Welcome in our Matrix World !
Many people ask us on Fedbook and mail why or how they will survive to the new threat about Ebola.
Well…. let remind the people one little facts from our universal HISTORY and is very intresting how people understend what they read or hear.
After many emails and many Q from People we begin to inverstigate how ebola came in our worldand what we mast do to kill this Laboratory virus.
All starts many years ago in Sierra Leone. One little country from Africa nice and worm whit one economy not big or on top of the world. Intresting is the ideea of how drive the country and why CIA use Sierra Leone like one Test Grownd for Bio Wapens.
Here all have little info about this country :
The HIV we remember , begin to spred in the world from Sierra Leone and many more desises but well like always From Sierra Leone begin to spred the AirBorn new Ebola CIA Lab Virus like Hiv long time ago.
We do not think like normal people and we dont belive what the government propaganda what people to belive and yes begin to investigate this new Staged Ebola Crisiss.
One curios fact is about MEDIA what have all info inan the tru Experts to speak out or to be one leak from inside of government.
We look first time on media and yes many Ebola Events are STAGED by CNN or FOX and we whant to say thx for one great horror movie whit many Crisiss Actors but like always what is to much mast be stopt or will be to Gore.
In our arhive and whit help of many Anonymous from more countrys we begin to make one spider web to see how the Governamental flys came in .
Well in time investigate all the movies and the news we can say the truth about this Ebola thing created to spred FEAR to obey the people for more use or needs. Governamental needs not Yours! But we mast begin whit nr 1. ;)
THE first Q was : How to protect the People from Ebola?
Well… Here are many ways to protect but the first one is to understand what is Ebola and How they SPRED this virus. The CURE EXISTS but this virus is used like one Psi terror over the People. CIA HAVE THE CURE and we try to find this . Will take little time.
Nobody can run from one AirBorn virus. You can contact this virus in one raining day runing in park or on road to work and this is the reality over the DROP ZONE what CIA choose to have from the map.
2. What Is Ebola?
Ebola is one Laboratory Virus what is created and spred artificialy in our world over zones whit help of Geo engineering Project Haarp. Like HIV can be killd and like always exist one ANTIDOT for the Virus. All victims can be cured if They whant.
3. How we can find the biginig of this infection?
Here more people have many ideeas but logic is to find the first place of DropZone and investigate how the virus Apears in the world.
Always is one TEST ZONE and this test zone for Ebola is Sierra Leone Owned by CIA and Co.
In many ways we ask why Sierra Leone was the Test Zone for this Lab Virus but well if you look in the history of wather and geographic you will see why ;). All have up the info about this little country ( PFD MODE ).
4. Why Ebola Apears in our world?
Here whit big smile we can say for profit of the NWO. :)
Now in serios mode this thret apears to make the people obey to one condition. FOR EXAMPLE : GO IN FEMA CAMPS FOR “PROTECTION” , TAKE “BILL GATES VACCINS” , m. m. Always for the Government profit not the People Profit. ( Look in AGENDA 21 ).
5. Why the People do not react over this lie?
People react over this lie and yes is hard for the Governments to keep the lie on this mater. More people from Systems and normal ones begin to wake up and see the truth. Many reserchers begin to speak and put info for people on internet But just your self can understend what is on road and why you are just one Lab Ratt in this big Matrix.
Wird Things whit EBOLA :
Now we will ask the truth :
Owners of BioWeapens Lab in SIERRA LEONE: