, för att forska i hur detta “Geoengineeringsprojekt” påverkar människan, djur och natur och som varmt kan rekommenderas som referensmaterial. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera följande referenser:
– Artikel i tidningen “2000-Talets Vetenskap”, Nr 3, 2012. För första gången tas detta ämne upp i svensk media i artikeln “Chemtrails är hälsovådliga” och där artikelförfattaren Frank Rasmussen (ingenjör, Silkeborg i Danmark) går igenom denna komplexa fråga. (Vice statsminister Jan Björklund är på tidningsomslaget rörande en artikel om 2:a världskriget)
– “What in the world are they spraying” (DVD. Finns även på YouTube). Finns både på engelska och svenska. Uppföljaren har även snart världspremiär den 18 augusti med titeln “Why in the world are they spraying”. Går att beställa på Internet.
– “Ditt livs viktigaste information, Del 1 (re fiskdöd, bidöd, fågeldöd, H.A.A.R.P) Finns utlagd på YouTube.
– “Ditt livs viktigaste information, Del 2 (Sveriges samarbete med NATO, chemtrails och H.A.A.R.P (ca 300 timmars arbete ligger bakom denna produktion) (YouTube)
Bloggen “Chemtrails-Sverige” tar upp detta ämne på ett mycket genomgripande sätt
Agenda 21 (FN)
DET är ett GIGANTISKT SVEK och BROTT MOT MÄNSKLIGHETEN, att inte informera världens befolkning, att dom deltar i ett globalt väderexperiment, som redan dödat många tusentals människor, djur och orsakat mycket allvarliga rubbningar och skador i naturen.
Detta agerande är ingenting annat än FASCISM som bedrivs och kan jämföras med Hitler´s utrotning av miljoner judar under andra världskriget!!!
Vi Sveriges medborgare VÄDJAR TILL DIG som medmänniska, att ta detta på allvar och inte lyssna på regeringen, utan undersöka själv! Förkasta INTE detta som “konspirationsteorier”, eftersom det faktiskt inte är det.
ÄMNET CHEMTRAILS OMNÄMNS I REGERINGENS EGNA DOKUMENT FRÅN år 2001, då Göran Persson ingick avtal med USA samt DEN 13 APRIL, 2007, då dåvarande svenska försvarsministern Mikael Odenberg med darrande hand, undertecknade ett ytterligare avtal med USA:s försvarsminister (SÖ 2007:63) ARKIVERADE i Riksdagsarkivet.
VI MÅSTE nu rädda oss själva, våra barn, familjer, vänner och andra relationer INNAN DET FÖR SENT!!!
Sverige kan bli det första land, som avbryter detta förödande vädermanipuleringsprojekt (“Project Combine EU” och “Project Cloverleaf”) och som nu hotar ALLT liv på denna planet!
Vi har också ett ANSVAR gentemot resten av världens befolkningar!!
Det finns inget viktigare just nu än att stoppa denna GIGANTISK STORA GLOBALA förgiftningsskandal av planeten, p.g.a vädermanipuleringen som pågår nu. Det är VIKTIGARE än ekonomi, status och befattning. Det är viktigare ÄN ALLT ANNAT PÅ JORDEN!!!
Det här handlar inte längre om att hemlighålla ett “militärt projekt” för befolkningen. Detta projekt ANGÅR OSS ALLA och som dessutom är det STÖRSTA GIGANTISKA LANDSFÖRRÄDERIET I MODERN TID och som nu i allt snabbare takt, håller på att utrota människor, djur och natur!!!
Det här handlar om VÅR EGEN ÖVERLEVNAD!!!!!
VI VÄDJAR till Er vänsterpartister att RÄDDA SVERIGES BEFOLKNING samt djur och natur och ansluta Er till oss hundratusental svenska medborgare som vet vad som pågår och BRYTA TYSTNADEN!!!
REGERINGEN OCH FN har själva ÅSIDOSATT OCH BRUTIT MOT de mest grundläggande punkterna i “DEKLARATIONEN FÖR MÄNSKIGA RÄTTIGHETER” och har därmed SJÄLVA satt ALLA regler och överenskommelser ur spel!!!!!
VÄNSTERPARTIET kan bli det parti, som går till historien för sitt stora mod och integritet och för alltid bli känt som det parti, som tog ansvar för sitt land och sina medborgares liv och hälsa!!!!!!!
MILJONTALS MÄNNISKOR i hela världen, kommer att tacka Er och ihågkomma Er för alltid!!!!!!!
SVERIGES MEDBORGARE MÅSTE INFORMERAS om vad som pågår över deras huvuden och att dom OFRIVILLIGT deltar i ett MYCKET DESTRUKTIVT väderexperiment, som innebär att hela svenska befolkningen LÅNGSAMT FÖRGIFTAS och att dom dagligen inandas GIFTIGA TUNGMETALLER, såsom Aluminium, Uran, Arsenik, virus, baciller och andra kemiska partiklar och som REDAN har dödat MÅNGA TUSENTALS människor på planeten och dessutom åsamkat ENORMA LIDANDEN och DÖD bland fåglar, fiskar och andra djur, SAMT åsamkat EXTREM FÖRSTÖRELSE i naturen!!!!!
MED FACIT I HAND om ett par år……
Kommer vi att känna oss STOLTA över oss själva???
ANKLAGA oss själva???
“VARFÖR agerade vi inte I TID, när vi FORTFARANDE hade chansen?????

Med vänliga hälsningar

LINKS in PDF format:


Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare

Developed in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the UN’s World Meteorological Organization, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just published its Fifth Assessment Report [1] and maintains its silence on military weather modification applications which continue to skew the data.

“Extreme weather and climate events” are linked to climate change while no mention is made of government programs deliberately aimed at modifying the weather and inducing earthquakes, drought, rain, and tsunamis.

The modern weather modification program, at least in the US, is over 70 years old. Public service announcements printed in newspapers back in the 1960s warned of government intention to modify the weather.

Life Magazine, back in the 50s and 60s, continually covered US weather modification programs, including Project Stormfury which redirected and reduced hurricane intensity from 1962 to 1983. The IPCC’s continuing and absolute silence on such programs is deafening.

With insider knowledge, a chapter in the 1968 book, Unless Peace Comes: A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons, predicts the development of technologies that will use the planet itself as a weapon. The chapter, “How to Wreck the Environment,” [2] was penned by geophysicist and member of President Johnson’s Science Advisory Committee, Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald, wherein he states:

“The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of the environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy.”

The chapter envisions four planetary weapons which MacDonald predicted would be fully developed by the 21st century, based on the then-current state of research:

  • Climate modification;
  • Earthquake generation;
  • Tsunami generation and direction; and
  • Mass behavior control via electromagnetic manipulation of the ionosphere.

The idea is carried forward in several geoengineering schemes detailed in Eli Kintisch’s Hack the Planet, in a chapter entitled “The Pursuit of Levers,” explained as “small changes in Earth’s system that can have profound global effects.” [3]

As LBJ’s Science Advisor, MacDonald surely knew of the military’s weather modification program known as Operation Popeye, which ran from 1967 thru 1972 in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. By seeding clouds, the US military caused torrential downpours that inhibited enemy truck and troop movements. Initially exposed by investigative journalist Jack Anderson, the existence of the project was later corroborated in The Pentagon Papers.

In 1996, world renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who served on the Bhopal and the Chernobyl Medical Commissions, and was a recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, published “Background on HAARP,” [4] describing Dr. Bernard Eastlund’s brainchild, the US High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, as follows:

“It would be rash to assume that HAARP is an isolated experiment which would not be expanded. It is related to fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere. It would be rash not to associate HAARP with the space laboratory construction which is separately being planned by the United States. HAARP is an integral part of a long history of space research and development of a deliberate military nature.”

In 2000, reports Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Dr Bertell told The Times of London, “US military scientists … are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth’s atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods.” [5]

HAARP’s use of the ionosphere through radio frequencies, explains Dr. Nick Begich, co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, also triggers earthquakes and volcanoes. [6] Begich quotes Clinton’s Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, who said in 1997 at a conference on terrorism:

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” [7]

Pragmatically, the US wouldn’t be worried about such weapons unless they knew with certainty that they were feasible and had, in all likelihood, already developed them itself.

In “Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails,” which was named the 9th most censored story in 2012 by Project Censored, a brief history of known geoengineering events was published. [8] From that report, the IPCC’s co-founder, the World Meteorological Organization, complained six years ago, in 2007, that:

“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” [9]

But the IPCC remains mum on these projects, except to deny they exist, while at the same time urging in its Summary that they must continue or global warming will spike. The 2013 IPCC report states:

“Theory, model studies and observations suggest that some Solar Radiation Management (SRM) methods, if practicable, could substantially offset a global temperature rise and partially offset some other impacts of global warming, but the compensation for the climate change caused by greenhouse gases would be imprecise (high confidence).” [emphasis in original]

To claim that solar radiation management methods (which include chemtrails and HAARP-induced changes) are “unimplemented and untested” is patently absurd, and contradicts a library of evidence.

Geoengineering Patents

On March 26, 2013, the US Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent to Rolls-Royce PLC to prevent contrails from forming. [10] By using an electromagnetic wave generator, contrails would not be visible, nor would artificial clouds develop.

It’s not the first such patent. Back in 1962 the US Air Force wanted to add caustic chemicals to hide contrails and prevent unintentional cirrus cloud formation. Patent No. 3,517,505 was granted eight years later, in 1970. Patent, No. 5,005,355, granted in 1988 to Scipar, Inc., used various species of alcohol, which effectively lowered the freezing point of water to avoid contrail formation. The 2013 patent characterized both of these earlier patents as environmentally inappropriate for commercial purposes.

For a partial list of patents for stratospheric aerial spraying programs from 1917 thru mid-2003, see Lori Kramer’s “Patently Obvious: A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies.” [11] Weather Warfare by Jerry Smith also includes an appendix of HAARP-related patents. [12]

A Note on Persistent Contrails

What some see as chemtrails, the IPCC and others recognize as persistent contrails that are a normal effect of today’s jet exhaust.

In the 2006 book, Weather Warfare, Jerry Smith explains that persistent contrails are not necessarily chemtrails. From the 1990s on, he explains, all jet engines were modified with a “high bypass turbofan” which increased fuel efficiency and, as a side effect, left persistent contrails that hazed into cirrus clouds after several hours. This is the timeframe when chemtrail sightings begin.

The reason today’s jets now form persistent contrails, explains Marshall Smith, a former NASA-Ames aeronautical engineer, is that the sooty particulates in older jet exhaust provided a nucleus around which ice crystals would form (giving us a contrail). But because of its dark color, the sooty particulate absorbed solar energy which melted the ice crystals, dissipating the contrail. Today’s cleaner and thus clearer jet exhaust allows solar energy to pass right through it, and so contrails persist and spread into high cirrus clouds lasting 24-36 hours.

Smith admits that this development does not disprove chemical, biological or metallic dispersants from jets, and he also states that such dispersants can be sprayed without leaving a chemtrail, depending on the particulate, and on the humidity and atmospheric temperature. But, later, in 2009, he published the following:

“‘Chemtrails’ theory then, is that ‘normal’ jet aircraft contrails disappear in a few minutes, whereas ‘chemtrails’ persist for hours, and therefore are not ‘normal’ and must contain some covert element to make them persist…. Persistent jet contrails can be entirely explained by science without having to resort to a ‘conspiracy theory’ scenario. They appear to be no more than the natural result of the introduction of the hi-bypass turbo fan, improved jet fuel (JP-8) and ‘global warming.’” [13]

The transition to more efficient jet fuel and cold-flow additives supports this explanation, but none of that can explain the following image, taken earlier this year in Raglan, New Zealand:

ragland AL 2013Nov3

The dot-dash effects seen in the sky, Smith explains, are the result of the jet exhaust passing thru sections in the atmosphere that are warmer, creating a broken line or dotted contrail. The following image makes that explanation implausible. Instead, it illustrates that as the plane passed, an on-off switch was thrown several times. It’s hardly likely the ambient temperature and humidity uniformly varied where the plane traveled.


The IPCC specifically addressed the impact of global aviation on the atmosphere in a 2000 report, noting that aircraft were then responsible for up to a half a percent of all of Earth’s cirrus cloud coverage, and that cirrus clouds tend to warm the surface of the planet. [14]

Global distribution of net instantaneous radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere in daily and annual average for present (1992) climatic conditions, analyzed contrail cover, and 0.55-µm optical depth of 0.3 (Minnis et al., 1999).

However, the high-bypass turbo fan and better grade fuel do not explain the grid pattern often seen which is clearly not normal air traffic lanes. Below are two images showing the grid pattern. The first, a generic one found on the web , is one of many such images uploaded by concerned citizens who reasonably fail to recognize a normal set of flight lanes.


This next image is a satellite view looking down at the Celebes Sea, showing chemtrails and their shadows. (NASA)

Satellite view of Celebes Sea showing chemtrails and their shadows. (NASA)

Finally, the fine dusting of web-like filaments referred to as chemwebs can be explained by a natural arachnid phenomenon known as Gossamer Showers or Gossamer Filaments. Spiders are known to balloon, spreading their webs over the land for miles. Referred to throughout history, naturalist Henry Christopher McCook wrote about them in his 1890 book, American Spiders and Their Spinningwork. [15]

Unless lab results prove otherwise, these webs are natural and should remain outside the chemtrails discussion.

Impossible to Regulate?

Weather Warfare also spends a good deal of time covering the international agreements against environmental modification (ENMOD). The first major one came in 1978, after the US was exposed for weaponizing weather during the Vietnam War. Smith points out that none of these agreements cover “national defense” which is how governments are able to avoid the ban.

That 1978 agreement specifically objected to hostile use of ENMOD. In 2010, the UN banned friendly ENMOD. [16] The 193-member Convention on Biodiversity agreed by consensus to a moratorium on geoengineering projects and experiments, which governments promptly ignored. With no teeth to that moratorium, it’s not too surprising that such programs continue unabated.

Not two months later, in Cancun, Mexico, at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the IPCC opened the 2010 conference by promoting geoengineering options. [17]

On a practical level, notes the International Risk Governance Council:

“Countries and firms routinely fly various aircraft in the stratosphere, or send rockets through the stratosphere into space. These activities release significant quantities of particles and gases. A requirement for formal prior approval of small field studies, just because they are directed at learning about SRM and its limitations, is probably unenforceable because judging intent is often impossible.” [18]

In Hack the Planet, Kintisch opposes an outright global ban on geoengineering, fearing that governments will simply go underground with it. This is bad, he stresses, because it will “worsen perceptions that [geoengineering is] a quasi-military strategy or a technocratic means of control.” Going further, he states:

“A vibrant community of conspiracy theorists is under the belief that geoengineering is already being deployed by governments by releasing so-called chemtrails in the sky.”

But de facto moratoria already exist for such projects, as mentioned above, and Kintisch lists some others, including the London Protocol, the London Convention and a German restriction limiting iron-seeding to coastal waters only. The only element missing in Kintisch’s reasoning is his refusal to believe that governments have already gone underground with it and that geoengineering is already underway.

Kintisch, like all government propagandists, wields the “conspiracy theorist” label like a club, without once offering any logical counter-argument to explain what thousands of sky watchers have observed and documented with photographs, videos, and soil and water tests.

Conspiracies are argued and decided by the thousands in courts all over the world, every day. Most crimes are not committed by lone actors, yet condemning those who recognize a conspiracy pattern has become a simple and lazy way to crush investigation into inconsistencies in government position statements. Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Wikileaks, along with Daniel Ellsberg, Karen Hudes and W. Mark Felt, certainly prove that governments are the most dangerous conspirators facing humanity today.

Though he offers dozens of reasons why geoengineering the planet would be a bad idea, Kintisch comes out in support of the notion, likening it to a terrarium, “an enclosed controlled garden,” leaving the reader with a sense that planet hacking is a necessary evil that should be regulated.

Modifying the Weather for Profit

In related news, the ecocidal giant, Monsanto, just dropped nearly a billion dollars to get into the weather insurance game, buying Climate Corporation. Forbes reports, “The idea is to sell more data and services to the farmers who already buy Monsanto’s seed and chemicals.” [19]

Already closely tied to the military, how easy would it be for Monsanto to know in advance of a geoengineered drought or deluge? Monsanto expects its climate insurance business to generate $20 billion in revenue beyond its seed and chemical business.

Likewise, how easy would it be for a nation with decades of experience in modifying the weather and in triggering geophysical events to create the problem of climate change (or exaggerate its significance) to induce the world into approving, even demanding, geoengineering? With decades of patents providing a history of capabilities, could this entire drama, including “extreme weather events” be orchestrated for the simple pursuit of profit?

Isn’t this precisely how the Hegelian Dialect works? Problem→Reaction→Solution (Thesis→Antithesis→Synthesis). In other words, those in a position of power invent a problem, anticipating the public’s reaction to it, and use that reaction to generate demand for the “solution” which was the intended program power-holders wanted to implement in the first place.

At the very least, while the veil may be lifting on geoengineering practices, there is still an apparent effort to conceal the extent to which the planet is already being engineered.


[1] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis,” Sept. 2013 at http://www.climatechange2013.org/report/. The following link is to the Summary, downloaded Nov. 2, 2013 (in case the original Summary is modified in the future): http://abact.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/ipcc-policy-summary-2013.pdf

[2] Nigel Calder, Ed. Unless Peace Comes: A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons, Allen Lane Publishers, London, 1968. Cited chapter by Gordon J. F. MacDonald, ‘How to Wreck the Environment,’ available at http://coto2.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/1968-macdonald-how-to-wreck-the-planet.pdf

[3] Eli Kintisch, Hack the Planet: Science’s Best Hope or Worst Nightmare for Averting Climate Catastrophe. John Wiley & Sons. 2010.

[4] Sister Dr. Rosalie Bertell, “Background on HAARP,” 1996. Available at http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/212/45492.html

[5] Michel Chossudovsky, “Washington’s New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change,” 4 Jan. 2002. Available at http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO201A.html

[6] Nick Begich. Interview by Russell Scott, The West Coast Truth. “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP & Tesla Technology w/ Dr. Nick Begich ,” 22 Sept. 2012. Available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33XGrXK6jnI

[7] William S. Cohen, “Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy,” Sam Nunn Policy Forum, Conference on Terrorism. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. 28 April 1997. Speech. Available at http://www.fas.org/news/usa/1997/04/bmd970429d.htm

[8] Rady Ananda, “Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails,” Global Research, 30 July 2010. Available at http://www.globalresearch.ca/atmospheric-geoengineering-weather-manipulation-contrails-and-chemtrails/20369

[9] World Meteorological Organization, “Executive Summary of the WMO Statement on Weather Modification,” WMO Documents on Weather Modification Approved by the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences Management Group, Second Session, Oslo, Norway, 24-26 September 2007. CAS-MG2/Doc 4.4.1, Appendix C. Available at http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/arep/wwrp/new/documents/WM_statement_guidelines_approved.pdf

[10] Frank G Noppel, et al., (assigned to Rolls-Royce PLC). “Method and apparatus for suppressing aeroengine contrails.” Patent No. 8,402,736. 26 March 2013. Available at http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=8402736.PN.&OS=PN/8402736&RS=PN/8402736

[11] Lori Kramer, “Patently Obvious: A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies, n.d. Available at http://www.seektress.com/patlist.htm

[12] Jerry Smith, Weather Warfare: The Military’s Plan to Draft Mother Nature, Adventures Unlimited Press: 2006.

[13] Jerry Smith, “The Painful Truth About ‘Chemtrails,” Sovereign Mind Magazine: May/June 2009. Available at http://www.jerryesmith.com/index.php/156

[14] Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Aviation and the Global Atmosphere,” November 2000. Available at http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/sres/aviation/

[15] Henry Christopher McCook, American Spiders and Their Spinningwork, Vol. II. Self-published, 1890. Available at Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/search?searchTerm=mccook+spiders#/titles

[16] ETC Group, “BREAKING: UN Bans Chemtrails,” 28 Oct. 2010. Available at http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/10/28/un-votes-to-ban-chemtrails/

[17] Rady Ananda, “UN Climate Concern Morphs into Chemtrail Glee Club,” 6 Dec. 2010. Available at http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/un-climate-concern-morphs-into-chemtrail-glee-club/

[18] M. Granger Morgan and Katharine Ricke, “Cooling the Earth Through Solar Radiation Management: The need for research and an approach to its governance,” International Risk Governance Council, 2010. Available at http://www.irgc.org/IMG/pdf/SRM_Opinion_Piece_web.pdf

[19] Bruce Upbin, “Monsanto Buys Climate Corp for $930 Million,” 2 Oct. 2013. Available at http://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2013/10/02/monsanto-buys-climate-corp-for-930-million/




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