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APPLE #4015

This is urgent…please Read N Share

Be careful Dangerous Full of Pesticide Apple From USA to India…

This is a ‘4015 Red Delicious’ apple (USA) which my frend have bought from one of the local market in India. which is full of pesticide grown And also no information was displayed about the wax (if it is edible, how toxic it is etc.) anywhere in the store.

You’ll be surprised to know that those stickers tell you whether or not a product is organic, conventionally grown or genetically modified.

A conventionally grown product (grown with chemical assistance) will have a 4 digit code. (Example: conventionally grown Red Delicious apple: 4015)

An organic product will have a 5 digit code starting with the number 9. (Example: organic Red Delicious apple: 94015)

A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) product will have a 5 digit code starting with the number 8. (Example: GMO Red Delicious apple: 84015)

Please spread this valuable information to the ones you love…

This message circulating on Facebook and other social networking platforms warns people about the ‘4015 Red Delicious’ apple, supposedly from USA. It raises concern that those particular apples sold in Indian markets are genetically engineered, with full of pesticide growth and also have harmful wax coating. The claims are mixture of hoax and facts.

Before disc ussing the facts, let us first understand the concerns rose in the message. Many people understand the difference between Organic and GMO food produce, but not all may be aware of the conventional foods.

Conventional Foods

Conventional foods are produced using farming methods that employ synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides that also get absorbed into the soil, which again affects the next produce. This is because conventional farming uses monoculture for mass production, i.e. the crops are planted at the same place again and again. This is the reason why the conventional foods are considered less healthy.

Waxing of Apples

As mentioned in the message, the waxing of apples is a known issue these days. Fruits and vegetables like apples, peaches, citrus fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers are often coated with wax. This is done to help prevent their damage and increase their shelf life. Ideally, the wax used to coat apples and others should be edible one which is safe to consume, however, some unscrupulous producers can coat apples with petroleum-based waxes that are harmful for human health. You can read about it in detail here. In that article, you can also learn how to safeguard yourself from this kind of damage.

Stickers and Labeling

The stickers used over apples sold in the markets and their labeling has somewhat different story to it. The stickers are generally used for fresh, unprocessed foods and the labeling of code, i.e. the Price Look Up (PLU) code is administered by IFPS, the International Federation for Produce Standards. The Price Look Up (PLU) codes are 4 or 5 digit numbers which have been used by supermarkets since 1990 to make check out and inventory control easier, faster, and more accurate.

According to the IFPS standard, the 4 digit codes are for conventionally grown produce and the 5 digit codes are used to identify organic or genetically modified produce. In case of a genetically modified produce, a prefix of ‘8’ would be placed in front of the 4 digit code of the food product, and the prefix of ‘9’ would be placed in front of the 4 digit code in case of organic produce. But it is important to note that very few producers use this kind of coding, especially considering the GMO concerns around the world. Moreover PLU codes are not designed for the benefit of the consumers.

So if you need to know how a particular food product is grown, you have to look for the indicators like ‘GMO-free’, ‘non-GMO’, ‘Organic’ or ‘100% Organic’. And if you have the PLU code and like to know some information about it, you can search for the code here. A search for the PLU code ‘4015’ does say that the product is Red Delicious Apple with a botanical name Malus pumila, but apart from America, it also shows that those variety of apples are available in other countries of Europe, middle east and Africa.


Conventional vs. Organic vs. GMOs
What is used on conventionally grown fruits and vegetables to prolong their shelf life?
IFPS – Produce PLU Codes

APPLE #4021

Sources of GMOs  Ninety percent, that’s right, 90% or more of ALL corn, soybeans, rice, canola and cottonseed oils, and sugar beets grown in the U.S. are genetically modified! Often found in processed foods, GMOs are also found in fruits and vegetables and in alarming quantities in animal feed.

  • ALL processed food items contain at least one or more genetically modified ingredients.
  • Your favorite breakfast cereal is another item with a high level of GMOs.
  • Dairy products from cows injected with rbGM, a GM hormone
  • Meat and eggs from animals that have eaten GM feed (i.e. corn and soy)
  • Food additives, enzymes, flavorings, and processing agents, including the sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet®), and rennet used to make hard cheeses
  • Flaxseed oil and vegetable oils
  • Honey and bee pollen that may have GM sources of pollen
  • Non-food items that may contain GM ingredients include cosmetics,  shampoo, bubble bath, soaps and detergents, Pharmaceutical companies use Aspartame in some laxatives, supplements and children’s vitamins.

Dangers of GM Foods  A study published in the Journal of Biological Science revealed numerous health hazards from GMOs and pesticides, specifically liver and kidney function, and the heart, adrenal, spleen and blood cells.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) reported several studies indicating serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, increased food sensitivities, autism, arthritis, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The AAEM asked physicians to advise patients to avoid GM foods. Children, newborns and pregnant women face the greatest potential hazards from GM food.

Are the Fruits and Vegetables You Buy GM (genetically modified)? There are unique codes for organic, conventionally grown and genetically modified items. When shopping for fruits and vegetables, you’ll notice a PLU code on the sticker which is usually 4 digits. The numbers on the sticker can tell you if the item is genetically modified!

A fifth digit may be prefixed to the code. This fifth digit indicates whether the fruit or vegetable is organic (prefixed by the numeral 9), or whether the fruit or vegetable is GM (prefixed by an 8).

PLU Codes

  • Conventional  Grown with chemicals. The PLU code consists of 4 numbers
  • GM  Genetically modified. The PLU code is prefaced with a number 8
  • Organic  The PLU code is prefaced with a number 9
  • A conventionally grown apple would be: 4021
  • A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) apple would be: 84021
  • An organic apple would be: 94021

Processed foods are genetically modified foods that don’t carry PLU codes. Ingredients in processed food, specifically corn, canola oil and soy are genetically modified foods.

Other Foods that May Contain GM Ingredients  Infant formula, peanut butter, protein powder, beer and alcohol, salad dressing, bread, cereal, cereals, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy and chewing gum, fried food, chips, margarine, mayonnaise, hamburgers and hotdogs, veggie burgers, meat substitutes, ice cream, frozen yogurt, tofu, tamari, soy sauce, soy cheese, tomato sauce, baking powder, vanilla, powdered sugar, enriched flour and pasta.

How to Avoid GMOs

  • Educate yourself on how to avoid GM foods
  • Shop at your local farmer’s market
  • When eating at a restaurant, ask what oil they cook with
  • Read the list of ingredients. Specifically, avoid these risky ingredients:
    • Soybeans (soybean oil, soy protein, soy lecithin, soy milk, tofu, and other soy-based ingredients)
    • Corn (corn oil, cornmeal, cornstarch and other corn-based ingredients)
    • Canola (canola oil) and Cottonseed (cottonseed oil)
    • Sugar Beets (listed as “sugar” on the list of ingredients)
    • Most Hawaiian papaya
  • Buy only certified-organic products labeled as “100% organic,” “organic,” or “made with organic ingredients”
  • Look for “verified non-GMO” labeling

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