Domnule Iohannis,
Azi 17.11.2014 dumneavoastra ati devenit Presedintele Romaniei. O mare raspundere avand in vedere la cat de zbuciumata si asuprita e aceasta tara iar acum aveti o raspundere mai mare decat poate va ganditi.
Totusi privind logic desfasurarea alegerilor si organizarea lor putem considera ca fraudele masive si nerespectarea dreptului de vot al tuturor romanilor ca si acceptarea inselaciunii din primul tur nu va puteti bucura 100% de castigarea unui post important in stat pe o inselaciune masiva vazuta de tot mapamondul.
In spritul dreptatii si a onoarei dorim sa va amintim ca acest drept constitutional al omului liber a fost incalcat masiv de catre coruptii tarii iar oamenii au fost pusi sa voteze intr-un tur 2 care nici nu ar fii trebuit sa existe. Oricine ar fii candidat impotriva lui Ponta ar fii castigat chiar si in alegeri normale si nealterate de inselaciunile masinii de propaganda comunista. Multe legi sunt gresit date si conduse prin ordonante care se bat cap in cap dar la alegerile prezidentiale de anul acesta a fost incalcat masiv DREPTUL LA LIBERA ALEGERE A ELECTORATULUI. Stiti foarte bine ca acest lucru nu se poate lua alegatorului pentru ca in felul acesta Presedintele nu reprezinta poporul Roman.
Considerand o cauza nobila si onoarea o virtute Va cerem sa sa reorganizati alegerile in mod echitabil si egal fara a folosii masina de propaganda mincinoasa si a tertipurilor folosite de guvernanti pana acum.
Nu consideram ca noiile alegeri cu adevarat libere dupa 25 de ani ar afecta prima decizie din actualul simulacru al acestor alegeri deoarece oricine ar fii candidat contra domnului Ponta ar fii castigat.
Va recomandam calduros in numele Romanilor Liberi ( cu adevarat liberi ) ca inainte de a va spune parerea dv in legatura cu aceasta scrisoare deschisa sa va ganditi ca ati fii primul presedinte ales de 100% din romani iar lucrul acesta nu il obtine oricine.
Trebuie sa recunoastem ca aceasta votare ca si prezenta la vot a fost un vot de RAZBUNARE al ROMANILOR nu unul de alegere a unui presedinte in mod democratic. Chestia aceasta o stiti bine si dv. iar alegerile acestea ar fii o pata pe obrazul presedintelui Romaniei daca nu ar fii indereptata. Va rugam ca timpul care il aveti sus in cel mai inalt post al Romaniei Mari sa il folositi cat mai util spre a curata clasa politica de profitori si sobolani politici.
Un Presedinte Drept si cu Coloana Vertebrala nu isi poate permite aceasta pata a actualelor alegeri in ghilimele datorita masinii de propaganda comunista.
Alegerea oamenilor nu poate fii dezbatuta si respectam 100% alegerea lor dar sunt si multe greseli legislative care pot dauna. Momentan ca ales al POPORULUI ROMAN ( de la Homeless pana la cele mai inalte structuri ) va felicitam ca ati devenit cel mai puternic om in Romania.
Este o decizie de onoare a indrepta lucrurile in sistemul judiciar , economic si media precum si social ca apoi sa se organizeze noi alegeri CORECTE monitorizate de toata Lumea ca apoi sa se recupereze tara cu adevarat si LIBERTATEA atat de discutata dar ingradita in realitate.
Momentan va consideram omul ales de Popor pentru a indrepta faradelegile sistemului romanesc corupt dar sa nu uitam ca aceasta alegere este ca o sabie cu doua taisuri iar Omul ales va trebui sa aibe experienta si forta pentru a o putea manuii.
In speranta ca RATIUNEA SI ONOAREA va vor indruma pasii spre a indrepta acum in al 12-lea ceas lucrurile stricate de catre celalalt guvern asteptam cu interes ziua in care ROMANUL va alege cu adevarat liber propiul lui PRESEDINTE.
Mr. Iohannis,
Today 17.11.2014 you become the President of Romania. A big responsibility considering how tumultuous and asuprita is this country and now you have a greater responsibility than you may think.
However logical the elections and their organization can consider as a massive fraud and violation of voting rights of all Romanians like accepting inselaciunii does in the first round you can enjoy 100% of winning a post in the State on a massive fraud seen all over the world.
In the spirit of Justice and honor, we would like to recall that this constitutional right of free man was massively violated by the right wing of the country and people were forced to vote in a lap 2 that neither would be supposed to exist. Anyone would be against his candidate would be Ponta won even in normal elections and unspoiled deceptions communist propaganda machine. Many laws are wrong and ordinances which are led through the bat head in the head but in this year’s presidential election was massively violated the RIGHT to FREE CHOICE of the electorate. You know very well that this can’t get voter because in this way the President does not represent the Roman populace.
Consider a noble cause and honor Will ask for a virtue to be fair elections reorganizati and evenly without using false propaganda machine and tertipurilor used by governors until now.
I don’t believe that noiile really free election after 25 years would affect the first decision of the current semblance of this election because everyone would be a candidate against Mr Palacios would be won.
We recommend warmly on behalf of the Romans Free (really free) as before will tell you your opinion concerning this open letter to you think you be the first elected President of 100% of the Romans and it doesn’t get anyone.
We must recognize that this vote as the vote was a vote for revenge of the Romans not one for election of a President democratically. It’s a thing you know well and dv. While these elections would be a stain on the face of the President of Romania if it wouldn’t be indereptata. Please check that you have time up in the highest post of the country Great to use it as useful to cleanse politics of class war profiteers and political rats.
A President with the spine straight and can not afford this stain to the current choices in quotes due to the communist propaganda machine.
People’s choice may not be addressed together and respect 100% their choice but there are many legislative mistakes that can damage. Currently, as a candidate of the ROMAN PEOPLE (from the Homeless to the tallest structures) congratulations you have become the most powerful man in Romania.
It is a decision of straighten things in the justice system, economic and social media and then organize new fair elections monitored by everyone and then to recapture the country really FREE so discussed but closed in reality.
There will we consider the man elected by the people to straighten the wrongdoings of the Romanian system corrupted but let’s not forget that this election is like a sword with two slots, while the man chosen you will need to have the experience and strength to be able to manuii.
In the hope that REASON and HONOR will guide you steps to take now in 12th-century clock broken by the other things Government we look forward to the day that THIS NOVEL will choose freely his own really President.