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How is to be on Swedish Police black list


On the police blacklist …!
One cannot help the way you’re born.
One cannot help if you have a medical condition for example ADHD just as little as you can control whether you grow long or short. Being targeted just because one is born with such a handicap is unthinkable according to most Swedes.
Unfortunately, it’s wrong, here is a brief summary of what a guy is exposed to, and the only reason is that he must take medicine because he has ADHD.
Being Targeted …!
This guy was born in 1989, we can call him Freddie for simplicity.
He was born with ADHD, diagnosed and medicated for it.
He has been eating both Concerta and Ritalin and a combination thereof, today he is medicated with Strattera.
All of them are approved by the authorities as medication for ADHD, and shall not in any way effect the ability to get a driver’s license or driving a car.
It’s more than once a week he stopped and the excuses vary in fact as soon as he leaves home and they sees that he is out driving so he is stopped, or they drive behind in search of the smallest excuse.
They have at various times accused him of various things ranging from theft to speeding and the goal has always been the same, searching through his car, and submit him to take drug tests, even though they are very well aware that the only thing he does take is his medicine, and that he has the recipe for.
At one point they pursued him for over an hour, then stopped him and said that he drove too fast and the two policemen confirmed each other’s history and he lost the license for three months , despite the lack of normal evidence in speeding (filming, photography or similar).
This is not only in the city where he lives but in the entire area covered by the central town of Lulea, ie the whole of Norrbotten.
The latest in the series of events is a type example of what he encounters as soon as he leaves home.
He was going to Piteå since he had a offer about a job there, and thought that he could go there the night before and visit good friends.
He had barely inside the city limits and of cause love and behold… there appeared a police car, and apparently they did a so called QP, and saw the vehicle was registered to him, and that it had re-checkup in about a month, the vehicle was not covered with a driving ban or otherwise illegal, but had some details that are not of traffic safety standpoints, and the car in question is registered as what is known as a light lorry.
He was stopped at a gas station just inside the city limits by the police car and asked to show the vehicle papers he did and they were checked through.
He was then informed that he was not desirable in this municipality and that they would escort him to the municipal boundary, and if he refused … (unspoken threat).
This happened in front of about ten witnesses, and he because of his previous experience had a call connected, and people who were listening in on exactly what went on.
He was escorted then to the municipal boundary and then the patrol turned back to the city, the job, he could not apply for because he did not dare to return.
This is not mentioned with a single row in the police incident reporting, it was thus neglected, despite the fact that there were witnesses.
This is just the latest example of how he was prevented from doing things that others take for granted..
Should he want to go and buy food, fear creates a knot in his stomach.. Will they start again?
To go and meet a girl or hangout with friends, he hesitates because he knows what awaits him as soon as he leaves the driveway.
This has led to him becoming more and more isolated and limited. His friends think it’s horrible to see how he is treated, for he is never anything but nice and quiet when they stop him.
This is just one of those who ended up on the police “black list”.
Not for anything they’ve done but just because at some point someone in the police got a grudge against them.
This is abuse of power ..!
This is not okay or right in any way or anywhere!
It should be considered by each and every citizen if this really is the way we want our tax money to be used?
Should the police devote them self’s to harassment?
When a crime is committed, there is never a cop around, they are always busy … maybe it should be a priority to solve crimes and help people in need instead of abusing the power the police has and wasting resources on personal persecution and similar.


På polisens svarta lista…!

Man rår inte för hur man föds.
Man rår inte för om man har till exempel ADHD lika lite som man rår för om man är lång eller kort.
Att bli måltavla bara för att man är född med ett sådant handikapp är otänkbart tror dom flesta svenskar.
Tyvärr är det fel, här följer en kort sammanfattning av vad en kille ÄR utsatt för, och enda orsaken är att han måste äta medicin för han har ADHD.
Denna kille är född 1989 vi kan kalla honom fredde för enkelhetens skull.
Han är född med ADHD, diagnosticerad och medicinerad för det.
Han har fått äta både Concerta och Ritalin och en kombination därav, idag är han medicinerad med Strattera.
Samtliga av dessa är godkända av läkemedelsmedelsverket, och utgör inget hinder för körkort eller framförande av bil.
Så fort han lämnar hemmet och dom får syn på att han är ute och kör så stoppas han, eller så kör dom efter honom i avvaktan på minsta föreseelse.
Det är mer än en gång per vecka han stoppas, och ursäkterna varierar. Dom har vid olika tillfällen anklagat honom för olika saker allt från stöld till fortkörning och målet har alltid varit detsamma, att söka igenom hans bil, och ta drogprover, detta trots att dom är mycket väl medvetna om att de enda han tar är sin medicin, och att han har recept på den.
Vid ett tillfälle förföljde dom honom i över en timme, stannade honom och sa att han kört för fort och de två poliserna bekräftade varandras historia och han tappade körkortet, trots att det saknades normala bevis vid fortkörning (filmning, foto eller liknande).
Detta är inte bara i staden där han bor utan i hela området som täcks upp av central orten Luleå, dvs hela Norrbotten.
Den senaste i raden av händelser är ett typ exempel på vad han möter så fort han lämnar hemmet.
Han skulle åka till Piteå kommun eftersom han skulle söka ett jobb där, och tänkte att han kunde åka dit kvällen innan och hälsa på goda vänner.
Han hann knappt innanför stadsgränsen så dök det upp en polisbil och tydligen gjorde dom en så kallad QP, och såg att fordonet var registrerat på honom, och att det hade ombesiktning om en månad, fordonet var ej belagt med körförbud eller på annat sätt olagligt, utan hade en del detaljer som inte är av trafiksäkerhets synpunkt viktiga, och bilen i fråga är LB registrerad.
Han stoppades på en bensinstation just innanför stadsgränsen av denna polisbil och fordons papprena kollades igenom.
Han blev då informerad om att han inte var önskvärd i denna kommun och att dom skulle eskortera honom till kommungränsen, och om han vägrade …(outtalat hot).
Detta skedde inför ett tio total vittnen, samt att han på grund av sin tidigare erfarenhet hade ett samtal uppkopplat och folk som lyssnade exakt vad som försegick.
Han eskorterades därefter till kommungränsen och sen vände patrullen tillbaka till staden, jobbet kunde han inte söka eftersom han inte vågade återvända.
Detta finns inte omnämnt med en enda rad i polisens händelse rapportering, det skedde sålunda i skymundan, och detta trots att det fanns vittnen.
Detta är bara det senaste exemplet på hur han förhindras att göra saker som andra tar för givet..
Ska han och handla mat, så sitter oron som en knut i magen.. kommer dom börja igen?
Att fara och träffa en tjej eller hälsa på kompisar,drar han sej för eftersom han vet vad som väntar honom så fort han lämnar infarten.
Detta har gjort att han blir mer och mer isolerad, och begränsad. Hans vänner tycker det är hemskt att se hur han behandlas, för han är aldrig annat än trevlig och tystlåten då dom stannar honom.
Detta är bara en av dom som hamnat på polisens ”svarta lista“.
Inte för något dom gjort utan bara för att någon gång har nån polis fattat agg mot dom.
Detta är maktmissbruk..!

Detta är inte okej eller rätt någonstans, man bör om inte annat som medborgare ifrågasätta om det verkligen är så här vi vill att våra skattepengar ska användas?
Ska polisen verkligen ägna sej åt trakasserier?
Då ett brott begås finns det aldrig en polis i närheten utan dom är alltid upptagna… kanske det borde prioriteras att lösa brott och hjälpa människor i nöd istället för att missbruka den makt som polisen har och slösa resurser på personförföljelse och liknande.

Pirate Party Sweden and Matrix of Corrupt Government. Part Two





Sweden’s Pirate Party Doubles Membership

The Swedish Pirate Party has doubled its membership to 16,000 within the last few weeks after the party’s Facebook page was linked by a file-sharing website, according to a report by Sveriges Radio.

The influx of members places the Pirate Party ahead of the Left and Green parties in membership terms.

“If you compare our member figures with the parliamentary parties we are actually well placed. I hope that this bodes well for the election work which will start in 1-1.5 years,” party leader Anna Troberg told Sveriges Radio’s Ekot news programme.

There is one reservation to the party’s booming membership however and that is the fact that it is free to join the Pirate Party while other parliamentary parties charge a fee.

Sweden’s Pirate Party caused an election stir in 2009 when it claimed a seat in the EU parliament after winning 7.1 percent of the votes.

The party later added a further seat following the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.

The reason behind the dramatic increase in membership in recent weeks is a result of a police raid on file-sharing website Tankafetast.com in October, which temporarily stopped visitors downloading files.

In protest the website directed all its traffic to the Pirate Party.

The Pirate Party’s membership peaked at just over 50,000 people prior to the 2009 election in the wake of The Pirate Bay trial. This figure however dropped off sharply though 2010 and 2011 as the issue fell out of the media spotlight.

Anders Bergkvist This is interesting. Although I have some background in computer programming, I have never been a hacker. Personally I work under the assumption that FRA/NSA and other such organizations have access to my information if they should desire. Only reason such organizations do not take advantage of the information is because I am not interesting enough. I do not believe it is possible to protect oneself from this unless you have massive resources (time and money) to take precautions.

Politically I believe it is dangerous to centralize control of information to a few hands, whether they are FRA/NSA or any other organization. I am all for transparency of power. I believe this is also the ambition of Snowden and Wikileaks and, in fact, the Pirate Parties.

In this light I do not quite understand all the drama here. Why is doxing considered such an awful threat? Essentially doxing is searching for information and sharing it, right? Isn’t this what Snowden and Wikileaks and the Pirate Parties are all about? What am I missing?

In fact, it would be interesting if you skilled people would like to dox me! Would you find all possible information you can about me and send it to me (I assume you will find the address!)? I’ll even pay you a reasonable amount in bitcoins for your efforts! It would be interesting to know what is hackable out there. Raymond Johansen, Can Tegmen, others?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxing Doxing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org



www.piratpartiet.se nere, oklart varför

Sedan igår 2011-03-25 är http://www.piratpartiet.se nere med förklaringen att man flyttar servrarna till en ny plats.

Anna Troberg skriver bl.a.:

Bahnhof uppmärksammade mig tidigare i dag om att en liten del av partiets it-resurser använts för kommersiella ändamål. Vi hade ett trevligt samtal och därefter fattade jag och vår it-ansvarige beslutet att plocka ner och flytta servrarna.

Ett mycket märkligt påstående eller så är man oerhört långsamma på att fatta. Enligt domarna mot TPB så är det ju bevisat att TPB drivs i kommersiellt syfte, det är mycket stora reklamintäkter kopplat till TPB och dess medhjälp till brott mot upphovsrättslagen. Piratpartiet lämnar bandbredd till TPB och bidrar alltså till både lagbrottet och användningen av it-resurser för kommersiella ändamål. Så då undrar vän av ordning varför Anna Troberg silar mygg och sväljer kameler? För leveransen av bandbredd till TPB är inte avbruten.

Vidare skriver Anna Troberg:

Piratpartiets it-resurser ska användas för att föra ut partiets budskap och till våra interna system. De ska under inga omständigheter användas för kommersiella syften på det sätt som skett. Ett sådant användande går stick i stäv med vad Piratpartiet står för.

Under inga omständigheter? Med det ”försumbara” undantaget för Pirate Bays, TPB:s kommersiella verksamhet då. Eller talar hon med kluven tunga? Obegripligt!

Edit 2011-03-27:

En kommentar jag skrev igår i Anna Trobergs forum har inte blivit publicerad, jag har tills vidare lagt en kopia här. Det handlar om oskuldspresumtionen kopplat till mutanklagelserna/förföljelsen av polisen Jim Keyzer som såväl Rick Falkvinge, Christian Engström och Anna Troberg ägnat sig åt. I detta fall är det OK att starta bloggdrev och anklaga personer, oskuldspresumtionen är något helt bortglömt när det passar piraterna…

Translated from Swedish to English by Google Translate

http://www.piratpartiet.se down, unclear why
Posted on March 26, 2011 by nejtillpirater
Since yesterday 2011-03-25 is http://www.piratpartiet.se down with the explanation that you move the servers to a new location.Anna Troberg review mentioned .:

Bahnhof drew my attention earlier today that a small part of the party’s IT resources used for commercial purposes. We had a nice conversation and then took me and our IT person responsible for the decision to take down and move the servers.

A very strange assertion or you are extremely slow to adopt. According to the judgments against TPB then it’s proven that TPB operated for commercial purposes, it is very large advertising revenue linked to the TPB and its complicity in violation of copyright law. Pirate Party leaves the bandwidth to TPB and thus contributes to both the offense and the use of IT resources for commercial purposes. So then wonder Friend of order why Anna Troberg strain at a gnat and swallow a camel? For the delivery of bandwidth to the TPB is not interrupted.

Furthermore writes Anna Troberg:

Pirate Party‘s IT resources will be used to bring out the party’s message and to our internal systems. They should under no circumstances be used for commercial purposes in the way that happened. One such use is at odds with what the Pirate Party stands for.

Under no circumstances? With the “negligible” exemption for Pirate Bay TPB‘s commercial activities then. Or she speaks with forked tongue? Incomprehensible!

Edit 2011-03-27:

One comment I wrote yesterday in Anna Trobergs forums have not been published, I have so far put a copy here. It is about the presumption of innocence linked to mutanklagelserna / persecution by the police Jim Keyzer as well as Rick Falkvinge, Christian Engström and Anna Troberg engaged. In this case, it is OK to start the blog ran and accuse persons, presumption of innocence is something completely forgotten when it suits the pirates



Rickard Falkvinge (PP) gör bort sig i Ekots lördagsintervju – Del 1-3
“För den som tvivlade på att Piratpartiet var ett enfrågeparti framgår det med all tydlighet i denna intervju.

Rickard Falkvinge Partiledare för Piratpartiet i Ekots Lördagsintervju, utfrågare Tomas Ramberg”

Del 2 och del 3

Om ni någonsin funderat på att rösta på Piratpartiet – så borde den tanken flyga iväg i världens fart efter ni hört denna intervju…. Dagens garv!

Rösta istället på sd som INTE accepterar FRA i dess nuvarande form.

Translated from Swedish to English by Google Translate

Rickard Falkvinge (PP) makes a fool of himself in echoes The Saturday interview - Part 1-3
For those who doubted that the Pirate Party was a Single-issue politics, it appears very clearly in this interview.

Rickard Falkvinge Party leader of the Pirate Party in echoes The Saturday interview, interrogators Tomas Ramberg

Part 2 and Part 3

If you‘ve ever thought about to vote for the Pirate Party - so should the tank fly away in the world’s momentum after you heard this interview …. Today’s tanning!

Vote instead of sd NOT accept the FRA in its current form.



Tapiren är ett däggdjur som lever i djungel trakter i Af rika och Asien. Dess framfot har fyra tår men bakfoten har bara tre. När den känner sig hotad föredrar den att gömma sig, gärna i en vattenpöl. Inom schamanska tradi tioner med flertusenåriga anor har tapiren spelat den symboliska rollen av en trickster, associerad med extatis ka gränstillstånd. Särskilt den centralamerikanska arten av tapir är allvarligt hotad av att dess livsmiljöer ödeläggs. Detta djur spelar emellertid ingen roll i Tapirskrift . Tapir är även ett anagram och som sådant pekar det på en ny konstellation av befintliga element. Under en kort period år 2009 var jag involverad i en grupp vid namn Tapirbyrån som blev en katalysator för avvecklingen av Piratbyrån. Tapirskrift berör denna process endast i förbifar ten. Desto mer kretsar denna bok om större omkastningar som skedde kring samma tid, alltså i passagen från noll nolltal till tiotal. Tapirskrift är en sammanställning av texter som jag har skrivit 2010–2013. Nästan alla har tidigare publicerats på andra håll, i antologier, tidskrifter eller på kultursidor, men flera av texterna blir först nu tillgängliga för en svensk allmänhet. Några återpubliceras i oförändrat skick, andra har omarbetats eller byggts ut. Texterna har delats upp i tre tematiska block. Första blocket består av nätkritiska texter som på olika sätt berör konflikter kring internets utveckling ur ett samtidshisto riskt perspektiv. Andra blocket är kortare och samlar tex ter som kretsar kring samtida stadsliv, rumslighet och mobilitet. Slutligen följer, i ett tredje block, ett antal för sök till en mer fundamental kritik av det moderna varusamhället. Vilka är vår tids djungler? Vilka faror lurar däri? Hur förbinder vi vattenpölarna? Förresten vill jag berätta en sak. Om du läser den här boken har du troligen även stött på bloggen Copyriot. Skrivandet där har inte sällan fungerat som pågående un dersökningar som har röjt väg för de texter som återfinns här. Efter snart tio års bloggande funderar jag nu på om det är tid för förändring genom att söka andra kanaler för framkastandet av ofärdiga tankar. Det är möjligt att Tapirskrift blir den signal som får mig att sätta punkt för Copyriot. Rasmus Fleischer Bagarmossen, september 2013
Translated from Swedish into English by Google Translate
Tapir is a mammal that lives in the jungle regions of Central America, Africa and Asia. Its front foot has four toes but the hind foot has only three. When it feels threatened prefer to hide, preferably in a puddle. In shamanic traditions with more ancient ancestry have tapir played the symbolic role of a trickster, associated with extatis ka limit state. Especially the Central American species of tapir are seriously threatened by its habitats are destroyed. This animal also play no role in Tapirskrift.
Tapir is also an anagram and as such it points to a new constellation of existing elements. For a short period in 2009, I was involved in a group called Tapirbyrån who became a catalyst for the settlement of Piratbyrån. Tapirskrift affect this process only in förbifar law. The more circuits this book on major reversals that occurred around the same time, that in the passage from zero to tens nolltal.
Tapirskrift is a compilation of texts I have written 2010-2013. Almost all have been previously published elsewhere, in anthologies, magazines or on the cultural pages, but several of the texts are only now available to a Swedish general. Some republished unchanged, others have been revised or expanded.
The texts are divided into three thematic blocks. The first block consists of nätkritiska texts in different ways involving conflicts over development of the Internet from a samtidshisto severally perspective. Second block is shorter and collect tex‘s that revolves around contemporary urban life, space and mobility. Finally, it follows, in a third block, a number of the search for a more fundamental criticism of modern commodity society.
What are our times jungles? What dangers lurk there? How do we connect the puddles? By the way, I want to tell you something. If you read this book, you probably have even encountered the blog Copyriot. The writing which has often functioned as ongoing investigation increases that have cleared the way for the texts to be found here. After almost ten years of blogging I’m wondering now if it’s time for change by seeking other channels dislocation of unfinished thoughts. It is possible to Tapirskrift gets the signal that allowed me to put an end to Copyriot. Rasmus Fleischer Bagarmossen, September 2013


Pirat Party and the Matrix of Corrupt Government.Part 3

Anonymous World Legion Council give the right  to Pirat Party Sweden Members to Talk the truth in this Dox,
Bing Translate of the Mail:
My name is Can Tegmen, a name that the Pirate Party will never forget.
Joined the party in 2008 and waited in a period to be able to interact with them,
not easy for the already then showed eagerness/selfishness.
2013.-MOTIONS for PP
After good infiltration and with good spirit so I was one of that started the Pirate Party in Stockholm City
June 16, 2013. I continued with activity and sat as a Board Member for the party in Stockholm City.
Autumn/winter we had the annual motions for developing the Pirate Party and get started with the election year 2014.
I had together worked for at least 5 motions here e the vast 3 exclusive of them:
Motion B02: Thing politics: labour market: the Right to a 10-week vacation (MAIN EXERCISE) https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39180 see the link for more info.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-zOtrFsGng the reason why I had requests for 10 weeks of vacation.
Motion B08: Thing policy: fiscal policy: Free banking services banks in Sweden makes the profit for each quarter and year, ivrigheten should be stopped. They should have free internet services and payment cards. Like most likely to monopolism leads to cartels, it is an illegal activity that citizens are forced to pay.Together with the Swedish financial supervisory authority should help consumers to similar free services. https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39185
Motion B11: politics: Constitutional issues, Thing etc.: Riksdagslöner-Riksdagslönerna today are too high, most of which sits in the Reichstag has other sources of income in all other different activities at the same time. The salary is from the taxpayers and they should respect a wage reduction of 25%. https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39186
All motions were voted down, of course, of those in the party Executive and the hyenas.
2014.–EU electionsEU ELECTION CAMPAIGN/Palestinian conflict
During the European elections may 2014, the Pirate Party show their real face, for I Board in Stockholm City decided internally that have
Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning as having EU-valkampanj in the posters I received strong criticism from the Pirate Party.
Pirate Party Sweden Zero Transparency over there Economy:
They did not accept neither Julian Assange or the other legends, they were critical of the party’s Executive Committee and from their members that held in every word they say, obedient members controlled members, verified members …
June 2014 started Gaza war by the occupying power Israel.
Palestine friendly members, our humanist charitable members of PP start pressuring the Pirate Party to put a stop
for the killing of civilians and for an end of violence.
The Pirate Party in the city of Stockholm tried to organize mass demonstration against the occupation of Palestine and to stop the war.
Strange made the case was declined/refused it all the time from the party Executive, over and over again, where their manipulated members begin instead behave neutral and passive for the conflict.
There were several threads on the Pirate Party in social networks where all discussions was erased one by one, especially an awful person
named Annika Maria Gardberg who said flertals times that we should not put the us in the conflict.
I questioned her over and over again how she, as a woman and mother can allow barndödandet in Palestine, without answers and results on her.
Her answer more accurately, that we cannot do something, for her was equal to barndödandet civilians killing and look on, she felt it was right for them and bomb on unprotected civilians.
One of the clowns in the Pirate Party Annika Suikki
Of course we had members who did not accept inaction from the PP for their silent action Gazakriget,
the same members put pressure internationally Anonymous for action.
Anonymous international finally published a warning to Israel for its aggression on Gaza 07/10/14
After Anonymous released their videos online on Youtube, so we made a joint campaign in the PP‘s action against aggressive Israeli
warfare against unprotected Gaza.
This time, I was firmly resisted by members and Pirate Party, where they used the taunts, outraged the Anonymous,
with their hateful words.
That Anonymous was a fictional organization, etc.
Still so soil PP down Anonymous then enters buffoon Raymond and says Anonymous is on the Pirate Party’s side,
how it goes together so we understand a posteriori, that they speak hoax.
When Anonymous attack Israel, they are not Anonymous, when they talk about other things they are allies with the PP, like the Pirate Party
criticized EU valet2014 for the Snowdens + Mannings election posters since they use their names on the election sept 2014 to attract votes,
VOTES = money for Pirate Party ….
Still so thwarted Anonymous in korrupterade the Pirate Party:
A lost nationals, a stray smurf..
For the Pirate Party turned a blind eye to the Gaza conflict, while the party is talking about human rights for Pride in the Park at the same time turned a blind eye to other less worthy people especially in the West Bank.
Double standards rocking bed
Coats loss in Pride Festival during Gazakriget
2015 Donations/finance/accounting fraud/Financial crime
Especially in 2014, after the loss of the European elections to put Party tops left until the end of the year with full pay, while
We asked them to resign for the party’s best, after EU elections in may, many party leaders especially interested in
join the unemployment insurance fund.
(today, one must at least va full-time 6 months to be eligible for unemployment fund)
Until they do they use completely, while draining the party coffers full maximum.
Donations from Israel-friendly org flows increasingly into the PPs payment, mainly for PP stopped mass demonstrations in central Stockholm/Malmoe/Gothenburg against distasteful war against Gaza residents.
Same donations get SD into their party coffers, so if you’re going to speak openly, they have the same lobbyists.
Pirate Party are Bitcoins lovers, many lobbyists who have Coins from (CFI) attracts ever more peaks of the Pirate Party.
Mitt namn är Can Tegmen, ett namn som piratpartiet aldrig kommer glömma.
Gick med i partiet 2008 och väntade in en period att kunna samverka med dem,
inte lätt för de visade redan då ivrighet/egoism.
Efter god infiltration och med god anda så var jag en av som startade Piratpartiet Stockholm Stad
16 Juni 2013. Jag fortsatte med aktivitet och satt som styrelseledamot för Partiet i Stockholm Stad.
Hösten/Vinter hade vi för årliga motioner för utveckla Piratpartiet och komma igång med valåret 2014.
Jag hade ihop arbetat minst 5 st motioner här e de allra 3 exklusivaste av dem:

Motion B02: Sakpolitik: Arbetsmarknad: Rätt till 10 veckors semester(VIKTIGASTE MOTIONEN) https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39180 se länken för mer info.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-zOtrFsGng anledningen varför jag hade önskemål för 10 veckors semester.

Motion B08: Sakpolitik: Finanspolitik: Avgiftsfria banktjänster-Bankerna i Sverige gör vinst för varje kvartal och år, ivrigheten bör stoppas. De borde ha kostnadsfria internettjänster och betalkort. Liknande monopolism leder till störst sannolikt till karteller,det är ett olaglig verksamhet som medborgarna tvingas till bekosta.Tillsammans med Finansinspektionen borde man hjälpa konsumenterna till liknande gratis tjänster. https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39185

Motion B11: Sakpolitik: Författningsfrågor, mm.: Riksdagslöner-Riksdagslönerna i dagens läge är för höga, de flesta som sitter i riksdagen har andra inkomst källor i alla andra olika verksamheter samtidigt. Lönen är från skattebetalarna och de borde respektera ett lönesänkning med 25%. https://mote.piratpartiet.se/showthread.php?t=39186

Alla motionerna röstades ner självklart av de i Partistyrelsen och deras hyenor.
Under EU-valet maj 2014 började Piratpartiet visa sitt riktiga ansikte, för jag styrelsen i Stockholm Stad beslutade internt att ha 
Edward Snowden och Chelsea Manning som att ha EU-valkampanj i affischer fick jag starkt kritik från Piratpartiet.
Pirat Party Sweden Zero Transparency over there Economy:
De accepterade inte varken Julian Assange eller de övriga som legender, de var kritiska från Partistyrelsen och från deras medlemmar som höll i varenda ord de säger, lydande medlemmar styrda medlemmar,kontrollerade medlemmar…
Juni 2014 påbörjade Gaza kriget av ockupationsmakten Israel.
Palestina vänliga medlemmar, våra humanistiska medmänskliga medlemmar i PP börja pressa Piratpartiet för att sätta stopp
för dödandet av civila och för stopp av våldet.
Piratpartiet i Stockholms Stad försökte anordna massdemonstration emot för ockupationen i Palestina samt att stoppa kriget.
Märkligt gjort så avböjdes/avslogs det hela tiden från Partistyrelsen om och om igen, där deras manipulerade medlemmar börja istället bete sig neutrala och passiva för konflikten.
Fanns flera trådar på Piratpartiets sida i sociala nätverk där alla diskussioner raderades en efter en, speciellt en hemsk person
som heter Annika Suikki som sa flertals gånger att vi borde inte lägga i oss i konflikten.
jag ifrågasatte henne gång på gång hur hon som en kvinna och mamma kan tillåta barndödandet i Palestina, utan svar och resultat på henne.
Hennes svar rättare sagt att vi inte kan göra nått, för henne var barndödandet civilas dödandet lika med och se på, hon ansåg att det var rätt av dem och fälla bomber på oskyddade civila.
En av clownerna i piratpartiet Annika Suikki
Självklart så hade vi medlemmar som inte accepterade passivitet från PP för deras tysta agerande för Gazakriget,
samma medlemmar satte press internationellt Anonymous för agerande.

“Anonymous” international finally published a warning to Israel for its aggression on Gaza 07/10/14

Efter Anonymous släppte sin video online på Youtube, så gjorde vi en gemensam aktion i PP agerande mot aggressiva Israels
krigföring mot oskyddade Gaza.

Den här gången blev jag och medlemmarna starkt motarbetade av piratpartiet, där de använde glåpord, smutskastade Anonymous,
med sina hatiska ord.
Att Anonymous var en påhittad organisation mm.
Fortfarande så smutsar PP ner Anonymous sedan kommer in pajasen Raymond och säger Anonymous är på Piratpartiets sida,
hur det går ihop så förstår vi efterhand, att de talar bluff.
När Anonymous attackerar Israel så är de inte Anonymous, när de talar om annat så är de allierade med PP, som tex piratpartiet
kritiserade EU-valet2014 för Snowdens+Mannings valaffischer sedan använder de deras namn på valet sept 2014 för locka röster,
RÖSTER=är pengar för Piratpartiet….
Fortfarande så motarbetas Anonymous i  korrupterade Piratpartiet:
En vilse medborgare, en vilse smurf..
För Piratpartiet blundade Gazakonflikten, medan Partiet talar om mänskliga rättigheter för Pride i Kungsträdgården samtidigt blundade för andra mindre värda människor speciellt i Västbanken.
`Dubbelmoralens vaggande säng’
`Rockar loss i Pride festivalen under Gazakriget’
2015 Donationer/Ekonomi/Bokföringsbrott/Ekobrott
Speciellt under 2014, efter förlusten av EU-valet så satt partitopparna kvar tills årsskiftet med fulla löner, samtidigt som
vi bad dem avgå för Partiets bästa, efter EU valet i maj blev många partitopparna speciellt intresserade att
bli medlemmar i A-Kassan.
(dagens läge måste man minst va heltidsanställd 6 mån att kunna ta del av arbetslöshetskassan)
Till och med de vill de nyttja helt, samtidigt tömmer de partikassan fullt maximalt.
Donationer från Israelvänliga org strömmar allt mer in i PPs kassa, främst för PP stoppade massdemonstrationer i centrala Stockholm/Malmö/Göteborg emot osmakliga kriget mot Gaza borna.
Samma donationer får SD in i sina partikassor, så om man ska tala öppet så har de samma lobbyister.
Piratpartiet är Bitcoins älskare, många lobbyister som har Bitcoins från (CFI) lockar allt mer topparna i piratpartiet.
                                                                                                                 CAN TEGMAN
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Pirate Party at Iceland, created with the Swedish Pirate Party as a model, are growing and are now at 11.7 per cent-their highest listing ever at Capacent Gallup polling Institute. Fun!

Is @AnonSwedenInfo against Sweden’s Number ONE Awaken Rap Artist? Whos Buisness are you running?



FROM CHARLIE TO RAP? Anonymous Sweden is under FRA ,MOSSAD , CIA , PPSE, M.M. Controll? Another Error? Who is the Cat behind the Anonymous Sweden after all the true Anons left the Anonymous Sweden?

Originally posted on Anonymous ops sweden:



Välförtjänta kommentarer på FB.
Desserved Comments from Users on FB.



Hur kommer det sig att #AnonSweden låter denna information passera?
Inte bara att ni gick ut och backade #CharlieHebdo OFFICIELLT,, Med propaganda videon om att att jaga ner ISIS & AQ Jihadister när vi inte står bakom Religiösa krig eller privata vendettor..

Sen försöka smutsa ner en av sveriges TOP artister “Dani M Monserat”

Min fråga till er.
Vems sida är NI igentligen på?
Kontrollerad under påverkan av andra?

P.s. Detta var lågt & Dina Blockeringar längre.


How come #Anonsweden let out information as this?
Not only are you supporting #CharlieHebdo OFFICIALY,,with propaganda video of hunting Down Jihadists in ISIS & AQ.
When WE do not support Religious war or any other Personal Vendetta.
Then trying to smear one of swedens TOP artist names “Dani M Monserat

My question to you.
Whos side are they realy…

View original 14 more words

Sweden Tanks in ISIS hands ~ Treason or Profit ?





PASTEBIN ~ http://pastebin.com/x9vXVSbj


                N i do this for you my beloved sister<3
 ________  ___  ___    _____  ___  __    ________
|\   __  \|\  \|\  \  / __  \|\  \|\  \ |\_____  \       FREE ANAKATA and the swedish people
\ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \|\/_|\  \ \  \/  /|\|____|\ /_
 \ \   ____\ \   __  \|/ \ \  \ \   ___  \    \|\  \
  \ \  \___|\ \  \ \  \   \ \  \ \  \\ \  \  __\_\  \  dont worry bro -=>PH1K3<=- got your back!
   \ \__\    \ \__\ \__\   \ \__\ \__\\ \__\|\_______\
    \|__|     \|__|\|__|    \|__|\|__| \|__|\|_______|
                                nothin can stop a phreaker and a hacker
This is for all you out their who want to revenge anakata or fuck with the swedish gov!
the social service in sweden is corrupt !
and its time to take action rather then waiting for others to do so.
link to proof of corrupt the social service is:    ~    http://pastebin.com/49Kprquk
Read all before you try to exploit
The vuln i found can be exploited using sqli
btw the swedish gov is gonna try to fix this bug i found as soon as they see this so exploit all you can and leak it all!
Vuln sites:
the vuln:
they usage an opensource table/application called troint,its pretty bad coded but its free haha..
this php application is vuln to sqli!
i found this using the dork:.se/troint/detail_namndstyrelse.asp?
when exploited: you have to do it manually so sqlmap doesnt work(what a bummer right?..)
why cant we exploit it with sqlmap? cuz they have a waf(webb application firewall) that blocks request
bypassing it:
here is a great paper on how to bypass a firewall and sqli:http://www.exploit-db.com/papers/17934/
insteed of union select 1,2,3–
 and so on until u got all the tables
Their firewall:
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-03-05 16:38 CET
Nmap scan report for vip09.vgregion.se (
Host is up (0.070s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
80/tcp open  http
| http-waf-fingerprint:
|   Detected WAF
|_    ISA Server

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.30 seconds


SWE/ENG #OpSwedishHomeless Hemlösa utkörda till byggnad i #Vårberg. #FEMA Förberedningar? / #Homeless Driven to facility in Vårberg. #FEMA prepps?


Originally posted on Anonymous ops sweden:

Partierna : Låt vakter avhysa EU-migranter     (DN 23/2  -15)


Antalet boplatser där EU-medborgare vistas i Stockholms stad har på ett år ökat från 17 till 44. Nu varnar Moderaternas gruppledare för kåkstäder – och uppmanar regeringen att ändra lagen så att staden på egen hand kan sköta avhysningar.

”Ett riktigt apartheidsystem M vill ha”                 (DN 24/2  -15)


Moderaterna tar inte hänsyn till de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det anser Soraya Post (Fi) som reagerar starkt mot Moderaternas förslag om att införa speciella vakter som avhyser EU-migranter.

Nya avhysningar av tiggare redan på onsdag      (DN 24/2  -15)


Att ändra lagen för att förenkla avhysningar av fattiga EU-medborgare som permanent bosatt sig på offentliga platser är inget som kan ske snabbt eller enkelt. Samtidigt fungerar uppenbarligen redan ordningslagen som verktyg – på onsdagsmorgonen ska ytterligare ”bosättare” bort från Stockholm…

View original 1,435 more words

People of Sweden OWN the banks and Jail the Banksters






Vladimir Putin…..

now in full control of Russia as Prime Minister (then) NOW President , wishes to build a strong Christian nation. In a televised Christmas message on January 7 2008 Putin said:

 “The Russian Orthodox Church contributes to the promotion of moral values in society. One should not completely draw a line between the culture and the church. Of course by law in our country the church is separate from the state. But in the soul and the history of our people it’s all together. It always has been and always will be.”

Russia will make The United States reflect upon what they allowed Rothschild to do to their own country.

So when you see protests against Vladimir now, keep in mind it is probably staged by The Rothschild’s trying to control Russia once again.

Putin Issues Arrest Warrant for Financial Terrorist George Soros!!

Financial terrorist and Hungarian banker, Convicted Felon George Soros…

Russian Intelligence has fingered Soros for using cross-collateralized compounded Swedish and Danish foreign currency derivatives for the purpose of an attack on the Russian stock market.

Soros’ use of these cross-collateralized compounded derivatives utilizing Luxembourg banks violates the terms of the Basil II European Union banking agreement.

The thing that should give pause to the Heads of State Western is like Putin did in freeing Russia from those who wanted to bring the total economic and social collapse and beat up in jail all those who have tried.

Are they influencing Lubawitschern Putin? The fact is that Putin is loyal to Russia and its people, and never allow anyone, even when he is in command in that nation, to sell out and to let his country into the clutches of the NWO. For this he ordered to issue an international arrest warrant against George Soros, who has been caught red-handed as he prepared to send financial aid to what is called opposition in Russia, which recently made the streets in dozens of thousands of people telling lies and misinformation-cheating during the elections.

Now Mr. Soros has little room to continue his dirty games with the speculation that has devastated the entire global financial system, in collaboration Rothschild / Rockefeller and other jackals.

Putin’s speech, which was officially issued by the Russian authorities.

Today it is made public the following statement by the Russian Federation and its Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, has been asked for an arrest warrant against the International Terrorist Finance, the Hungarian currency-Mogul George Soros, the Russian secret services have found that Soros was using foreign currency derivatives with other Danes to start an attack against the Russian Currency Shares in the market.

It should be noted that Soros was using these derivatives with the help of Luxembourg banks, which is forbidden after the contract was made by the EU called Basel II.

Both the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and European Union have issued an Interpol “Red Notice” which is not only against the immediate arrest of Soros, but also against the Sharks on Finance, Bush, Clinton, criminal organization, Marc Rich and his firm, which is located in Switzerland, the Commodities Broker-Richfield, which is why the Russian Premier Putin has recently met the Chef of the Federal Reserve making clear that the Russian Federation will not accept that such use is made of people like Soros and Rich to commit criminal acts of the derivatives market and Finance, which led to social destabilization across the globe.

Putin will be done and start the hunt for these criminals and their accomplices Bankers Rothschild, Rockefeller.




List of 2014

The following 741 individuals all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes – and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of their respective nations and against humanity as a whole, i.e.:

  • High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-) terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.

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  1. Ki-moon, Ban /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  2. Eliasson, Jan /SWEDEN/ PDF
  3. Malcorra, Susana /ARGENTINA/ PDF
  5. Sajdik, Martin /AUSTRIA – USA/ PDF
  6. Tomka, Peter /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
  7. Sepúlveda-Amor, Bernardo /MEXICO/ PDF
  8. Pachauri, Rajendra K. /INDIA/ PDF
  9. Lee, Hoesung /SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  10. van Ypersele, Jean-Pascal /BELGIUM/ PDF
  11. El Gizouli, Ismail A.R. /SUDAN/ PDF
  12. Bokova, Irina /BULGARIA/ PDF
  13. da Silva, José Graziano /BRAZIL/ PDF
  14. Aliu, Olumuyiwa Benard /NIGERIA/ PDF
  15. Nwanze, Kanayo F. /NIGERIA/ PDF
  16. Sekimizu, Koji /JAPAN/ PDF
  17. Lagarde, Christine /FRANCE/ PDF
  18. Lipton, David /USA/ PDF
  19. Viñals, José /SPAIN/ PDF
  20. Blanchard, Olivier /FRANCE/ PDF
  21. Touré, Hamadoun /MALI/ PDF
  22. Zhao, Houlin /CHINA/ PDF
  23. Yong, Li /CHINA/ PDF
  24. Chan, Margaret /CHINA/ PDF
  25. Halton, Jane /AUSTRALIA/PDF
  26. Grimes, David /CANADA/ PDF
  27. Moura, Antonio Divino /BRAZIL/ PDF
  28. Ostojski, Mieczyslaw S. /POLAND/ PDF
  29. Mokssit, Abdalah /MOROCCO/ PDF
  30. Zerbo, Lassina /BURKINA FASO/ PDF
  31. Dubourg, Thierry /FRANCE/ PDF
  32. Li, Genxin /CHINA/ PDF
  33. Bell, W. Randy /USA/ PDF
  34. Maryssael, Vorian /MEXICO/ PDF
  35. Rozhkov, Oleg /RUSSIA/ PDF
  36. Ozawa, Toshiro /JAPAN/ PDF
  37. Azeez, Aliyar Lebbe Abdul /SRI LANKA/ PDF
  38. Haak, Hein [1, 2] /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  39. Weston, Michael [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  40. Amano, Yukiya /JAPAN/ PDF
  41. Dunn Lee, Janice /USA/ PDF
  42. Mohamad, Daud /MALAYSIA/ PDF
  43. Aning, Kwaku /GHANA – USA/ PDF
  44. Varjoranta, Tero /FINLAND/ PDF
  45. Bychkov, Alexander /RUSSIA/ PDF
  46. Flory, Denis /FRANCE/ PDF
  47. Horin, Olexandr [1, 2] /UKRAINE/ PDF
  48. Azevêdo, Roberto /BRAZIL/ PDF
  49. Agah, Yonov Frederick [1, 2] /NIGERIA/ PDF
  50. Brauner, Karl [1, 2] /GERMANY/ PDF
  51. Shark, David [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
  52. Xiaozhun, Yi [1, 2] /CHINA/ PDF
  53. Gore, Al /USA/ PDF
  54. Buffett, Warren [2] /USA/ PDF


  1. Kim, Jim Yong [1, 2] /USA – SOUTH KOREA/ PDF
  2. Indrawati, Sri Mulyani /INDONESIA – USA/ PDF
  3. Badré, Bertrand /FRANCE/ PDF
  4. Mohieldin, Mahmoud /EGYPT/ PDF
  5. Basu, Kaushik [1, 2] /INDIA/ PDF
  6. Leroy, Anne-Marie /FRANCE/ PDF
  7. Kyte, Rachel /USA/ PDF
  8. De Villeroche, Hervé /FRANCE/ PDF
  9. Hines, Gwen /UK/ PDF
  10. Hoven, Ingrid G. /GERMANY/ PDF
  11. Aviel, Sara Margalit [1, 2] /USA/ PDF
  12. Suzuki, Hideaki /JAPAN/ PDF
  13. Chen, Shixin /CHINA/ PDF


  1. Rothensteiner, Walter /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  2. Treichl, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  3. Sigurgestsson, Hörður /ICELAND/ PDF
  4. Lundestad, Geir /NORWAY/ PDF
  5. de Oliveira, Manuel Ferreira /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  6. Salgado, Ricardo /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  7. Silva, Artur Santos /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  8. Mazzie, Mark G. /USA/ PDF
  9. McKinnon, Neil /CANADA/ (status unknown) PDF
  10. Sikora, Sławomir /POLAND/ PDF
  11. Bon, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
  12. Lévy-Lang, André /FRANCE/ PDF
  13. Schrempp, Jürgen Erich /GERMANY/ PDF
  14. Szwajcowski, Jacek /POLAND/ PDF
  15. Barnevik, Percy Nils /SWEDEN/ PDF
  16. Stråberg, Hans /SWEDEN/ PDF
  17. Uǧur, Agah [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
  18. Browne, Edmund John Philip /UK/ PDF
  19. Gerstner, Louis Vincent /USA/ PDF
  20. Bergsten, C. Fred /FRANCE/ PDF
  21. Pipes, Richard Edgar [2] /USA/ PDF
  22. Black, Conrad Moffat /CANADA/ PDF
  23. Frum, David J. /CANADA/ PDF
  24. Beytout, Nicolas /FRANCE/ PDF
  25. Rossella, Carlo /ITALY/ PDF
  26. Ringier, Michael /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
  27. Kohen, Sami [2] /TURKEY/ PDF
  28. Hutton, William Nicolas /UK/ PDF
  29. Knight, Andrew Stephen Bower /UK/ PDF
  30. Stephanopoulos, George Robert /USA/ PDF
  31. Scheel, Walter /GERMANY/ PDF
  32. Eliot, Theodore L. /USA/ PDF
  33. Yost, Casimir A. /USA/ PDF
  34. Allaire, Paul Arthur /USA/ PDF
  35. Rockefeller, Sharon Percy /USA/ PDF

BILDERBERG [2010, 2011, 2012, 2013]

  1. Davignon, Etienne /BELGIUM/ Vice Chairman, Suez-Tractebel PDF
  2. Achleitner, Paul M. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
  3. Ackermann, Josef /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG PDF
  4. Agius, Marcus /UK/ Former Chairman, Barclays Bank PLC PDF
  5. Ajami, Fouad /USA/ Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University PDF
  6. Alexander, Helen /UK/ Chairman, UBM plc PDF
  7. Alexander, Keith B. /USA/ Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency PDF
  8. Alierta, César /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Telefónica PDF
  9. Almunia, Joaquín /SPAIN/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  10. Altman, Roger C. /USA/ Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc. PDF
  11. Amado, Luís /PORTUGAL/ Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF) PDF
  12. Andresen, Johan H. /NORWAY/ Owner and CEO, FERD PDF
  13. Apunen, Matti /FINLAND/ Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA PDF
  14. Arrison, Sonia /USA/ Author and policy analyst PDF
  15. Athey, Susan /USA/ Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business PDF
  16. Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı /TURKEY/ Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper PDF
  17. Babacan, Ali /TURKEY/ Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs PDF
  18. Bäckström, Urban /SWEDEN/ Director General, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise PDF
  19. Balls, Edward M. /UK/ Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
  20. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto /PORTUGAL/ Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister PDF
  21. Barré, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Editor, Les Echos PDF
  22. Barroso, José M. Durão /PORTUGAL/ President, European Commission PDF
  23. Baverez, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP PDF
  24. Bavinchove, Olivier de /FRANCE/ Commander, Eurocorps PDF
  25. Bazire, Nicolas /FRANCE/ Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH PDF
  26. Béchu, Christophe /FRANCE/ Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire PDF
  27. Bell, John /UK/ Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford PDF
  28. Berberoğlu, Enis /TURKEY/ Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper PDF
  29. Bernabè, Franco /ITALY/ CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A. PDF
  30. Bezos, Jeff /USA/ Founder and CEO, Amazon.com PDF
  31. Bildt, Carl /SWEDEN/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  32. Björling, Ewa /SWEDEN/ Minister for Trade PDF
  33. Blåfield, Antti /FINLAND/ Senior Editorial Writer, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
  34. Boles, Nick /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
  35. Bolland, Marc J. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc PDF
  36. Bonnier, Jonas /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Bonnier AB PDF
  37. Borg, Anders /SWEDEN/ Minister for Finance PDF
  38. Botín, Ana P. /SPAIN/ Executive Chairman, Banesto PDF
  39. Boxmeer, Jean François van /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V. PDF
  40. Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Nestlé S.A. PDF
  41. Brandtzæg, Svein Richard /NORWAY/ CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
  42. Bredow, Vendeline von /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
  43. Bronner, Oscar /AUSTRIA/ Publisher and Editor, Der Standard PDF
  44. Çakir, Ruşen /TURKEY/ Journalist PDF
  45. Cameron, David /UK/ Prime Minister PDF
  46. Campbell, Gordon /CANADA/ Premier of British Columbia PDF
  47. Carlsson, Gunilla /SWEDEN/ Minister for International Development Cooperation PDF
  48. Carney, Mark J. /CANADA/ Governor, Bank of Canada PDF
  49. Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime /SPAIN/ Managing Director, Advent International PDF
  50. Castries, Henri de /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA PDF
  51. Cebrián, Juan Luis /SPAIN/ CEO, PRISA PDF
  52. Cernko, Willibald /AUSTRIA/ CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG PDF
  53. Chalendar, Pierre André de /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain PDF
  54. Chavannes, Marc E. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism, University of Groningen PDF
  55. Christiansen, Jeppe /DENMARK/ CEO, Maj Invest PDF
  56. Chubais, Anatoly B. /RUSSIA/ CEO, OJSC RUSNANO PDF
  57. Ciliv, Süreyya /TURKEY/ CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. PDF
  58. Cisneros, Gustavo A. /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Cisneros Group of Companies PDF
  59. Clark, W. Edmund /CANADA/ President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
  60. Clarke, Kenneth /UK/ Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice PDF
  61. Coene, Luc /BELGIUM/ Governor, National Bank of Belgium PDF
  62. Collins, Timothy C. /USA/ Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC PDF
  63. Conti, Fulvio /ITALY/ CEO and General Manager, Enel SpA PDF
  64. Corydon, Bjarne /DENMARK/ Minister of Finance PDF
  65. Cospedal, María Dolores de /SPAIN/Secretary General, Partido Popular PDF
  66. Cowper-Coles, Sherard /UK/ Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc PDF
  67. Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso /ITALY/ CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA PDF
  68. Daele, Frans van /BELGIUM/ Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council PDF
  69. Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. /USA/ Governor of Indiana PDF
  70. David, George A. /GREECE/ Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. PDF
  71. Davis, Ian /UK/ Chairman, Rolls-Royce plc PDF
  72. DeMuth, Christopher /USA/ Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute PDF
  73. Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study PDF
  74. Dinçer, Haluk /TURKEY/ President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S. PDF
  75. Donilon, Thomas E. /USA/ National Security Advisor, The White House PDF
  76. Dudley, Robert /UK/ Group Chief Executive, BP plc PDF
  77. Eberstadt, Nicholas N. /USA/ Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute PDF
  78. Eide, Espen Barth /NORWAY/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  79. Ekholm, Börje /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Investor AB PDF
  80. Eldrup, Anders /DENMARK/ CEO, DONG Energy PDF
  81. Elkann, John /ITALY/ Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. PDF
  82. Enders, Thomas /GERMANY/ CEO, Airbus SAS PDF
  83. Entrecanales, José Manuel /SPAIN/ Chairman, Acciona PDF
  84. Evans, J. Michael /USA/ Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co. PDF
  85. Faymann, Werner /AUSTRIA/ Federal Chancellor PDF
  86. Federspiel, Ulrik /DENMARK/ Vice President Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S PDF
  87. Feldstein, Martin S. /USA/ George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
  88. Ferguson, Niall /USA/ Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University PDF
  89. Ferreira Alves, Clara /PORTUGAL/ CEO, Claref LDA; writer [1, 2, 3] PDF
  90. Fillon, François /FRANCE/ Former Prime Minister PDF
  91. Fischer, Heinz /AUSTRIA/ Federal President PDF
  92. Fishman, Mark C. /USA/ President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research PDF
  93. Flint, Douglas J. /UK/ Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc PDF
  94. Fu, Ying /CHINA/ Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  95. Gallagher, Paul /IRELAND/ Attorney General PDF
  96. Gates, William H. /USA/ Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Chairman, Microsoft Corporation PDF
  97. Gephardt, Richard A. /USA/ President and CEO, Gephardt Group PDF
  98. Gfoeller, Michael /USA/ Political Consultant PDF
  99. Giannitsis, Anastasios /GREECE/ Former Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens PDF
  100. Goolsbee, Austan D. /USA/ Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business PDF
  101. Gordon, Philip H. /USA/ Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs PDF
  102. Graham, Donald E. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company PDF
  103. Groth, Hans /SWITZERLAND/ Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe PDF
  104. Gruber, Lilli /ITALY/ Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV PDF
  105. Gucht, Karel de /BELGIUM/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  106. Guindos, Luis de /SPAIN/ Minister of Economy and Competitiveness PDF
  107. Gülek Domac, Tayyibe /TURKEY/ Former Minister of State [1, 2] PDF
  108. Gürel, Z. Damla /TURKEY/ Special Adviser to the President on EU Affairs [1, 2] PDF
  109. Gutzwiller, Felix /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
  110. Halberstadt, Victor /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings PDF
  111. Hardouvelis, Gikas A. /GREECE/ Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG PDF
  112. Harris, Britt /USA/ CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas PDF
  113. Heinonen, Olli /FINLAND/ Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government PDF
  114. Henry, Simon /UK/ CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  115. Hermelin, Paul /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group PDF
  116. Hoffman, Reid /USA/ Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn PDF
  117. Hommen, Jan H.M. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, ING Group PDF
  118. Hormats, Robert D. /USA/ Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs PDF
  119. Huang, Yiping /CHINA/ Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University PDF
  120. Hughes, Chris R. /USA/ Co-founder, Facebook PDF
  121. Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. /USA/ Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation PDF
  122. Huyghebaert, Jan /BELGIUM/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
  123. Ischinger, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE PDF
  124. Isla, Pablo /SPAIN/ Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group PDF
  125. Ivanov, Igor S. /RUSSIA/ Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council PDF
  126. Jacobs, Kenneth M. /USA/ Chairman & CEO, Lazard PDF
  127. Janom Steiner, Barbara /SWITZERLAND/ Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health, Canton Grisons PDF
  128. Johansson, Ole /FINLAND/ Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK PDF
  129. Johnson, James A. /USA/ Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC PDF
  130. Jordan, Thomas J. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank PDF
  131. Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. /USA/ Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC PDF
  132. Kaplan, Robert D. /USA/ Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor PDF
  133. Karp, Alexander /USA/ CEO, Palantir Technologies PDF
  134. Karsner, Alexander /USA/ Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc PDF
  135. Karvar, Anousheh /FRANCE/ Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies PDF
  136. Kasparov, Garry /RUSSIA/ Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia) PDF
  137. Katainen, Jyrki /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  138. Keane, John M. /USA/ Senior Partner, SCP Partners PDF
  139. Kerr, John /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc. PDF
  140. Kerry, John /USA/ Senator for Massachusetts PDF
  141. Keyman, E. Fuat /TURKEY/ Director, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University PDF
  142. King Philippe of Belgium PDF
  143. Kissinger, Henry A. /USA/ Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. PDF
  144. Kleinfeld, Klaus /USA/ Chairman and CEO, Alcoa PDF
  145. Knot, Klaas H.W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
  146. Koç, Mustafa V. /TURKEY/ Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. PDF
  147. Koch, Roland /GERMANY/ CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE PDF
  148. Kodmani, Bassma /SYRIA/ Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council PDF
  149. Kravis, Henry R. /USA/ Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
  150. Kravis, Marie-Josée /USA/ Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. PDF
  151. Kroes, Neelie /THE NETHERLANDS/ Commissioner, European Commission PDF
  152. Krupp, Fred /USA/ President, Environmental Defense Fund PDF
  153. Kudelski, André /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA PDF
  154. Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses /GREECE/ Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. PDF
  155. Lambert, Richard /UK/ Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young PDF
  156. Lamy, Pascal /FRANCE/ Director General, World Trade Organization PDF
  157. Lander, Eric S. /USA/ President and Director, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT PDF
  158. Lauk, Kurt J. /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin PDF
  159. Lauvergeon, Anne /FRANCE/ Chairman of the Executive Board, AREVA PDF
  160. León Gross, Bernardino /SPAIN/ Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
  161. Lessig, Lawrence /USA/ Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University PDF
  162. Letta, Enrico /ITALY/ Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD) PDF
  163. Leuthard, Doris /SWITZERLAND/ Federal Councillor PDF
  164. Levite, Ariel E. /ISRAEL/ Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
  165. Lévy, Maurice /FRANCE/ Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A. PDF
  166. Leysen, Thomas /BELGIUM/ Chairman, Umicore, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group PDF
  167. Li, Cheng /USA/ Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution PDF
  168. Lindner, Christian /GERMANY/ Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW) PDF
  169. Lipsky, John /USA/ Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University PDF
  170. Liveris, Andrew N. /USA/ President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company PDF
  171. Löfven, Stefan /SWEDEN/ Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP) PDF
  172. Löscher, Peter /GERMANY/ Chairman of the Board of Management, Siemens AG PDF
  173. Lynn, William J. /USA/ Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc. PDF
  174. Magnus, Birger /NORWAY/ Chairman, Storebrand ASA PDF
  175. Mandelson, Peter /UK/ Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel PDF
  176. Mansbridge, Peter /CANADA/ Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation PDF
  177. Mathews, Jessica T. /USA/ President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace PDF
  178. McDowell, Michael /IRELAND/ Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister PDF
  179. Mchangama, Jacob /DENMARK/ Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS) PDF
  180. McKenna, Frank /CANADA/ Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group PDF
  181. Mehlman, Kenneth B. /USA/ Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. PDF
  182. Micklethwait, John /UK/ Editor-in-Chief, The Economist PDF
  183. Montbrial, Thierry de /FRANCE/ President, French Institute for International Relations PDF
  184. Monti, Mario /ITALY/ President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi PDF
  185. Mordashov, Alexey A. /RUSSIA/ CEO, Severstal PDF
  186. Moreira da Silva, Jorge /PORTUGAL/ First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD) PDF
  187. Moyo, Dambisa F. /ZAMBIA/ Economist and Author PDF
  188. Mundie, Craig J. /USA/ Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation PDF
  189. Myklebust, Egil /NORWAY/ Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA PDF
  190. Nagel, Alberto /ITALY/ CEO, Mediobanca PDF
  191. Naím, Moisés /USA/ Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy PDF
  192. Nass, Matthias /GERMANY/ Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit PDF
  193. Ng, Andrew Y. /USA/ Co-Founder, Coursera PDF
  194. Nin Génova, Juan María /SPAIN/ President and CEO, La Caixa PDF
  195. Nogueira Leite, António /PORTUGAL/ Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA PDF
  196. Noonan, Michael /IRELAND/ Minister for Finance PDF
  197. Noonan, Peggy /USA/ Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal PDF
  198. Nyrup Rasmussen, Poul /DENMARK/ Former Prime Minister PDF
  199. Oldham, John /UK/ National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity PDF
  200. Ollila, Jorma /FINLAND/ Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  201. Omand, David /UK/ Visiting Professor, King’s College London PDF
  202. Orbinski, James /CANADA/ Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto PDF
  203. Orszag, Peter R. /USA/ Director, Office of Management and Budget PDF
  204. Osborne, George /UK/ Chancellor of the Exchequer PDF
  205. Ottersen, Ole Petter /NORWAY/ Rector, University of Oslo PDF
  206. Ottolenghi, Emanuele /USA/ Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies PDF
  207. Özel, Soli /TURKEY/ Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper PDF
  208. Özilhan, Tuncay /TURKEY/ Chairman, Anadolu Group PDF
  209. Papaconstantinou, George (Papakonstantinou, Giorgos) /GREECE/ Minister of Finance PDF
  210. Papahelas, Alexis /GREECE/ Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper PDF
  211. Papalexopoulos, Dimitri /GREECE/ Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. PDF
  212. Parker, Sean /USA/ Managing Partner, Founders Fund PDF
  213. Pavey, Şafak /TURKEY/ Member of Parliament (CHP) PDF
  214. Pechtold, Alexander /THE NETHERLANDS/ Parliamentary Leader, Democrats ’66 (D66) PDF
  215. Pécresse, Valérie /FRANCE/ Member of Parliament (UMP) PDF
  216. Pekin, Şefika /TURKEY/ Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm [1, 2] PDF
  217. Pentikäinen, Mikael /FINLAND/ Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat PDF
  218. Perle, Richard N. /USA/ Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research PDF
  219. Petraeus, David H. /USA/ General, U.S. Army (Retired) PDF
  220. Polanco, Ignacio /SPAIN/ Chairman, Grupo PRISA PDF
  221. Polman, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ CEO, Unilever PLC PDF
  222. Portas, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Foreign Affairs PDF
  223. Prichard, J. Robert S. /CANADA/ President and CEO, Metrolinx PDF
  224. Prince Haakon of Norway PDF
  225. Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands PDF
  226. Queen Sofía of Spain PDF
  227. Rabinovich, Itamar /ISRAEL/ Global Distinguished Professor, New York University PDF
  228. Rachman, Gideon /UK/ Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
  229. Ramanantsoa, Bernard /FRANCE/ Dean, HEC Paris Group PDF
  230. Rangel, Paulo /PORTUGAL/ Member, European Parliament PDF
  231. Rattner, Steven /USA/ Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC PDF
  232. Redford, Alison M. /CANADA/ Premier of Alberta PDF
  233. Reding, Viviane /LUXEMBOURG/ Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission PDF
  234. Reisman, Heather M. /CANADA/ Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. PDF
  235. Reitzle, Wolfgang /GERMANY/ CEO & President, Linde AG PDF
  236. Renström, Lars /SWEDEN/ President and CEO, Alfa Laval PDF
  237. Rey, Hélène /FRANCE/ Professor of Economics, London Business School PDF
  238. Rinnooy Kan, Alexander H.G. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) PDF
  239. Robertson, Simon /UK/ Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings PDF
  240. Rocca, Gianfelice /ITALY/ Chairman, Techint PDF
  241. Rockefeller, David /USA/ Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank PDF
  242. Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías /SPAIN/ Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander PDF
  243. Rogoff, Kenneth S. /USA/ Professor of Economics, Harvard University PDF
  244. Rompuy, Herman van /BELGIUM/ President, European Council PDF
  245. Rose, Charlie /USA/ Producer, Rose Communications PDF
  246. Rosenthal, Uri /THE NETHERLANDS/ Minister of Foreign Affairs PDF
  247. Ross, Dennis B. /USA/ Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy PDF
  248. Rostowski, Jacek /POLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  249. Roy, Olivier /FRANCE/ Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute PDF
  250. Rubin, Robert E. /USA/ Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury PDF
  251. Rutte, Mark /THE NETHERLANDS/ Prime Minister PDF
  252. Sabanci Dinçer, Suzan /TURKEY/ Chairman, Akbank PDF
  253. Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya /SPAIN/ Vice President and Minister for the Presidency PDF
  254. Scaroni, Paolo /ITALY/ CEO, Eni S.p.A. PDF
  255. Scheffer, Paul /THE NETHERLANDS/ Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University PDF
  256. Schieder, Andreas /AUSTRIA/ State Secretary of Finance PDF
  257. Schmid, Martin /SWITZERLAND/ President, Government of the Canton Grisons PDF
  258. Schmidt, Eric /USA/ CEO and Chairman of the Board, Google PDF
  259. Scholten, Rudolf /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG PDF
  260. Scholz, Olaf /GERMANY/ Vice Chairman, SPD PDF
  261. Schütze, Peter /DENMARK/ Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB PDF
  262. Schweiger, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Member of the Swiss Council of States PDF
  263. Seguro, António José /PORTUGAL/ Secretary General, Socialist Party PDF
  264. Senard, Jean-Dominique /FRANCE/ CEO, Michelin Group PDF
  265. Shambaugh, David /USA/ Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University PDF
  266. Sheeran, Josette /USA/ Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme PDF
  267. Siilasmaa, Risto /FINLAND/ Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation PDF
  268. Skogen Lund, Kristin /NORWAY/ Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise PDF
  269. Slaughter, Anne-Marie /USA/ Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University PDF
  270. Soiron, Rolf /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd. PDF
  271. Solana Madariaga, Javier /SPAIN/ Former Secretary General, Council of the European Union PDF
  272. Solberg, Erna /NORWAY/ Leader of the Conservative Party PDF
  273. Speyer, Jerry I. /USA/ Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer PDF
  274. Steinberg, James B. /USA/ Deputy Secretary of State PDF
  275. Steinbrück, Peer /GERMANY/ Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance PDF
  276. Stewart, Rory /UK/ Member of Parliament PDF
  277. Stigson, Björn /SWEDEN/ President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development PDF
  278. Summers, Lawrence H. /USA/ Director, National Economic Council PDF
  279. Supino, Pietro /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG PDF
  280. Sutherland, Peter D. /IRELAND/ Chairman, Goldman Sachs International PDF
  281. Taylor, J. Martin /UK/ Chairman, Syngenta International AG PDF
  282. Teixeira dos Santos, Fernando /PORTUGAL/ Minister of State and Finance PDF
  283. Thiam, Tidjane /UK – IVORY COAST/ Group CEO, Prudential plc PDF
  284. Thiel, Peter A. /USA/ President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC PDF
  285. Thompson, Craig B. /USA/ President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center PDF
  286. Timuray, Serpil /TURKEY/ CEO, Vodafone Turkey PDF
  287. Topsøe, Jakob Haldor /DENMARK/ Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S PDF
  288. Tremonti, Giulio /ITALY/ Minister of Economy and Finance PDF
  289. Trichet, Jean-Claude /FRANCE/ President, European Central Bank PDF
  290. Trittin, Jürgen /GERMANY/ Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens PDF
  291. Tsoukalis, Loukas /GREECE/ President, ELIAMEP PDF
  292. Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude /AUSTRIA/ Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank PDF
  293. Urpilainen, Jutta /FINLAND/ Minister of Finance PDF
  294. Varney, Christine A. /USA/ Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust PDF
  295. Vasella, Daniel L. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis AG PDF
  296. Vaupel, James W. /USA/ Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research PDF
  297. Vimont, Pierre /FRANCE/ Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service PDF
  298. Volcker, Paul A. /USA/ Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board PDF
  299. Voser, Peter /UK – SWITZERLAND/ CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc PDF
  300. Wahlroos, Björn /FINLAND/ Chairman, Sampo plc PDF
  301. Waldvogel, Francis A. /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Novartis Venture Fund PDF
  302. Wall, Brad /CANADA/ Premier of Saskatchewan PDF
  303. Wallenberg, Jacob /SWEDEN/ Chairman, Investor AB PDF
  304. Warsh, Kevin /USA/ Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board PDF
  305. Wellink, Nout /THE NETHERLANDS/ President, De Nederlandsche Bank PDF
  306. West, F.J. Bing /USA/ Author PDF
  307. Weston, Galen G. /CANADA/ Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited PDF
  308. Williams of Crosby, Shirley /UK/ Member, House of Lords PDF
  309. Winter, Jaap W. /THE NETHERLANDS/ Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek PDF
  310. Witmer, Jürg /SWITZERLAND/ Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG PDF
  311. Wolf, Martin H. /UK/ Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times PDF
  312. Wolfensohn, James D. /USA/ Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC PDF
  313. Wooldridge, Adrian D. /UK/ Business Correspondent, The Economist PDF
  314. Wright, Nigel S. /CANADA/ Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister PDF
  315. Yergin, Daniel /USA/ Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates PDF
  316. Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez /SPAIN/ Prime Minister PDF
  317. Zetsche, Dieter /GERMANY/ Chairman, Daimler AG PDF
  318. Zoellick, Robert B. /USA/ President, The World Bank Group PDF


Notarial Firm for Bilderberg (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

  1. Borren, Hans [1, 2] /Chairman Mr M.J. Meijer c.s/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  2. Meijer, Maarten R. [1, 2, 3] /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

VIRTUAL BUILDING BV (Virtualbuilding.nl)

Website Service Provider for Bilderberg (1, 2)

  1. Rademaker, Ron [1, 2, 3, 4] /Founder Virtual Building BV/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF

CONNECT HOLLAND BV (Connectholland.nl)

(Former) Website Service Provider for Bilderberg (1)

  1. Soeterbroek, Jeroen [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] /Founder Connect Holland BV/THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF


  1. Hills, Carla A. /USA/ PDF
  2. Rubenstein, David Mark /USA/ PDF
  3. Haass, Richard Nathan /USA/ PDF
  4. Abizaid, John P. /USA/ PDF
  5. Ackerman, Peter /USA/ PDF
  6. Albright, Madeleine K. /USA/ PDF
  7. Baird, Zoë /USA/ PDF
  8. Blinder, Alan S. /USA/ PDF
  9. Boies, Mary McInnis /USA/ PDF
  10. Bradley, David G. /USA/ PDF
  11. Brokaw, Tom /USA/ PDF
  12. Burns, R. Nicholas /USA/ PDF
  13. Denning, Steven A. /USA/ PDF
  14. Fink, Laurence D. /USA/ PDF
  15. Friedman, Stephen /USA/ PDF
  16. Fudge, Ann M. [2] /USA/ PDF
  17. Gann, Pamela /USA/ PDF
  18. Glocer, Thomas H. /USA/ PDF
  19. Henry, Peter B. /USA/ PDF
  20. Hill, J. Tomilson /USA/ PDF
  21. Hrinak, Donna J. /USA/ PDF
  22. Jackson, Shirley Ann /USA/ PDF
  23. Kent, Muhtar /USA/ PDF
  24. Miscik, Jami /USA/ PDF
  25. Owens, James W. /USA/ PDF
  26. Padrón, Eduardo J. /USA/ PDF
  27. Peterson, Peter G. /USA/ PDF
  28. Porat, Ruth /USA/ PDF
  29. Smith, Frederick W. /USA/ PDF
  30. Warner, Margaret /USA/ PDF
  31. Weber, Vin /USA/ PDF
  32. Whitman, Christine Todd /USA/ PDF
  33. Zakaria, Fareed /USA/ PDF
  34. Olson, Keith [photo unconfirmed!] /USA/ PDF
  35. Lindsay, James M. /USA/ PDF
  36. Faskianos, Irina A. /USA/ PDF
  37. Gelb, Leslie H. /USA/ PDF
  38. Greenberg, Maurice R. /USA/ PDF
  39. Annan, Kofi /GHANA – USA/ PDF
  40. Belo-Osagie, Hakeem /NIGERIA/ PDF
  41. Desmarais Jr., Paul /CANADA/ PDF
  42. Döpfner, Mathias /GERMANY/ PDF
  43. Carbajal, José Antonio Fernández /MEXICO/ PDF
  44. Halonen, Tarja /FINLAND/ PDF
  45. Ibrahim, Mohamed /SUDAN – UK/ PDF
  46. Jameel, Mohammed Abdul Latif /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
  47. Kelly, Gail /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  48. Kojima, Yorihiko /JAPAN/ PDF
  49. Mahindra, Anand /INDIA/ PDF
  50. Mansour, Mohamed /EGYPT/ PDF
  51. de Margerie, Christophe /FRANCE/ PDF
  52. Masiyiwa, Strive /ZIMBABWE/ PDF
  53. Ofer, Idan /ISRAEL/ PDF
  54. Olayan, Lubna /SAUDI ARABIA/ PDF
  55. Potanin, Vladimir /RUSSIA/ PDF
  56. Powell, Charles David /UK/ PDF
  57. Walujo, Patrick /INDONESIA/ PDF
  58. Xin, Zhang /CHINA/ PDF


  1. Rasmussen, Anders Fogh /DENMARK/ PDF
  2. Vershbow, Alexander /USA/ PDF
  3. Lungescu, Oana /BELGIUM – ROMANIA/ PDF
  4. Høeg-Jensen, Kasper /DENMARK/ PDF
  5. Stamatopoulos, Thrasyvoulos Terry /GREECE/ PDF
  6. Ducaru, Sorin /ROMANIA/ PDF
  7. Auroy, Patrick /FRANCE/ PDF
  8. Brauss, Heinrich /GERMANY/ PDF
  9. Bush, Wayne J. /USA/ PDF
  10. Grabar-Kitarović, Kolinda /CROATIA/ PDF
  11. Evans, Stephen /UK/ PDF
  12. Smith, Stephen F. /USA/ PDF
  13. Hill, Steven /USA/ PDF
  14. Chagnot, Stéphane /FRANCE/ PDF


  1. Ashton, Catherine /UK/ PDF
  2. Kallas, Siim /ESTONIA/ PDF
  3. Tajani, Antonio /ITALY – FRANCE/ PDF
  4. Šefčovič, Maroš /SLOVAKIA/ PDF
  5. Rehn, Olli /FINLAND/ PDF
  6. Potočnik, Janez /SLOVENIA/ PDF
  7. Piebalgs, Andris /LATVIA/ PDF
  8. Barnier, Michel /FRANCE/ PDF
  9. Vassiliou, Androulla /CYPRUS/ PDF
  10. Šemeta, Algirdas /LITHUANIA/ PDF
  11. Geoghegan-Quinn, Máire /IRELAND/ PDF
  12. Lewandowski, Janusz /POLAND/ PDF
  13. Damanaki, Maria /GREECE/ PDF
  14. Georgieva, Kristalina /BULGARIA/ PDF
  15. Oettinger, Günther /GERMANY/ PDF
  16. Hahn, Johannes /AUSTRIA/ PDF
  17. Hedegaard, Connie /DENMARK/ PDF
  18. Füle, Štefan /CZECH REPUBLIC/ PDF
  19. Andor, László /HUNGARY/ PDF
  20. Malmström, Cecilia /BELGIUM – SWEDEN/ PDF
  21. Cioloş, Dacian /ROMANIA/ PDF
  22. Borg, Tonio /MALTA/ PDF
  23. Mimica, Neven /CROATIA/ PDF
  24. Guy Verhofstadt /BELGIUM – ITALY/ PDF
  25. Draghi, Mario /ITALY/ PDF
  26. Constâncio, Vítor Manuel Ribeiro /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  27. Cœuré, Benoît /FRANCE/ PDF
  28. Lautenschläger, Sabine /GERMANY/ PDF
  29. Mersch, Yves /LUXEMBOURG/ PDF
  30. Praet, Peter /BELGIUM/ PDF
  31. O’Mahoney, John [1, 2] /IRELAND/ PDF
  32. Esteban Perez, Francisco /SPAIN/ PDF
  33. Bolkestein, Frederik /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF
  34. de Hoop Scheffer, Jakob Gijsbert /THE NETHERLANDS/ PDF


  1. Krivokapic, Ranko /MONTENEGRO/ PDF
  2. Burkhalter, Didier /SWITZERLAND/ PDF
  3. Voridis, Makis /GREECE/ PDF
  4. Guliyev, Azay /AZERBAIJAN/ PDF
  5. Kauma, Pia /FINLAND/ PDF
  6. Aknazarova, Roza /KYRGYZSTAN/ PDF
  7. Sena, Nilza /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  8. Williams, Roger /UK/ PDF
  9. Santos, Isabel /PORTUGAL/ PDF
  10. Kulkuloglu, Mehmet Sevki /TURKEY/ PDF
  11. Comic, Gordana /SERBIA/ PDF


  1. Kohr, Howard /USA/ PDF
  2. Fishman, Richard /USA/ PDF
  3. Kern, Chrystal [1, 2, 3, 4] /USA/ PDF


  1. Foxman, Abraham H. /USA/ PDF
  2. Curtiss-Lusher, Barry /USA/ PDF


  1. Polak, Stuart [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  2. Tamam, Nathalie [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  3. Gurd, James [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  4. Stark, Leetal [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  5. Akademir, Sedef [1 ,2, 3] /UK/ PDF
  6. Murkes, Tanyah [1, 2, 3] /ISRAEL/ PDF


  1. Zabludowicz, Chaim Poju [1, 2] /UK/ PDF
  2. Kehoe, Dermot /UK/ PDF
  3. Fineberg, Tony /UK/ PDF
  4. Pater, Richard /ISRAEL/ PDF


  1. Siboni, Haim /ISRAEL/ PDF


  1. Leibler, Marc /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  2. Keen, Paul /AUSTRALIA/ PDF
  3. Rubenstein, Colin /AUSTRALIA/ PDF


  1. Soros, George /USA/ PDF
  2. Stone, Christopher /USA/ PDF


  1. Rothschild, Nathaniel Charles Jacob [1, 2, 3] /UK/ PDF


  1. Rothschild, Nathaniel Philip Victor James [1, 2] /SWITZERLAND – UK/ PDF


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  • Strong, Maurice F. [1, 2, 3]/CHINA/ PDF


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  98. Hannay, David Hugh Alexander /UK/ PDF
  99. Brown, Gordon /UK/ PDF
  100. Berger, Samuel Richard /USA/ PDF
  101. Geithner, Timothy Franz /USA/ PDF
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  106. Daschle, Thomas Andrew /USA/ PDF
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  108. Hagel, Charles Timothy /USA/ PDF
  109. Nunn, Samuel Augustus Jr. /USA/ PDF
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  111. Sanford, Marshall Clement Jr. /USA/ PDF
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  113. Arapoglou, Takis /GREECE/ PDF
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  1. Ratzinger, Joseph Aloisius /VATICAN – ITALY/ PDF
  2. Bergoglio, Jorge Mario /VATICAN – ITALY/ PDF
  3. Tauran, Jean-Louis /VATICAN – ITALY/ PDF
  4. von Freyberg, Ernst [1, 2] /VATICAN – ITALY – GERMANY/ PDF
  5. Castelló, Santos Abril y /VATICAN – ITALY/ PDF
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  1. Lior, Dov [1, 2] /ISRAEL/ PDF
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Hunting the NSA Rats and the trolls of Five Eyes.


Altogether, these bases can snoop on the entire world, friend as well as foe. The documents offer a detailed look at the “alien-like” station located in Waihopai Valley and reveals who and what kind of information the station targets, its inner workings, and how its operations link to an international network of spy facilities run by the other so-called “Five Eyes”—comprised of the intelligence agencies of the U.S., U.K., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. The leaked documents do not talk about “Waihopai”. They use the station’s secret Five Eyes code name Ironsand (“IS”). It’s not clear why Waihopai is Ironsand.

An NSA map shows it is one of a global network of oddly-named satellite interception stations. These stations are the eyes of the Five Eyes alliance.

Australia has a base near Geraldton, a small port city on the west coast of Australia. Its codename is Stellar.

The British station in Oman has the codename Snick. Britain’s Kenya base is known as Scapel. Britain also spies on satellites from Carboy, a station in Cornwall, and from a base in Cyprus called Sounder.

The American equivalents of Waihopai are Jackknife in Washington State on the Pacific coast, Timberline in West Virginia and Coraline in Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. The biggest of these is the Moonpenny base in Harrogate, Yorkshire.

According to the reporting, each of these bases is relatively identical and all of the information collected at the various sites in sent back to the NSA via a series of databases controlled and monitored by the agency.



We are the power of the people

Expect us!

Romanian Recording of Scam Election


Anonymous World Legion Council relese the recording of scam voting election in Romania.



The Sister of Gardasil Family in Sweden. ~ ROTAVACCIN alias Rotarix


Side Effects:

Rotarix (rotavirus) Vaccine, Live Oral Suspension is a “live” vaccine used to help prevent rotavirus disease in children. Common side effects include crying or mild irritability.

The Rotarix vaccination series consists of two 1-mL doses administered orally. The first dose should be administered to infants beginning at 6 weeks of age. There should be an interval of at least 4 weeks between the first and second dose. The 2-dose series should be completed by 24 weeks of age. Rotarix may interact with steroids, chemotherapy or radiation, medicines to treat or prevent organ transplant rejection, or medications to treat psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune disorders. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements your child uses, and all vaccines recently received. Rotavirus oral vaccine is for use in children between the ages of 6 weeks and 32 weeks old and is unlikely to be used in pregnant or nursing women. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or before breastfeeding.

Our Rotarix (rotavirus) Vaccine, Live Oral Suspension Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Keep track of any and all side effects your child has after receiving this vaccine. When the child receives a booster dose, you will need to tell the doctor if the previous dose caused any side effects. Becoming infected with rotavirus is much more dangerous to your child’s health than receiving this vaccine. However, like any medicine, this vaccine can cause side effects, but the risk of serious side effects is extremely low.

Get emergency medical help if your child has any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Call your doctor at once if the child has a serious side effect such as:

  • seizure (black-out or convulsions);
  • severe or ongoing diarrhea;
  • dark red stools;
  • fever, chills, cough with yellow or green mucus;
  • stabbing chest pain, chest tightness, wheezing, feeling short of breath;
  • stomach pain, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • ear pain, swelling, or drainage;
  • runny or stuffy nose, sore throat;
  • pain or burning when you urinate; or
  • high fever, redness of the skin or eyes, swollen hands, peeling skin rash, chapped or cracked lips.

Other less serious side effects are more likely to occur, such as crying or mild irritability.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report vaccine side effects to the US Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-822-7967.

Read the entire detailed patient monograph for Rotarix (Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral Suspension) »

SIDE EFFECTS: Mild fever, diarrhea, or vomiting may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell the doctor or pharmacist promptly.Remember that the doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to your child is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

Tell the doctor right away if any of these serious side effects occur: persistent/high fever greater than 102 degrees F (39 degrees C).

Rarely, a certain serious intestinal problem (intussusception) has occurred in babies after receiving this vaccine. Intussusception happens when a part of the intestine gets blocked or twisted. The risk may be higher within 21 days after receiving the first dose of rotavirus vaccine, especially in the first 7 days. Get medical help right away if you notice symptoms such as bloody stools or sudden severe abdominal pain/diarrhea. In babies, symptoms may include pulling the knees to the chest and crying, or crying when the abdomen is touched.

A very serious allergic reaction to this vaccine is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact the doctor or pharmacist.

Contact your doctor for medical advice about side effects. The following numbers do not provide medical advice, but in the US, you may report side effects to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at 1-800-822-7967. In Canada, you may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345.

Read the entire patient information overview for Rotarix (Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral Suspension)»

Rotarix FDA Prescribing Information: Side Effects
(Adverse Reactions)


Clinical Trials Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a vaccine cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another vaccine, and may not reflect the rates observed in practice. As with any vaccine, there is the possibility that broad use of ROTARIX could reveal adverse reactions not observed in clinical trials.

Solicited and unsolicited adverse events, serious adverse events and cases of intussusception were collected in 7 clinical studies. Cases of intussusception and serious adverse events were collected in an additional large safety study. These 8 clinical studies evaluated a total of 71,209 infants who received ROTARIX (N = 36,755) or placebo (N = 34,454). The racial distribution for these studies was as follows: Hispanic 73.4%, white 16.2%, black 1.0%, and other 9.4%; 51% were male.

Solicited Adverse Events

In 7 clinical studies, detailed safety information was collected by parents/guardians for 8 consecutive days following vaccination with ROTARIX (i.e., day of vaccination and the next 7 days). A diary card was completed to record fussiness/irritability, cough/runny nose, the infant’s temperature, loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea on a daily basis during the first week following each dose of ROTARIX or placebo. Adverse events among recipients of ROTARIX and placebo occurred at similar rates (Table 1).

Table 1: Solicited Adverse Events Within 8 Days Following Doses 1 and 2 of ROTARIX or Placebo (Total Vaccinated Cohort)

Dose 1 Dose 2
N = 3,284 %
N = 2,013 %
N = 3,201 %
N = 1,973 %
Fussiness/irritabilitya 52 52 42 42
Cough/runny noseb 28 30 31 33
Feverc 25 33 28 34
Loss of appetited 25 25 21 21
Vomiting 13 11 8 8
Diarrhea 4 3 3 3
Total vaccinated cohort = all vaccinated infants for whom safety data were available.
N = number of infants for whom at least one symptom sheet was completed.
a Defined as crying more than usual.
b Data not collected in 1 of 7 studies; Dose 1: ROTARIX N = 2,583; placebo N = 1,897; Dose 2: ROTARIX N = 2,522; placebo N = 1,863.
c Defined as temperature > 100.4°F ( > 38.0°C) rectally or > 99.5°F ( > 37.5°C) orally.
d Defined as eating less than usual.
Unsolicited Adverse Events

Infants were monitored for unsolicited serious and nonserious adverse events that occurred in the 31-day period following vaccination in 7 clinical studies. The following adverse events occurred at a statistically higher incidence (95% Confidence Interval [CI] of Relative Risk excluding 1) among recipients of ROTARIX (N = 5,082) as compared with placebo recipients (N = 2,902): irritability (ROTARIX 11.4%, placebo 8.7%) and flatulence (ROTARIX 2.2%, placebo 1.3%).

Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)

Infants were monitored for serious adverse events that occurred in the 31-day period following vaccination in 8 clinical studies. Serious adverse events occurred in 1.7% of recipients of ROTARIX (N = 36,755) as compared with 1.9% of placebo recipients (N = 34,454). Among placebo recipients, diarrhea (placebo 0.07%, ROTARIX 0.02%), dehydration (placebo 0.06%, ROTARIX 0.02%), and gastroenteritis (placebo 0.3%, ROTARIX 0.2%) occurred at a statistically higher incidence (95% CI of Relative Risk excluding 1) as compared with recipients of ROTARIX.


During the entire course of 8 clinical studies, there were 68 (0.19%) deaths following administration of ROTARIX (N = 36,755) and 50 (0.15%) deaths following placebo administration (N = 34,454). The most commonly reported cause of death following vaccination was pneumonia, which was observed in 19 (0.05%) recipients of ROTARIX and 10 (0.03%) placebo recipients (Relative Risk: 1.74, 95% CI: 0.76, 4.23).


In a controlled safety study conducted in Latin America and Finland, the risk of intussusception was evaluated in 63,225 infants (31,673 received ROTARIX and 31,552 received placebo). Infants were monitored by active surveillance including independent, complementary methods (prospective hospital surveillance and parent reporting at scheduled study visits) to identify potential cases of intussusception within 31 days after vaccination and, in a subset of 20,169 infants (10,159 received ROTARIX and 10,010 received placebo), up to one year after the first dose.

No increased risk of intussusception following administration of ROTARIX was observed within a 31-day period following any dose, and rates were comparable to the placebo group after a median of 100 days (Table 2). In a subset of 20,169 infants (10,159 received ROTARIX and 10,010 received placebo) followed up to one year after dose 1, there were 4 cases of intussusception with ROTARIX compared with 14 cases of intussusception with placebo [Relative Risk: 0.28 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.81)]. All of the infants who developed intussusceptions recovered without sequelae.

Table 2: Intussusception and Relative Risk With ROTARIX Compared With Placebo

Confirmed Cases of Intussusception ROTARIX
N = 31,673
N = 31,552
Within 31 days following diagnosis after any dose 6 7
  Relative Risk (95% CI) 0.85 (0.30, 2.42)
Within 100 days following dose 1a 9 16
  Relative Risk (95% CI) 0.56 (0.25, 1.24)
CI = Confidence Interval.
a Median duration after dose 1 (follow-up visit at 30 to 90 days after dose 2).

Among vaccine recipients, there were no confirmed cases of intussusception within the 0- to 14-day period after the first dose (Table 3), which was the period of highest risk for the previously licensed oral live rhesus rotavirus-based vaccine.1

Table 3: Intussusception Cases by Day Range in Relation to Dose

Day Range Dose 1 Dose 2 Any Dose
N = 31,673
N = 31,552
N = 29,616
N = 29,465
N = 31,673
N = 31,552
0-7 0 0 2 0 2 0
8-14 0 0 0 2 0 2
15-21 1 1 2 1 3 2
22-30 0 1 1 2 1 3
Total (0-30) 1 2 5 5 6 7
Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease has been reported in 18 (0.035%) recipients of ROTARIX and 9 (0.021%) placebo recipients from 16 completed or ongoing clinical trials. Of the 27 cases, 5 occurred following ROTARIX in clinical trials that were either not placebocontrolled or 1:1 randomized. In placebo-controlled trials, Kawasaki disease was reported in 17 recipients of ROTARIX and 9 placebo recipients [Relative Risk: 1.71 (95% CI: 0.71, 4.38)]. Three of the 27 cases were reported within 30 days post-vaccination: 2 cases (ROTARIX = 1, placebo = 1) were from placebo-controlled trials [Relative Risk: 1.00 (95% CI: 0.01, 78.35)] and one case following ROTARIX was from a non-placebo-controlled trial. Among recipients of ROTARIX, the time of onset after study dose ranged 3 days to 19 months.

Postmarketing Experience

The temporal association between vaccination with ROTARIX and intussusception was evaluated in a hospital-based active surveillance study that identified infants with intussusceptions at participating hospitals in Mexico. Using a self-controlled case series method,4 the incidence of intussusception during the first 7 days after receipt of ROTARIX and during the 31-day period after receipt of ROTARIX was compared to a control period. The control period was from birth to one year, excluding the pre-defined risk period (first 7 days or first 31 days post-vaccination, respectively).

Over a 2-year period, the participating hospitals provided health services to approximately 1 million infants under 1 year of age. Among 750 infants with intussusception, the relative incidence of intussusception in the 31-day period after the first dose of ROTARIX compared to the control period was 1.96 (95.5% CI: 1.46, 2.63)]; the relative incidence of intussusception in the first 7 days after the first dose of ROTARIX compared to the control period was 6.07 (95.5% CI: 4.20, 8.63).

The Mexico study did not take into account all medical conditions that may predispose infants to intussusception. The results may not be generalizable to US infants who have a lower background rate of intussusception than Mexican infants. However, if a temporal increase in the risk for intussusception following ROTARIX similar in magnitude to that observed in the Mexico study does exist in US infants, it is estimated that approximately 1 to 3 additional cases of intussusception hospitalizations would occur per 100,000 vaccinated infants in the US within 7 days following the first dose of ROTARIX. In the first year of life, the background rate of intussusception hospitalizations in the US has been estimated to be approximately 34 per 100,000 infants.5

Other postmarketing observational studies conducted in Brazil and Australia also suggest an increased risk of intussusception within the first 7 days following the second dose of ROTARIX.2,3

Worldwide passive postmarketing surveillance data suggest that most cases of intussusception reported following ROTARIX occur in the 7-day period after the first dose.

The following adverse events have been reported since market introduction of ROTARIX. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to vaccination with ROTARIX.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Intussusception (including death), recurrent intussusceptions (including death), hematochezia, gastroenteritis with vaccine viral shedding in infants with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID).

Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Vascular Disorders

Kawasaki disease.

General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions


Read the entire FDA prescribing information for Rotarix (Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral Suspension) »

SPRID -[#EVENT]- Dagen då vi #TömmerBankerna 01/07/2015 | The day we will #EmptyTheBanks 01/07/2015


Originally posted on Anonymous ops sweden:

  1. -[EVENT]-

    The day we will #EmptyTheBanks  01/07/2015

    Dagen då vi #TömmerBankerna 01/07/2015

    #AnonymousOperationsSweden #OPSwedishBankRally  #OPEmptyTheBanks  #OPBanks2015 #ExpectUS #AnonymousOperationsSweden

     JOIN NOW!

    #AnonymousOperationsSweden #OPSwedishBankRally #OPEmptyTheBanks #OPBanks2015 #ExpectUS #AnonymousOperationsSweden


    War Sponsoring.
    Against RFID Inplant / Cashless Society.
    Against GREED.. We gonna get you be so sure.


    Withdraw as much money as you can from out of your bank account. to show the BANKERS who controls YOUR money. WE (the 99%) do, not them.

    If you are very active online type of person and active on social media, no doubt you have seen posts on Twitter, Facebook, LiveLeak, Reddit, YouTube and many more platforms about, the>>> evil BANKERS.

    Bankers are one of the main reasons why this world has so many problems, because of their greed, selfishness, late fee fines, penalties, high Interest rates, bank charges and ridiculous set up costs and so on for services that make them…

View original 6,385 more words

Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Emma Sheppard


Originally posted on Prisoner Support Bristol ABC:

Anarchist prisoner, Emma Sheppard was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment on Tuesday 24th February 2015 at Bristol Crown Court for committing “Criminal damage recklessly endangering life”.

The charge relates to criminal damage of police cars in the Bristol area.

Please write letters of solidarity to:

Emma Sheppard
HMP Send
Ripley Road
GU23 7LJ

(Please note new address as of March 2015)

Emma can receive cards, stamps and stationary.

For donations, news & any other solidarity efforts email: bristol_abc@riseup.net


em updated

View original

ROMANIA SE PREGATESTE DE RAZBOI! In tot acest timp sunteti manipulati cu Vanghelie si Udrea!


Originally posted on Moarte Lumii Noastre:

O garnitură feroviară cu o încărcătură neobișnuită a tranzitat în această dimineață gara din Deva. Este vorba de câteva zeci de vagoane încărcate cu tehnică militară, de la tancuri, mașini de salvare sau blindate, toate au putut fi admirate de călătorii care se aflau în această dimineață pe peronul gării din municipiul reședință de județ.

Potrivit unor surse, transportul de tehnică militară pe calea ferată nu este singura în ultimele zile, astfel de garnituri au mai tranzitat județul Hunedoara.

Trenul este format din 23 de vagoane, iar încărcătura formată din tehnică militară cântărește aproximativ 468 de tone. Granitura feroviară a intrat în România prin vama Curtici în jurul orei 06:00 iar destinația este localitatea Nicolae Bălcescu din județul Constanța.

Reamintim că, în acestă săptămână mai mult nave de război ale NATO au început manevre militare de rutină în Marea Neagră. La exercițiu participă curcișătorul american USS Vicksburg, patru fregate –…

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Muslim Brotherhood in America ~ Shariah Path in USA Systems and Government.


From Anonymous America many Patriots whant to defend the country is coming in Anonymous World Legion Council many info about system and government. Old or new we mast reserch and help to bring the Truth out to the public.

Today We will present one littele part of the past ( was in 2012 ) but many we will understand more things and see more on the streets of America.

We work and reserch to bring out the Truth and help the People what whant the Country back.

Many maibe dont know or heard about this but we will bring on the table what we find and reserch whit help of American Patriots.

Movie part 1:

Movie part 2:

Movie part 3:

Movie part 4:

Movie part 5:

Movie part 6:

Movie part 7:

Movie part 8:

Movie part 9:

Movie part 10:

The PDF download free book :


What they speak in 2010-2012 are now more or less in Streets or Politic and Social life.

We will let People to understend and learn what they mast do in the future.

Remember always about you mast Fight whit Rats from Systems and whit them who help the System to make bad things and not whit people in the streets.

The key to win is to UNITE all and act like ONE aganst the bad Systems , Banks or Governments.

Monsanto – nu hos din ICA-handlare


Originally posted on Vårt Nya Sverige:


På etiketten ser allt jättefint ut. Den nya ”superbroccolin” Beneforté är rik på C-vitamin och bidrar till och med till att minska din trötthet! Produkten har redan hyllats i svensk media, och för att du ska känna dig extra trygg har ICA klistrat på en svensk flagga.

Det är egentligen bara en sak som saknas, nämligen namnet på ägaren: Monsanto. Om du redan vet vilka Monsanto är så behöver jag inte säga mer. Om du inte vet vilka Monsanto är vill jag rekommendera dig att kolla upp det.

Superbroccolin Beneforté är den amerikanska kemijättens senaste försök att ta sig in på den europeiska marknaden för livsmedel. Genom att modifiera broccolin med hjälp av den allra senaste gentekniken och kalla det för “traditionell växtförädling” har Monsanto lyckats kringgå vår starka GMO-lagstiftning.

Supergrönsaken är i själva verket ännu ett patenterat experiment från Monsantos laboratorier. Den här gången har man lyckats få…

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WE are like THEM and THEY are like US ~ #OpHomelessGuardianAngels


We are going in the streets day and night and always pass by the People in truble and whit no help from Us. In our jobbs we find the peace. In our huses we find our family but always we forget what price pay people what in past defend our freedom or invented somthing what we use today. Many are now in streets and look or hope someone will remember them and help them to begin again to help us to construct our freedom or defend our rights.

Homeless is one situation what WE THE PEOPLE permit to be in our Country and the Government or Banks drive this economic situation.

We can be like them soon or later or we can make them to smile and prevent the future whit out homes and hope.

Many homeless can work or can theach us how to upgrade our economic system.

Many can make wanders in Government places or in Social Systems.

Hire one and you will see the diference.

Work whit one and you will see more wanders.


Helping them you help us to change the Systems.



List of Paedophile politicians UK. by CyberAnon ~ #OpDeathEaters


June 2008 – Timothy Edmeades, 33, Labour Party super activist and events organiser to Labour Lord Mayor abused his position of trust when he sexually assaulted the two children on swimming trips

October 2011 – A councillor has narrowly avoided jail after he admitted to a doctor that he had been looking at child abuse images.John Butcher had 400 images of child abuse on the computers – 48 of these were at level four, one level below the very worst kind of images.

May 2005 – Liam Temple – Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), convicted of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency. He was jailed for six months at Chester Crown Court for offering a 12-year-old girl money to grope her

September 2008 – Members of the Establishment refused to accept paedophiles depravity. Roger Took was sentenced this February to a minimum of four-and-a-half years in prison as part of an indeterminate sentence for 17 other crimes relating to child abuse. They included molesting two of his step-granddaughters and the possession of 260 photographs, including 102 ‘Level 5s’, which mean they contain images of children being tortured or raped.

November 2008 – TWO men jailed for sexual activity with 14-year-old girls had been thrown out of the British National Party when their offences came to light, it has been revealed.Ian Richard Hindle, 32, of Church Walk, Blackburn, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, were jailed on Thursday for a total of five years and three months.

February 2004 – FORMER Bentham councillor, John Pilkington, has been jailed for 21 months after amassing a huge quantity of sickening child pornography over a seven year period. “Yours is one of the worst collections of child pornography it has been my misfortune to have to look at,” said Judge Scott Wolstenholme.

August 2008 – A tory ex-deputy mayor who sexually assaulted a teenage girl and kept child porn while a member of police authority was spared jail. Ben Redsell, 29, admitted assaulting the 19-year-old at her home after a night out in Colchester, Essex, last August and also 10 child offences. Police had found indecent images of children, which dated from 2000, at his home in Melton, Suffolk.

January 2006 – THE arrest of the man at the head of a massive paedophile network led police to a pervert in Coventry, it has emerged. Roderick Rowley, who stood as a candidate for the BNP in Coventry’s Woodlands Ward in the local elections in 2004, was jailed for 15 months in December after sending obscene images involving children.

November 2008 – A former city councillor was given a five-year jail sentence for molesting an 11-year-old boy and threatening the youngster’s mother in a bid to cover his tracks. Ex-Paston councillor Gilbert Benn (48) was locked up at Peterborough Crown Court yesterday having earlier been found guilty of twice attempting to rape the young boy in the city.

Terry Power was a Labour Party Councillor in Dagenham, London. Terry Power would roam the streets looking to prey on youngsters who found themselves in a ‘hard up’ lifestyle from single parent families. He molested and took indecent photos of 3 young boys. Power known as the Beast of Dagenham was found guilty but only given a 30 month jail sentence. The photos of the children the labour party councillor took were shown to the jury who were sickened by what Terry Power had done

2003 – Labour Councillor (Newham/London), Greg Vincent, who was the Election Agent to Labour MP Tony Banks at the 2001 General Election – was convicted and given a 2-year community rehabilitation order in 2003, for possession of hardcore child abuse films and photos, featuring children as young as 8.

August 2006 – THE former chairman of Long Sutton Parish Council has been jailed for three months after admitting downloading and distributing child pornography. Christopher Duckworth, 64, of Bingham Court, Long Sutton, admitted five charges of distributing indecent images of children

August 2003 – A senior clerk at the House of Commons who used his work computer to download hardcore child pornography has been jailed for one year. Phillip Lyon was also found guilty on Tuesday of using his home computer to collect more than 1,000 images of children – some of whom were toddlers subjected to “disgusting” sexual acts.

April 2012 – An ex-councillor caught downloading indecent images of children walked free from court after a judge said he had ‘contributed’ to society. Andrew Lamont, 53, copied 207 images of girls as young as eight to his computer, 27 of which were level four, the second most serious level.

Dec 2009 – A Labour councillor who was arrested in a Belfast hotel room in 2007 with his 17-year-old boyfriend has failed in a bid to bring a legal challenge against police. Hull City councillor Steven Bayes, 47, was found with his boyfriend Dale Martin, who was 17 when he was arrested. At the time, the legal age of consent for gay sex in Northern Ireland was 18. This has now been lowered to 16, in line with the rest of the UK.

June 2007 – A Hampshire councillor who set up a spy camera to secretly film a woman and two teenage girls using his bathroom has been jailed for four months. Neil Redrup, a Ministry of Defence database manager at the time, put the camera in an airing cupboard with the lens spying through a hole at his home. Redrup, 45, regularly invited teenagers to parties at his home

2008 – A former Tory politician has been jailed for six and a half years for five sex offences involving three girls under 14 yrs old, including one charge of rape. Stephen Mullins, 52, formerly of Links Avenue, Hellesdon, was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court

May 2007 – A man responsible for distributing indecent images of children to an online paedophile network was yesterday sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Lib Dem council candidate 26-year-old Karl Lindon, a civil servant from Camberwell, London SE5 was arrested when his details were found on a computer seized in a separate arrest.

Dec 2008 – A former deputy mayor and councillor of Harrogate has been sentenced to eight months in prison for attempting to groom a 13-year-old girl for sex. Morris Lightfoot, of Dryden Close, Bilton, Harrogate, was caught in a sting operation by an administrator on a social networking site.

April 2009 – A councillor was jailed for six years yesterday after police found an illegal gun and 2000 indecent images of kids at his home. Officers were called to Wigan Town Hall after being told that Joseph Shaw had been caught with indecent images of children on his home computer.

June 2009 – A FORMER Conservative councillor who became “infatuated” with a 13-year-old girl and sexually assaulted her has been jailed for eight years. David Kirton, (55), of Longbanks, Harlow, admitted committing three sexual offences on the girl during an eight month period.

November 2011 – The agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant has been imprisoned after he was caught with a huge stash of ‘the most serious child pornography police have ever seen’. Stephen Carnell, who was a chairman on a primary school board of governors in Mr Bryant’s south Wales constituency, was sentenced to three years in jail.

September 2002 – FORMER Tory Councillor Louise Burrows failed to convince Doncaster Magistrates that she was acting in self-defence when she was found guilty of attacking three children with a whip after a window in her house had been smashed. A 13-yr-old boy was left with bruising to his left leg after being hit three times; a nine-year-old boy was hit twice and a 12-yr-old girl was slapped as she attempted to ride off on her bicycle. The magistrate gave Burrows a 6-mth community rehabilitation order and ordered her to pay compensation of £75 each to both boys, plus costs of £300.

2004 – Tory Councillor (Felixstowe/Suffolk), David Smith – Accepted a police caution for downloading child porn in 2004. Placed on the sex offenders register for 5 years.

Sir Ian Horobin was Convicted and jailed for 4 years for indecency in 1952, after paying young boys for sex. Sir Ian Macdonald Horobin (16 November 1899 – 5 June 1976) was a British Conservative Party politician.

July 2004 – An ex-Tory party official who went on the run after raping a six-year-old girl has been jailed for 10 years. Stephen Mertens, 53, was arrested in May 1990 while secretary of the Hackney and South Shoreditch Conservative Association.

2001 – Former Tory Party councillor (Bradford/Yorkshire), Jim Merrick – Received a 9-month jail sentence (suspended) and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years in 2001 after being convicted of multiple sex attacks on little girls between the ages of 9 and 12.

2001 – Former Lord Mayor of Portsmouth & Tory Party Council Leader jailed. Freddie Emery-Wallis found guilty of indecently assaulting two boys and jailed for nine months in 2001. Emery-Wallis attacked the two teenage paperboys above the shop he owned in Leith Avenue, Paulsgrove, in the 1960s and 1970s.

1987 – Tory Party MP (Billericay/Essex) Harvey Proctor – Convicted and fined a total of £1,450 in 1987, for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

Feb 1997 – CONSERVATIVE councillor Michael Howden, jailed for five-and-a-half years for the rape of a teenage girl. Howden’s high profile Liverpool Crown Court case came to a dramatic end, when he was jailed for the rape and sexually molesting another 17-year-old girl.

July 1999 – A teacher and former Tory parliamentary candidate was jailed for child Net porn offences yesterday. Michael Powell, 51, was sentenced to three years by Cardiff Crown Court for downloading 16,600 pictures of children from the Web. Powell, who was conservative Mayor of Bridgend, South Wales, in 1984

March 2009 – A WOULD-BE Exeter city councillor who was jailed for four years after offering to pay £500 for sex with young girls is no longer a member of the Labour Party. Richard Harris, 28, of Union Street, Exeter, who was jailed for four years after admitting seven charges of inciting sexual activity, had unsuccessfully contested seats across the city at elections in 2006, 2007 and last year for Labour.

July 2005 – DISGRACED ex-councillor Dean Jenkins was jailed yesterday for possessing, making and distributing thousands of pornographic images of children. Newport crown court heard the images of young boys ranged from level one to the most severe, level five.

July 2004 – A former councillor who indecently assaulted an eight-year-old girl has been jailed for two-and-a-half years. David Mills, 55, preyed on the child, now aged 16, as she played in her bedroom when he babysat.

July 2001 – A FORMER North-East aide of Prime Minister Tony Blair has been jailed for 15 years for an “appalling” string of sex offences against teenage boys.Martyn Locklin, 41, of Ladybower, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, was found guilty by the jury of eight men and four women at Teesside Crown Court

July 2007 – A FORMER councillor jailed for indecently touching an 11-year-old girl failed yesterday in a bid to overturn his conviction. Fifty-six-year-old Harry Devine was branded a danger to young girls following his trial, at Durham Crown Court. Devine was also found to have home videos of girls in swimming costumes, in which the camera zoomed in on their private parts.

August 2011 – FORMER Derby City Council leader Maurice Burgess has been jailed for five years for child sex offences. Ex-Liberal Democrat leader Burgess has admitted indecently assaulting four boys, aged seven to 11 years old, between 1989 and 1994.

Feb 2011 – THE owner of a taxi firm has been banned from driving schoolchildren after he sexually touched a teenage girl. Sadiq Choudhry, a councillor who runs 24 7 Private Hire, in Swadlincote, was convicted by a jury of four offences of sexual activity with a child.

November 2008 – A former teacher and Erewash councillor at a Leicestershire school has been convicted of making and possessing indecent child images. Robert Dockerill, 32, from Crook, County Durham, denied the charges but was found guilty

August 2010 – A SERIAL pervert, who admitted he was sexually attracted to girls aged 8 to 12 after police found 810 indecent images in his Derby home, has been jailed. Derby Crown Court heard that former music teacher and Green Party candidate Gary Anderson had been convicted in 2000 and 2003 for similar offences.

January 2012 – A FORMER Chelmsford ex-Conservative councillor mayor has failed in a High Court bid to clear his name over possessing child pornography. David Lee, 48, of Rushleydale, Springfield, was given a caution by Essex Police in August 2008 after indecent images of children were found on computer equipment at his home.

March 2009 – A FORMER Wirral Tory councillor led a secret life looking at indecent images of children. While his wife and two daughters slept upstairs, Ian McKellar spent hours poring over child porn downloaded from the internet onto his computer. The court heard that the 1913 images mainly involved girls aged between 12 – 14, sometimes naked

November 2003 – A HIGH school teacher & Ex-Vale Royal Borough and Kingsley councillor has been jailed for two-and-a-half years after indecently assaulting two vulnerable pupils who had turned to him for help.David Reaper has been banned from working with young children and ordered to register as a sex offender for life.

October 2011 – A BNP councillor who downloaded and distributed child pornography on the internet has been jailed for 16 months. Gavin Leist (20), of Ratcliffe Road, Loughborough, admitted three counts of possessing indecent images and three of distributing them, between 2008 and 2010.

October 2003 – A DISGRACED former school governor and town and district councillor, convicted of collecting child porn on his personal computer, has been offered honorary membership of a community association. Grandfather, Keith Rogers from Birch Coppice, Droitwich, was fined £5,000 by Worcester Magistrates a fortnight ago after police found nearly 2,000 indecent images of children on his computer equipment.

February 2008 – A FORMER Malvern Hills councillor was branded a “dirty old man” by a judge but escaped jail for possessing indecent photographs of children. Michael Angell was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for two years at Hereford Crown Court

April 2012 – A disgraced former Cumbrian council chairman has been jailed for four years after admitting abusing a school boy.Tony Brunskill, 66, is already serving a 10 year sentence for offences against three school boys. Carlisle Crown Court was told this morning that the latest crimes, carried out between 1979 and 1981, happened when the boy was aged between 11 and 13.

January 2004 – A councillor found guilty of downloading and storing indecent images of children on his council computer has been disqualified from standing for office for five years. Tory Chris Pilkington, who lives in Shipston, was re-elected for the Vale of the Red Horse ward, which includes Tysoe, Edgehill, Whatcote and Pillerton Priors, with a 384 majority in May 2002

March 2009 – A FORMER Worcester UKIP candidate –- who has since converted to Islam – has been sentenced for possessing indecent photographs of children. Jason Phillips, who stood in the city’s 2007 elections for the Arboretum ward, had previously admitted downloading two indecent images of a child.

April 2012 – The former leader of Worcestershire County Council who sexually abused a Sunday school pupil while he was a church minister has been jailed for four years. George Lord, who represented Alvechurch, also sexually assaulted a “vulnerable” teenager in the council chamber when he ran the local authority. Lord, 79, who had previously admitted three charges of indecent assault and was found guilty of sexual assault

August 2002 – A DISGRACED councillor who sexually assaulted a 16-year-old boy has quit. Neil Derbyshire had refused to give up his Stockport council seat despite being ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register after he admitted indecent assault and attempting to procure an act of gross indecency.

April 2009 – David Charles, a councillor in the St Andrew’s ward in Hornchurch, was sentenced to a six month suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to 16 counts of possessing pornographic images of youngsters. He was also ordered to pay court costs of £500 and remain on the sex offenders list for 7 years

May 2003 – A former school governor and ex-local councillor is starting a two year jail sentence for downloading more than 42,000 paedophilic images, including 2,500 movies.Alec Dyer-Atkins and 45 other people were arrested last July for their membership of a major, Internet-based paedophile network, known as the Shadows Brotherhood

June 2011 – A former Labour councillor who downloaded child pornography from the internet was shopped to police by his partner. Adrian Cirket, 54, was arrested after the mother of three of his five children, spotted the illegal cache on his laptop computer. Forensic experts discovered more than 500 sexual images of children – some as young as five years old – on the ex-councillor’s computer which he had downloaded over 3 years

October 2001 – A former assistant director of social services, magistrate and Labour councillor has been jailed for abusing boys in a children’s home scandal which may have had as many as 70 victims over 30 years, it emerged yesterday. Alan Prescott, 62, who was described at the Old Bailey as a “pillar of his local community”, was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting indecently assaulting four boys in his care between 1970 and 1980 while he was superintendent of a Tower Hamlets children’s home.

April 2006 – FORMER Cowes town councillor David Christopher Hill has been jailed for two years and banned from working with children indefinitely after admitting child sex offences. Hill, 59, of High Street, Cowes, pleaded guilty to two charges of inciting indecency with a child and four counts of indecent assault

July 2011 – A PREDATORY paedophile has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for abusing eight children. William Barber was a respected councillor, school governor and “pillar of the community” in Brockworth, but he was secretly preying on vulnerable children as young as five. Guilty of 18 charges of indecently assaulting or committing gross indecency with his eight victims over a 13 year period

June 2003 – A paedophile babysitter who gained the trust of a mother by showing a picture of himself with Tony and Cherie Blair, was jailed today for 15 years. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann, from Whitstable in Kent, pleaded guilty to 24 charges at Canterbury Crown Court including two counts of rape against a four-year-old girl

July 2008 – TORY chiefs are demanding that a newly-elected councillor quit after he was exposed as a violent paedophile with a 41-year history of crimes. Pervert Robert Richdale got the backing of the local party faithful in leader Michael Howard’s own constituency despite having 30 convictions involving 65 offences and FIVE jail sentences. In 1973, a six-month sentence for indecently assaulting underage girls. In 1997, received a caution for a sexual crime involving a girl of 14.

June 2008 – A FORMER Councillor has escaped jail for downloading thousands of child porn images. Peter O’Brian, 46, formally of Drakes Way, Hatfield, was given a 3 yr com order and is attending rehabilitation for his sick addiction. The ex-councillor pleaded guilty to 11 counts of making indecent images of children and two counts of possessing indecent images of children.

July 2011 – A PAEDOPHILE who described his collection of indecent images of children as ‘art’ has been jailed for 15 months after admitting a string of child sex offences. Ex councillor Martin Fisher, of Queens Road, Whitstable, was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court today after earlier pleading guilty to five counts of sexual assault, three of which were against a girl under 13, and possessing and making indecent images of children. 3 additional offences of indecent assault on a child under 14 will remain on file

Jan 2001 – A Labour councillor has been jailed for seven years for raping a nine-year-old child. Iestyn Tudor Davies, 50, from Brackla in Bridgend, south Wales, carried out the sex attacks on the girl while his magistrate wife Pamela slept just yards away in the next bedroom.

June 2006 – GANG sex, blackmail, death threats, lighter gas sniffing and sex for rent this man used them all in decades of perversion against young girls and a single mother. Paedophile Eric Coates and his father, Former Labour Councillor Raymond Coates, preyed on those who came into contact with them in their Huby home and elsewhere, Leeds Crown Court heard. Eric, 51, formerly of Huby, is serving 14 years behind bars after pleading guilty to 15 sexual crimes against girls aged 11 to 14 and a single mother of three.

February 2005 – Labour Councillor (Coxhoe, Durham)Les Sheppard was convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years and placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year-old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks

August 2009 – A former mayor & Labour councillor escaped jail after being convicted of possessing and distributing child pornography. Stewart Brown, 60, admitted 21 offences of possessing indecent images of children and one of distributing pictures. Brown, of Nutclough, Hebden Bridge, admitted all the charges, some of which were said to relate to images of girls as young as three

May 2009 – A disgraced former Walsall councillor who left a computer memory stick containing child porn behind after a town hall meeting was fined £443. Jonathan Phillips was placed on the sex offenders register for two years

March 2010 – Keith Potts, 60, who is a former Labour Party councillor, and served on Chester-le- Street District Council, accepted a police caution for possessing 24 indecent images of children. He must sign on the sex offenders register for two years.

March 2012 – A former Leicester city councillor who caused a political storm by describing Gordon Brown as “the worst Prime Minister in history”, pestered two schoolgirls for sex and indecently assaulted a young woman. Manish Sood kissed a 22-year-old on her bottom in the guise of “therapy” and offered to pay two girls, aged 14 and 15, to visit his home for “massages”

Nov 2011 – A Labour councillor with close links to Harriet Harman and Tessa Jowell has been jailed for attempting grooming an underage girl for sex. John Friary has been jailed for 15 months after he was caught attempting to sexually groom a child online.

January 2007 – A councillor been sent to jail for five years after molesting two 11-year-old girls while he was a school governor. Bob Hargreaves, 62, who was elected to Bradford Metropolitan District Council in 2004, was given five years in jail.

December 2006 – A former Labour Party organiser has been jailed for 15 months for grooming a 13-year-old boy on the internet. Peter Tuffley, 28, was working in the North West when he took the teenager back to his flat in Liverpool after they met through an internet chatroom. Tuffley was also sentenced to six months imprisonment, to run concurrently, for abducting the youngster

September 2006 – The former leader of Dartford Borough Council has been given a three-year community rehabilitation order for downloading child porn. Kenneth Leadbeater, 50, pleaded guilty before magistrates in June to 14 counts of making indecent images of children. Police found 320 images of indecent images of boys on his computer

September 2006 – A former Redruth councillor has been jailed for indecently assaulting a young girl. Andrew Trathen, 52, of Rose Row in Redruth, denied intentionally sexually touching the girl

April 2008 – A DEVIOUS paedophile convicted of possessing images of child pornography on his computer has been fined £100 for failing to comply with his community order and warned he could go to jail if he does so again. Disgraced former Haverhill town councillor Mabon Dane, 38, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court where he denied breaching the order imposed on him in 2006 when he was found guilty after a trial of 16 charges of making indecent images of children and one of possessing them

Febuary 2005 – A man who served Leeds for 10 years as a Labour councillor has been given a suspended jail term for possessing pornographic images of young girls. Lee Benson, 46, of Yew Tree Lane, Colton, pleaded guilty at Leeds Crown Court to 12 counts of possessing indecent images of children

January 2005 – A city councillor has been jailed for two years after he used his car to lure schoolgirls for sex assaults. Leslie Sheppard, 71, of The Grove, Coxhoe, County Durham, was found guilty of nine indecent assaults and one attempt on three girls aged nine to 13

January 2005 – Tunstall councillor Lee Wanger was found guilty of encouraging the spread of internet child porn after logging on to a website under investigation. He was fined £250 and placed on the sex offenders’ register for five years

March 2004 – A former teacher and Labour councillor walked free from court after admitting viewing child porn. Nelson Bland, 50, from Reading, was sentenced to 100 hours community service. Bland had earlier admitted 16 counts of making indecent images of children and one count of distributing child porn

June 2004 – A councillor who admitted taking indecent pictures of a 14-year-old girl has been placed on the sex offender’s register. Graham White, 61, from Woodside, pleaded guilty to four counts of taking indecent photographs of a minor

March 2004 – A former Perth councillor who downloaded child pornography has been banned from owning a computer after escaping a jail sentence. Disgraced SNP politician Iain Hunter was found guilty of accessing child porn at home and in his party office

March 2003 – An ex-political leader in Lancashire has admitted accessing child pornography from the internet. William Chadwick pleaded guilty, at Liverpool Crown Court, to 18 offences of making indecent photographs of children. Chadwick, who was leader of the Lib-Dem group in Preston, was fined £1,000 and ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for life

August 2008 – A disgraced former Coventry city councillor has been given a six month suspended jail sentence for downloading hundreds of child porn images. Peter Stidworthy, 53, appeared at Coventry Crown Court. The images were found when he took his computer into a shop for repair

January 2002 – A former Bedfordshire Conservative council leader has been jailed for 18 months for indecently assaulting two girls. Albert Whinnett, 73, was chairman of South Bedfordshire District Council in 1984. Judge Ronald Moss told him had he been younger and in better health the sentence would have been four or five years

November 2009 – A young Tory has been jailed for six months after he admitted downloading sickening child porn. Alister Cooling, 27, who writes for the Conservative Home website and campaigned for London Mayor Boris Johnson, owned films featuring girls as young as five being abused. The pervert also downloaded a bestiality film

September 2007 – Three people who abused two children during a six-hour orgy arranged over the internet have been jailed. Liberal Democrat activist Archibald Wood, 60, from Tavistock, Devon, was jailed for seven years. After communicating with Wood over the internet, another man took the 13-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl to the private property in Fleet

December 2008 – He was the urbane gent who waited on the Royal Family for nine years – first serving the Queen at Buckingham Palace and then her mother. But throughout his service Paul Kidd was leading a double life as a serial child abuser who molested a number of boys over a 30-year period. Kidd, even stood for election as a UK Independent Party candidate in Dukinfield and Stalybridge

January 2003 – FORMER Weymouth councillor David Crosland has been found guilty of child pornography charges. Some of the photographs showed young girls performing sex acts with adult males

April 2004 – TOP Tory councillor Mike Oram has been urged to quit after appearing in court on child pornography related charges. Oram, who has represented Blandford East since 1999, admitted one charge of making an indecent photograph of a child and another of inciting the distribution of pseudo-photographs of children under the age of 16. Oram was given a two-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £87 costs

May 2011 – A child protection charity has attacked an “appallingly lenient” decision not to jail a former Lambeth councillor who admitted possessing more than 94,000 images/videos of abused children. Toren Smith, of Lilford Road, Camberwell, was given a two year suspended sentence at Southwark Crown Court on Monday, after earlier pleading guilty to 24 counts of possessing and making indecent images of children

Feb 2012 – A former SDLP councillor from Londonderry has been given a probation order after admitting two charges of sexual assault against a child. The girl was 11 at the time of the attack. William McCorriston, 77, from Phillip Street, was also placed on the sex offenders register for five years. The young girl told her mother he had kissed her, and felt her body over her clothing. She also said that weeks earlier, he had kissed her on the cheeks and then the lips

Feb 2012 – A Darlington councillor has been jailed for sexually assaulting a girl and having pictures of child abuse. Married father-of-three Mark Burton, 43, of Middleham Road, Darlington, was chairman of a committee responsible for children’s welfare. He was jailed for 22 months at Teesside CC. Burton took advantage of the schoolgirl following a drunken party

Dec 2011 – A FORMER councillor has described how he considered suicide after being arrested on child pornography charges. Nathan Bale, former Cornwall councillor for Bude and Stratton North, viewed indecent images of children online over an eight-year period. Bale, of Penfound Gardens, Bude, was ordered to attend a sex offenders’ programme

Nov 2011 – THE agent of leading Labour MP Chris Bryant was jailed for three years yesterday for having an “appalling” hoard of vile child pornography. DisgracedStephen Carnell, who helped shadow Justice Minister Mr Bryant to victory in last year’s election, was caught with over 12,500 sick images and videos of children. A court heard the 58-year-old former councillor and school governors’ chairman had amassed some of the most serious child porn police had ever seen.

December 2011 – A FORMER councillor was jailed for three years for indecently assaulting a girl more than 14 years ago. David Woodfinden, 70, of Lon Ely, Llanfairtalhaiarn, was sentenced at Liverpool C/C. He had pleaded guilty on November 22 to four indecent assaults on the same girl aged under 16 in between 1993-97.

Tory Party Councillor(Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys – Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.

Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner – Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green – Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

Labour Parliamentary candidate(Cheadle/Cheshire), Paul Diggert – Subject of a 2002 police investigation into the alleged procurement of underage girls for sexual purposes via internet chatrooms. According to the `Sunday Mirror` (3/11/02), Diggert had admitted to having four underage girls that he was `grooming` for sex. In 2004 Diggert was convicted of making and distributing indecent pictures of children

1999 – Michael Cunningham, who is a member of the nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) from Northern Ireland has pleaded guilty to 13 charges of child sex abuse. He admitted indecently assaulting two girls aged six and seven in a series of charges dating back to 1979

MP, Harriet Harman argued for incest to be decriminalised and argued that sexually explicit photographs of children should be legal unless it could be proven that the subject had suffered harm or that the an inference to that effect or to the effect that harm might have been caused could reasonably be drawn from the images themselves

1992 – A FORMER Labour councillor and her lover who ‘terrified’ a 15 yr-old girl in 3-in-a-bed sex sessions were jailed. Susan Smith, 33, the former member for St Martins ward in the London borough of Lambeth, was sentenced to a total of 18 mths. Ronald Lineker, 53, who was said to have transvestite tendencies, was jailed for 3 years after being convicted of two charges of indecent assault and six of unlawful sexual intercourse

2005 – A FORMER Conservative councillor has been branded “a menace to young women” and sent to jail for two-and-a-half years for a string of sex attacks.Michael Robinson, 59, pleaded guilty to two indecent assaults and four sexual assaults on four women who worked at his new age and body piercing shop. One of his victims was just 15-years-old.

2007 – A FORMER councillor has been jailed for five years at Cardiff crown court for raping a 15 yr old girl. Alan Jolly, 68, of Lower Salisbury Street, Tredegar got into bed with her and raped her. When arrested, Jolly claimed she was an active participant, suggested going to bed and instigated the sex.

Jan 2012 – A preacher who stood as a Conservative candidate for Holyrood has been jailed for eight years for a 15-year campaign of child abuse. John Smart, 48, preyed on three youngsters he met at the Edinburgh City Mission. He began abusing one of his victims when the boy was just 3 years old

August 2007 – A LABOUR councillor who swapped child sex images with internet paedophiles beat a jail sentence yesterday — after a judge decided he was NOT a pervert.Gregory Vincent, who worked as former sports minister Tony Banks’ agent at the last election, spent hours trawling for pictures of young girls being abused.

Mar 2000 – Former politician `not fit to stand trial’ on child abuse charges

The DPP is not to proceed with the prosecution of a former senior politician on 70 charges of indecent assault of five children following expert medical advice that the man is unfit to stand trial due to his age and illness, the High Court was told.








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