PASTEBIN ~ http://pastebin.com/x9vXVSbj
N i do this for you my beloved sister<3
________ ___ ___ _____ ___ __ ________
|\ __ \|\ \|\ \ / __ \|\ \|\ \ |\_____ \ FREE ANAKATA and the swedish people
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\ \ ____\ \ __ \|/ \ \ \ \ ___ \ \|\ \
\ \ \___|\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ __\_\ \ dont worry bro -=>PH1K3<=- got your back!
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nothin can stop a phreaker and a hacker
This is for all you out their who want to revenge anakata or fuck with the swedish gov!
the social service in sweden is corrupt !
and its time to take action rather then waiting for others to do so.
link to proof of corrupt the social service is: ~ http://pastebin.com/49Kprquk
Read all before you try to exploit
The vuln i found can be exploited using sqli
btw the swedish gov is gonna try to fix this bug i found as soon as they see this so exploit all you can and leak it all!
Vuln sites:
the vuln:
they usage an opensource table/application called troint,its pretty bad coded but its free haha..
this php application is vuln to sqli!
i found this using the dork:.se/troint/detail_namndstyrelse.asp?
when exploited: you have to do it manually so sqlmap doesnt work(what a bummer right?..)
why cant we exploit it with sqlmap? cuz they have a waf(webb application firewall) that blocks request
bypassing it:
here is a great paper on how to bypass a firewall and sqli:http://www.exploit-db.com/papers/17934/
insteed of union select 1,2,3–
and so on until u got all the tables
Their firewall:
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-03-05 16:38 CET
Nmap scan report for vip09.vgregion.se (
Host is up (0.070s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
80/tcp open http
| http-waf-fingerprint:
| Detected WAF
|_ ISA Server
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.30 seconds