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FINLAND and ISRAEL’S SECRET ARMS DEAL ~ Finland Anonymous Says ~ Get your hands off Gaza and Palestine








Finland and Israel’s secret arms deal

Kai Hirvasnoro
The Ministry of Defence is buying in Gaza testedunmanned planes 17 million.

More than 250 science, art and politics, people familiar with the scope of claims in Finland and Israel, between the cessation of the arms trade.

“Finland is a trade policy choices provided substantial support for the Israeli arms industry‘s largest companies, which will contribute to the State of Israel and the Palestinian conflict continued,” they justify their position on the petition, to be submitted to the foreign and defense ministry on Tuesday of next week.

Petition is backed by human rights organization ICAHD Finland. It is in Israel to work organization ICAHD Finland Chamber. The Israeli organization founded in 1997 to oppose the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and especially the destruction of Palestinian houses there.

The feature that makes the case that, in 2010, launched a petition is signed even if the former, but now the current Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja. At the same time, Finland and Israel working on a new arms. And, moreover, the parliament has recently approved in Finland and Israel agreement, which makes the secret stores in the future.
The second largest exporter of missile technology

The Defence Committee has already approved in May last year signed contract.

“The agreement is designed to ensure access to confidential information to and protection between Finland and Israel Parties to the defense and security procurement or between the defense and security research, acquisition or production and projects,” the committee says.

Agreement to provide justification for the Finnish defense and security industry an opportunity to orders, the implementation of which requires access to Israel’s security classified information.

Finland is without any agreement been a major trading partner of the Israeli arms industry. In 2004-2007, Finland was the second largest exporter of missile technology to Israel. Similarly, Finland has since 1999 acquired the weapons the Israelis more than 152 million. ICAHDin petition states Finnish trade in these policy choices have supported a substantial Israeli arms industry‘s largest companies, which will contribute to the State of Israel and the Palestinian conflict to continue.
The finalists will be killed in Gaza

Being between Finland and Israel is running a new large arms. The Ministry of Defence is acquiring unmanned aircraft more than 17 million Israeli gun company. Competitive bidding is underway, which will be resolved within two israelilaisyhtiön BlueBird Aero Systems and Aeronautics Defense Systems in. Both are developing products in cooperation with the Israeli armed forces.

ICAHD Finland, the finalists of the second, Aeronautics, control technology is used in the so-called turvamuurissa between Israel and the West Bank. International Court of Justice has defined the wall illegal.

Another finalist BlueBird, in turn, praises SpyLite-model of the battle tested”.

One of those battles had taken place in 2009, a three-week assault on Gaza, the Israeli air force unmanned aircraft killed at least 87 civilians. Was used in the attack, as well as the Bluebird Aeronautics developed by weapons.

ICAHD Finland considers petition that led to Finland and Israel arms trade between at least cautiously negative treatment of major Finnish media.

The bill would make it difficult for such a public debate considerably, which may be the whole point”

Translated from Finnish into English by Google Translate ~ http://www.kansanuutiset.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/2754322/suomen-ja-israelin-asekaupat-salaisiksi



Helsinki was shown for the third time view of Israel Gaza attack. The demonstration has become a folk movement - designed to meet every Saturday from 15:00 to Parliament House until Israel comes to its senses.

Supplier of: Hossein Bahmanpour
27/07/2014, Verkkomedia.org

Held in Helsinki in the thirdHands off Gaza!” Demonstration

Demonstration is therefore formed the People’s movement. Primary objective is to stop the Israeli aggression and the blockade of Gaza, but also in Finland waged by the arms trade with Israel.

The third in the series on demonstration against the war took part in a large number of Palestinian friends

The event attracted a very large audience, the larger the friends of Israel on Thursday, organized the demonstration, which was MTV3 news that participated in the “hundreds” of people (1). Everyone can draw their own conclusions, comparing the events captured images and videos.

Israel’s support for the demonstration in the video properly said to be the region of Ostrobothnia have been brought up to the site of the Pentecostal Assemblies of grandmas bussikyydeillä. There are also, of course, Israel’s ambassador, which is a violation of international diplomatic protocol, participated in a demonstration in the country, where she works as a representative of (2).

Torque is the Palestinian side and the demonstration the number of participants has increased each time. Grapevine, social media, Web media and, of course, have all been active in kansanliikehdinnästä communicators.

This video greetings to your message:

More Pictures from the event can be found here:


Update on the Gaza conflict

The conflict has claimed more than a thousand Palestinian lives. It is estimated that 80% of Israel’s killing of Palestinians have been civilians. Israel, on the other side of the affection of more than 32 people dead, two of which were civilians.

Also read: Hezbollah learned from the tactics of Hamas‘s success ~ http://www.verkkomedia.org/news.asp?mode=4&id=11330

The situation in Israel / Palestine regimen compared to Finland

It goes without saying that Palestinians to defend themselves engaged in genocide against occupation. Israel does not have any intention to stop the expansion of illegal settlements. Israel is not at all to be empathetic to end the blockade of Gaza - the blockade is the practice of some two million people a collective punishment. Israel does not have any real desire for peace.

See also: Israel’s water policy in the Palestinian territories ~ http://www.verkkomedia.org/news.asp?mode=4&id=11326

Israel complains 20-pound rockets of Hamas, which it shoots as part of the armed resistance to the IDF, while at the same time to drop several fold higher than in the Gaza Strip, which is the most densely populated areas in the world - more than 1 000 kg bombs.

The madness has grown to such dimensions that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli defense talks about the devastation caused sound like Orwell’s nightmare. Netanyahu‘s latest claim is that “Hamas is trying to get Israel look bad in loss of life(3).

It is therefore necessary to Hamas that the Israeli bombs kill huge amounts of civilian people? Netanyahu is firmly of the opinion that the Israeli bombs would offer the Palestinians a coffee and cake, if Hamas does not tökkisi them with needles, huh?

See also: http://www.verkkomedia.org/news.asp?mode=4&id=11308
International Quds Day 2014 - Online Media was awarded the Palestine crisis information

International Quds Day was celebrated for the first time in Finland. Quds Day was celebrated in the form of a seminar, and Palestine attended the event in support of persons who in various ways to increase the awareness of Finnish society, the Palestinian crisis.

25/07/2014, Verkkomedia.org

Hossein Bahmanpour


(1) http://www.mtv.fi/uutiset/kotimaa/artikkeli/israelia-puolustettiin-eduskuntatalolla-konfliktista-kerrotaan-yksipuolisesti/3546750

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DQiDh2A4xI

(3) http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-netanyahu-says-hamas-using-rising-death-toll-to-make-israel-look-bad-9617583.html

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Translated From Finnish Into English by Google Translate ~ http://www.verkkomedia.org/news.asp?mode=2&id=11331



Finland has two truths in MarchMiddle East violence heats also very Finnish feelings. Bruno Jäntti keep the crisis in the Palestinian side, the politician Mr Takkula are the men of Israel. Only one thing they agree on: the media does not give an objective picture of the crisis.
07.28.2014 8:07 48Pekka MykkänenHelsingin Sanomat
Former eurokansanedustaja Mr Takkula (Centre) is a passionate supporter of Israel, which noted that the recent violence is totally worth extremist organization Hamas. Takkula crisis is also a very personal thing, because his sister lives 30 miles from the Gaza border. Takkula was a speaker about a thousand people supporting Israel demonstration in front of the Parliament House on Thursday. Supplier of: Pekka Mykkänen, Description: Jani Viskari.For many Finns, summer is the time to calm down: pulahtelua into the lake, turning scheme grillitassujen and day trips with the kids to amusement parks. But not all are able assistant. Their thoughts are elsewhere in the Middle East.

Kirsti Palonen, 67, is one of those whose hearts have been this summer, especially in a troubled state. Last week, on Saturday Palonen attended the demonstration, which was called “Hands off Gaza“. The procession began, Parliament House and ended up in the Israeli embassy. The demonstrators were taken a strong stance on the Israeli-Palestinian war on your stomach.

“The U.S. is a terrorist! Israel is a murderer!cried the crowd, with the organizers that about 400 people.

One protester was glued the poster copy of a painting of Albert Edelfelt Boys Playing on the beach. Over the image he had written the words “Israeli target.” It was a reference to the four little lad, who were killed in the Israeli attack gazalaisrannalle on July 16.

A couple of days after the demonstration Palonen sat down and opened the computer. He sent an email to Helsingin Sanomat. Palonen believes that the kingdom should tell you the number one journal in more depth what it means to the ordinary life of the people of Gaza by Israeli bombing in the middle of what there really is.

Palonen connector e-mail translated by personal stories that have been published in Gaza, the sounds” website. In one of them the mother of two little boys Ghadeer Al-Omari, 36, says fears. At night, he is afraid to sleep because of all the ideas of the protection of children.

I have to stay awake, monitored the situation around so that I could decide on the basis of gunfire sounds, can I keep my son in the room or do I have to transfer them to another. - Our bodies tremble and our hearts are beating the air strike. Undaunted by I try to be so small my son did not start to worry about, but sometimes just fail badly!

Palonen explicitly acknowledges that he has chosen a side. The Palestinian emergency in his opinion, more than the Israelis. Palonen of the Palestinian extremist organization Hamas will certainly not right while firing rockets at Israeli civilians in residential areas, but they caused the damage for the civilians is much lower in the Israeli actions.

Much greater injustice Palonen view is that Israel will strike civilian targets such as hospitals and homes, even though Israel has a highly advanced weapons technology and the ability to make accurate bombing.

Yes, I’m biased. Be my weak side. Jews of Israel are the victims, but it does not justify them with the uhriuttamaan others,” he says.
Sami Kilpiö
Bruno Jäntti (left) to keep the crisis the Palestinian side, the politician Mr Takkula are the men of Israel.
Bruno Jäntti (left) to keep the crisis the Palestinian side, the politician Mr Takkula are the men of Israel.

Sami Kilpiö
Activist Autumn Räsänen spoke of Palestine defends protest on Saturday.
Activist Autumn Räsänen spoke of Palestine defends protest on Saturday.

Palonen Palestinian issue is also a very personal, as he has once visited Gaza and Lebanon, the Palestinian camps numerous times since the 1990s. Palonen is a practicing psychologist and psychotherapist, psychologist who participates in social responsibility projects in Lebanon.

He has helped survivors of the armed conflict refugees mentally feet. Travels in the Middle East is painfully accumulated in-depth understanding of what war means in people’s lives.

A number of encounters with Palestinians has been useful in the home in Finland. Palonen has helped, among other things, the Asian tsunami and the school shootings in Jokela traumatized people.

Thursday of this week in front of the Parliament building was again bustle, even if the MPs are in summer pastures. This time, Israel is called a murderer, but a protective state to its citizens, with the right to self-defense.

One of the demonstration called personalities was a former MEP Hannu Takkula (Centre Party). The demonstration was the invitation he had been described as a fan of the Israel.

Translated from Finnish Into English by Google Translate ~ http://www.hs.fi/sunnuntai/a1406341743365

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