Always We begin to investigate what is the real thing or the fake one. Many do not understand what is all but we always accept the good or bad opinions.
In many of our missions out on the streets we hear about GOD or Jesus but after 5 min whit God will save you…..bla bla bla . we ask if the GOD can cure the world of governments corruption and bad systems. Well…. always the prechers respond back whit same Q: What religion you have?
3:) Here they came in ANONYMOUS ZONE and here they never respond to our Qs! 3:)
Anonymous Zone is one danger place to all this brainwashing humans robots what they can read one book and pushing on replay mode they can read from there minds out in the world.
Nobody can respond where is God now and where was in time of Killing of Palestina Kids or Somalia ,Irak , Cuveit or anothere country what GOD bring the Democracy there.
GOD is not here or is in one remote iceland out of naval trafic.
About religions we mast keep one Diplomatic profile but we do not eat shit and now we will ask you in which GOD you mast trust?
The CHURCH begin do be one profitable busniess and you sleep and do not wach.
All can pray to GOD or somthing but never look what do the prists or cardinals. WHY?
How many cars or Houses they have from your charity?
How many homeless have food or hauses from Church pokets for all there lifes?
What make all cardinals in nights of partys?
Hmmm……. We have many more Qs but we let People to put them and this is good way to wake up in this all shit about religions.
Now what is the second G.O.D. ?
Here all have one opinion what is good to be out on streets and speak about the tru G.O.D. of Governments ,Systems and Church.
G – In GOLD we trust!
O – In OIL we trust!
D – In DRUGS we trust!
we can make from IN GOD WE TRUST! this too what is the reality in 100% countrys of our World.
In GREED we Trust! but We will let the people to comment and put there what they belive.
In ………….. we trust! this is the model and many can speak about that.
What make the systems ,Corps , Govenments and Curches whit our lifes we see on the streets or in our account from Bank but never we speak free about that.
Now we will let the people to speak about there real belives and try to take out from there lifes.