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People meet the REAL Obama:




LNER (cold fusion) hydrogen/nickel lattice




We have many Qs about what is Cold fusion but more we what to ask Why the Systems of Corrupt Governents and banksters HIDE this Free Energy.

Many Qs can be from People whit out speciall knologe about fusion but what we know is the facts what NWO hide.

Against all probability, a device that purports to use so called “cold fusion” to generate vast amounts of power has been verified by a panel of independent scientists. The research paper, also known as The Lugano Report, which hasn’t yet undergone peer review, seems to confirm both the existence of cold fusion, and its potency: The cold fusion device being tested has roughly 10,000 times the energy density and 1,000 times the power density of gasoline. Even allowing for a massively conservative margin of error, the scientists say that the cold fusion device they tested is 10 times more powerful than gasoline — which is currently one of the best fuels readily available to mankind.

The device being tested, which is called the Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat for short), was created by Andrea Rossi. Rossi has been claiming for the past few years that he had finally cracked cold fusion, but much to the chagrin of the scientific community he hasn’t allowed anyone to independently analyze the device — until now. While it sounds like the scientists had a fairly free rein while testing the E-Cat, we should stress that they still don’t know exactly what’s going on inside the cylinder reactor. Still, the seven scientists, all from good European universities, obviously felt confident enough with their findings to publish the research paper. (After it had initially been leaked on to the Swedish Webpage http://www.sifferkoll.se)
This process, like the “conventional” fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, produces a lot of heat. (See: 500MW from half a gram of hydrogen: The hunt for fusion power heats up.) The main difference, though, is that the cold fusion process (also known as LENR, or low energy nuclear reaction) produces very slow moving neutrons which don’t create ionizing radiation or radioactive waste. Hot fusion, on the other hand, produces fast neutrons that decimate everything in their path. In short, LENR is fairly safe — safe enough that NASA dreams of one day putting a cold fusion reactor in every home, car, and plane. Nickel and hydrogen, incidentally, are much cheaper and cleaner fuels than gasoline.

As far as we can tell, the main of cold fusion — as with normal fusion — is producing more energy than you put in. In Hot Fusion, it takes a lot more energy than what is produced by the reaction. Rossi, it would seem, has discovered a secret sauce that significantly reduces the amount of energy required to start a nuclear reaction. As for what the complete rossi recipe is, no one knows — in the research paper, the independent scientists simply refer to it as “unknown additives”. Research teams working more openly, seems to get fairly good results mixing Nickel Nano Powder together with LiAlH4.

All told, the E-Cat seems to have a power density of 4.4×105 W/kg, and an energy density of 5.1×107 Wh/kg.

If Rossi and Focardi’s cold fusion technology turns out to be real — if the E-Cat really has 10,000 times the energy density and 1,000 times the power density of gasoline — then the world will change, very, very quickly.

by Mary Yugo 2015.08.03

Forum: http://www.lenr-forum.com
News: http://www.e-catworld.com
Magazine: http://www.coldfusionnow.org
For young scientists: http://www.drboblog.com
Network of open source collaboration: http://www.quantumheat.org




Discution Betwin AWLC Member and Anonymous Resercer:

MIND CONTROLL ~Monarch Project and Slaves of NWO ~ EXPOSE of Evil Elite

According to this extremely disturbing report, Monarch Program
mind-control survivors claim to have been used as high-tech slaves by
certain intelligence agencies and top-ranking politicians. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2 (February-March 1999).
From our web page at:  http://www.nexusmagazine.com//MindControlNWO.html

High-tech slavery is alive and well on planet Earth. Ever since World
War II when the United States Government’s Project Paperclip sponsored
the resettlement of about 2,000 high-level Nazis in the United States,
the technology of mind-control programming has advanced rapidly.

“The Germans under the Nazi government began to do serious scientific
research into trauma-based mind control,” write Fritz Springmeier and
Cisco Wheeler in their book, The Illuminati Formula used to create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave. “Under the auspices of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Josef Mengele conducted
mind-control research on thousands of twins and thousands of other
hapless victims.”

Mengele, known as “the Angel of Death”, was one of the approximately 900
military scientists and medical researchers secretly exfiltrated into
the United States, where he continued his ‘research’ and trained others
in the black arts of mind control. This work in behaviour manipulation
was later incorporated into the CIA’s projects Bluebird and Artichoke
which, in 1953, became the notorious MKULTRA. The CIA claims that these
programs were discontinued, but there is no credible evidence that “The
Search for the Manchurian Candidate” (the title of the definitive book
by John Marks) ever ceased.

In fact, Captain John McCarthy, US Army Special Forces (Ret.), who ran
CIA assassination teams out of Saigon during the Vietnam War, told his
friend, LAPD whistleblower Mike Ruppert, that “MKULTRA is a CIA acronym
that officially stands for ‘Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal
Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations'”. Thus the CIA’s official obsession
with producing programmed killers through the MKULTRA contained more
than 149 sub-programs in fields ranging from biology, pharmacology,
psychology to laser physics and ESP.

More recently, new evidence points to the continuous use of so-called
trauma-based programming techniques to accomplish the same goal. This
includes the deliberate induction of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
in involuntary human subjects – in essence, human guinea pigs.

MPD has been reclassified by the American Psychiatric Association as
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The psychiatrists’ bible, the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, p. 487), characterises it by:

A. The presence of two or more distinct personality states;
B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently
take control of the person’s behaviour;
C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too
extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness;
D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a
substance or a general medical condition.

No matter what name is assigned to the problem, however, to create this
condition by conscious intent is an atrocity so depraved that
trauma-based mind-control programming remains the de facto Secret
Holocaust of the 20th century. Known as the Monarch Project, it has been
verified and corroborated by numerous survivors like Cathy O’Brien,
author of TranceFormation of America, Brice Taylor, author of Starshine,
and K. Sullivan, author of MK. No paper trail has been found which leads
from the CIA’s MKULTRA program to the Monarch Project – a catchword for
mind control which involves US military, CIA, NASA and other government

The Franklin Cover-up, attorney John W. DeCamp’s groundbreaking book
about high-level pedophilia, also describes the sordid details of
Monarch. “Drugs are not the deepest level of government-sponsored evil,”
he writes. “I think the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who
conjured up and carried out the ‘Monarch Project’. ‘Monarch’ refers to
young people in America who were victims of mind-control experiments run
either by US government agencies such as CIA or military intelligence

DeCamp’s client, Monarch abuse survivor Paul Bonacci, has a story which
parallels the victimology of O’Brien, Taylor and Sullivan – an extensive
cross-corroboration of perpetrators and their methodology. It’s simply
“the production of a horde of children in whom the soul is crushed, who
would spy, whore, kill and commit suicide”, in the words of
investigative reporter Anton Chaitkin, quoted by DeCamp in his book.

Recovering Monarch victims speak of ongoing trauma through “ritual
abuse”, also known as “satanic ritual abuse” because of the identifiable
iconography of a belief structure associated with Satanism or
Luciferianism. By using drugs, hypnosis, torture and electroshock, the
Monarch criminal perpetrators have produced new and succeeding
generations of victims.

This is not science fiction, but science fact. MPD involves the creation
of personality “alters”: alternative personalities or personality
fragments which can be used for specific tasks – usually for illegal
activities like delivering drugs or other black-market activities
(mules), messages (couriers) or killings (assassins). These alters, or
soul fragments, are segregated and compartmentalised within the victim’s
mind by the repeated use of stun guns, drugs and hypnosis, which
isolates the memories of their experiences.

An alter can be accessed by anyone who knows the “codes” or “triggers”.
These triggers, which induce an altered or trance state in a programmed
victim, can be anything including telephone tones, nursery rhymes,
dialogue from certain movies or hand signals.

According to Springmeier and Wheeler, whose 468-page book has become a
reference in the field, “…the basis for the success of the Monarch
mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality
parts called ‘alters’ can be created who do not know each other, but who
can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built
by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers
from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the
body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used.”

The mind-control programming, however, has not worked according to plan.
In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and hubris, never dreamed
that their methods could fail. The retrieval of survivors’
photographic-like memories of actual abuse incidents, including images,
sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights abuses.
These victims bear witness to the secret atrocities of the so-called New
World Order.


According to John Coleman, author of Conspirators Hierarchy: The
Committee of 300: “…the Illuminati is very much alive and well in
America… Since the Illuminati is also known as Satanism, it must
follow that the CIA was controlled by a Satanist while Dulles had charge
of it. The same holds true for George Bush [a member of the Order of
Skull and Bones].

“Given the ghastly mind-control experiments constantly being conducted
by the CIA, and its past connections to fiendish monsters like Dr
Campbell and Dr Sidney Gottlieb, it does not take much to conclude that
the CIA follows satanic roads,” Coleman concludes in his monograph,
“Illuminati in America”.

With regards to “the brainwashing capabilities of the Tavistock
Institute as well as US Department of Defense projects like the Advanced
Research Project Agency”, Coleman writes that “…the bottom line of the
projects is mind control as predicted by the book, The Technotronic Era,
by Zbigniew Brzezinski. The project goes by the name ‘Monarch Program’
and it is a vast project involving not only the CIA but the Army, Air
Force and Navy with all of their skills and vast resources.”


The horrific torture and sexual abuse of children, also called “satanic
ritual abuse”, has been a key component in the creation of
mind-controlled slaves.

Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan has written an astounding book called
MK, a fictionalised account of her life, which describes the world of
multiple personalities. To her credit, Sullivan has been able to
reconstruct from her memories the actual mechanics and methodology of
going from one alter state to another. A programmed assassin and sex
slave, Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Robert Maxwell, Henry
Kissinger, George Bush and Billy Graham, among others. One of her
controllers was deceased CIA operative James Jesus Angleton, who has
been widely regarded as a KGB and Mossad asset.

In a recent interview, Sullivan spoke about her background as a
“family-generational slave” to the elite and about her stepfather, now
deceased, who was initially her primary programmer. His cover was a
church-going, upstanding citizen, a professional mechanical and systems
engineer with a curious interest in robotics.

“There were a number of people who trained, conditioned, then broke my
will, broke my psyche and programmed me in different altered states,”
she said in a recent interview. “My father was the one who did me the
most. He did it through terror. He did it through torture. He was a very
brilliant man, and he seemed to enjoy doing it to me and other

Confirming that her father was “horribly abused as a child”, Sullivan
added: “I know that for certain. His father was a Welsh Druid who had
been sold as a child to a ship captain who brought him over to the US.
At least that’s the mentality in my family, for slavery of children to
be okay. I heard this from older family members. They’ve never denied
it. But my grandfather was a covert Druid as well. I’m sure he brought
the religion over with him. One of the things he would do is go to the
graveyard near his house and dig up bodies, then take them into the
basement and take them apart and have fun with them. And he also did
rituals out in the woods sometimes at night. He would sacrifice babies.
And I was exposed to that. So I’m sure my father was, too, which left
him no other alternative but to become like his father.”

And how is this behaviour related to Satanism or is it just generational
child abuse?

“I think it’s both,” she answered slowly. “And what it boils down to is
these people are doing illegal activities. Criminals tend to find
criminals. They tend to gravitate toward each other. It’s amazing how
they can find each other out. My grandfather developed connections to
the Mafia in our area. I understand it was the Colombo family. I don’t
know what he did exactly, but I do have one memory of riding in a cement
truck where he and other drivers with cement trucks were using the
cement from the trucks to bury several bodies. So I guess they just did
whatever needed to be done. That was in New York and Pennsylvania. My
father was an assassin as well as other things, and these people really
enjoy killing people. He killed people more for favours than for hire.
He got to have as many kids as he wanted to raise.”

Her father also had CIA and NASA connections. “The CIA work seems to be
rather covert. He worked for Western Electric and later on for AT&T,”
Sullivan said. “I found out, since then, that Western Electric has had
very strong CIA ties. I have been able to go through some of his papers
since his death in 1990, and I have found on his desk calendar for that
year that he had several contacts with NASA. Since then I have
remembered that there were several facilities that he took me to that
were NASA facilities. The NASA connections seem to be directly connected
to the Paperclip connection. The Nazis were brought into the country and
then were integrated into the NASA structure after the war.

“My father, because of his Celtic background, had very low self-esteem,”
continued Sullivan. “Being exposed to some of these Nazi war criminals
seemed to mean a whole lot to him because he had a mother that was
German. Between the Celtic background and a German mother, these men
built up his self-esteem as far as being Aryan. He very much identified
with them, and I think, from what I understand, he got a lot of his
training especially from one man I knew as Dr Schwartz. He had slightly
wavy black hair and very dark eyes. He was slim. I can’t say his height
because I was just a child. He had a definite German accent. People
called him Herr Doctor or Dr Schwartz, one of the two. Sometimes he was
called Dr Black. He was a pedophile for sure and he was a very cold man.
He liked to make kids think that they would feel safe with him, but he
would do something that would upset the children and then they would be
afraid of him after that.”


Sullivan said that she was used to sexually service both males and
females in the Beta mode, and to do assassination, bodyguarding and
intrusions in hostage situations in the Delta mode.

And what is Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta programming?

“Alpha was the basis for all the other programs,” she continued. “It
seems to be where a lot of information was stored in my memory, in my
mind, that was used by programmers to develop the other programs. It’s
where some of my more generic alter states were also stored. Beta was
the sexual servicing part of me. They also sometimes called the alter
state ‘Barbie’. It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like
Barbie doll?

Survivors Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor were also subjected to Beta, or
sex-slave, programming. They, like actress Marilyn Monroe, were called
“presidential models”, mind-controlled slaves for the use of high-level

According to Springmeier’s book, “…in 1981, the New World Order made
training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien
was used to make the film How To Divide a Personality and How To Create
a Sex Slave. Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA
create these training films.”

Sullivan recalled: “I was used both as a child and as an adult in those
alter states, and I had more than one. In those alter states I would not
resist. I had no anger. I was an absolute sexual slave and I would do
whatever I was told to do.”

Delta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled
into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its
American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight.

Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: “…it was when I was
used to do hits, kills, and also bodyguarding and hostage extraction. I
had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training
and had different modes to do different things.”

Why was the training kept separate for different alters?

“Part of it was so I wouldn’t recall too much at any one time – if I did
start to remember,” she said. “And also because they hand-pick each part
out for a certain type of situation. If you had a part coming out that
was very loyal to people that that part was bodyguarding, you don’t want
that part going off and killing somebody. And you don’t want a part
that’s specifically programmed to kill coming out and feeling sorry for
the target. So you have to keep the emotions and the motives separate as
well. And so that’s why they had to have different parts.”

Sullivan’s description of Theta programming seems to correlate with the
development and use of so-called extrasensory powers and extraphysical

“Theta was where they used – I don’t like the word ‘psychic’ because I
think it’s been so misused – thought energy,” she said. “I just knew it
as magnetic-type energy from the individual to do a number of different
things that they were experimenting with, including long-distance mind
connection with other people – even in other countries. I guess you
would call it ‘remote viewing’ – where I could see what a person was
doing in another state in a room or something like that.

“It was both actual programming and experimentation. Because what they
did – they kept it encapsulated in several parts of me, several altered
states. It was a lot of training, a lot of experimentation.”

Theta programming also implies the use of thought energy to kill someone
at a distance.

“A lot of times I ran across other victims with Theta programming,”
Sullivan said in a recent CKLN radio interview. “One of the movie and
book themes they used extensively was Dune, by Frank Herbert. It won’t
be too hard to figure because what they taught us was that we could
cause things to happen to other people. It was to build up rage inside.
It would come out in a form of pure energy that would hit them… They
had talked about people imploding internally in their digestive organs.
I don’t know because I can’t see what goes on inside another body, but I
do know that it does work.”

The calculated admixture of doing good and evil seems to be a hallmark
of the Illuminati methodology. It’s as if they recognise, at a spiritual
level, that all the horrible karma they create can be balanced by
generous philanthropic gestures; for example, giving a billion dollars
to the United Nations, or other feats of extraordinary compassion.

“Also, they tried to use me for hands-on healing because I had a
grandmother who was a healer from Sweden,” said Sullivan. “So they were
trying – that was me and several other survivors I talked to since – to
use them in that mode also. And hands-on healing means that you would
focus electromagnetic energy into the other person’s body.”


Another book, Brice Taylor’s Starshine: One Woman’s Valiant Escape from
Mind Control, corroborates Cathy O’Brien’s and K. Sullivan’s
experiences. Even though it’s a fictionalised account, the book clearly
indicates that major crimes have been – and are being – committed by the
major players of the world’s power elites.

Brice Taylor was also a “presidential model”, and in a recent interview
she went into intimate details of her many experiences with politicians
promoting the New World Order.

“What it [being a presidential model] means,” she explained, “is that
your program is to have sex with presidents; and I did overhear this,
that different politicians were encouraged to use CIA escorts for sex,
so they wouldn’t be in a vulnerable position if they ever disclosed any
national security secrets to anyone on the outside, or for blackmail.”

And how would she characterise this so-called New World Order?

“It is an attempt to bring in a One World Government in which elite
families have things the way they want. Their belief was that the planet
was overpopulated and that something had to be done: psychological and
biological warfare. They considered mind control as a tool, their ace in
the hole, something really different that would act as an invisible


In her recovery, Brice Taylor also had memories of being used by Henry
Kissinger as a mind-controlled courier.

“If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total
recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many
different tasks and assignments simultaneously,” she explains. “Henry
Kissinger created a ‘mindfile’ inside of my head. I would be sent around
to all these leaders to keep their data – on some of their projects or
whatever their agenda was – sorted. When they’d meet people, I would be
programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the

But who’s running the ‘show’?

“I think there’s this other layer that I call ‘the Council’ in my book,”
Taylor explained. “I know that this is a group of men that stand head
and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been
genetically engineered in a way that they have [she hesitated, searching
for the right words] different leadership abilities and that they are
actually the ones running the plan.”

They refer to themselves as “the Council”?

“Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community
about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the
Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working
for the Government. Then there’s the Council, which also understands
about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled.
They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find
out what my agenda was.”


And how did Ms Taylor first figure out she was suffering from MPD and
that she was a programmed multiple?

“It started in 1985,” said Taylor. “I had a very serious car accident in
which my head went through the windshield. I began to have memory
flashes like a memory bleed-through from one alter to another. I think
what occurred was I began having access to both sides of my brain.
Before, with all the sophisticated programming, half my brain was shut
away from me. Now the neuron pathways had opened up because of the
accident. I know of other women who have also had memories come back.”

So a blow to the brain had broken up the programming?

“Exactly,” she said. “What happened is my memories began coming back. I
was in school, working on my Master’s degree in psychology, when a flood
of memories came back. I have a closet full of journals. I wrote down
everything I was remembering. Once I got to a certain level, I had a lot
of therapeutic support because, every time I’d start remembering, I’d
want to hurt myself or kill myself. I lost control of my body in a car
on the freeway in the fast lane one time as I was trying to really
understand how programming worked. I was trying to understand from
inside; a part of me was trying to explain programming to me, and I was
on the freeway in the fast lane and I could not move my body. It was
terrifying. These are the kinds of things I had to constantly fight.

“When I deprogrammed I literally spent two years in my bedroom, drinking
coffee, just writing everything down,” she said. “They programmed me
with perfect photographic memory. When memories came back, like the ones
with Kissinger, I not only could hear his words and his voice, I could
smell his cigar. I could smell his farts. I mean, I could hear and see
as I remembered everything in my mind.”


Missing children, sexual abuse of children and pedophilia around the
world all point to the involvement of an organised network of high-level
criminals who covertly control the legal system. Former FBI agent and
private investigator Ted Gunderson agrees. He claims that “there’s a
considerable overlap from various groups and organisations, but one of
the driving forces is the satanic cult movement today”.

In his video, Satanism and the CIA’s International Trafficking of
Children, Gunderson refers to the notorious black magician Aleister
Crowley. “The Satanists have used his writings as a guide,” he says,
referring to Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice.

In Chapter XII, “Of the Bloody Sacrifice” (p. 94), Crowley writes: “It
would be unwise to condemn as irrational the practice of those savages
who tear the heart and liver from an adversary and devour them while yet
warm. In any case it was the theory of the ancient Magicians that any
living being is a storehouse of energy, varying in quantity according to
the size and health of the animal, and in quality according to its
mental and moral character. At the death of the animal this energy is
liberated suddenly.

“The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle [the satanic
circle] or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot
escape. An animal should be selected whose nature accords with that of
the ceremony – thus by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain
any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to the Magician who
was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this
ram should be virgin – the whole potential of its original total energy
should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual
working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains that
greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high
intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.”

“We’re talking about human sacrifice here,” says Gunderson.

More recently the ‘tradition’ of human sacrifice has been promoted by
the late Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, who wrote in the
Satanic Bible (p. 88) that “the only time a Satanist would perform a
human sacrifice would be if he were to serve a twofold purpose; that
being to release the magickian’s [sic] wrath in throwing a curse and,
more importantly, to dispose of a totally obnoxious and deserving

Note the casual reference to murdering someone because he or she
‘displeased’ the Satanist/black magician. Ding dong, LaVey is dead, but
his crimes live on. He’s been named by several of his victim-slaves as a
mind-control perpetrator. The late ‘perp’ himself wrote in the Satanic
Bible (p. 90) that “the ideal sacrifice may be emotionally insecure, but
nonetheless can in the machinations of his insecurity cause severe
damage to your tranquility or sound reputation”.

The Satanists, after all, follow Crowley’s injunction: “Do what thou
wilt. That is the the law.” In other words, Satanists as gods themselves
will decide what to do – bypassing God’s laws as well as the laws of
men. It sounds like the modus operandi of the Illuminati.

Gunderson makes this further comment in his video: “In my estimation,
there are over three million practising Satanists in America today. How
did I come up with these figures? I have informants. For instance, in
the South Bay area of Los Angeles with a population of 200,000, he told
me there are 3,000 practising Satanists. That is where the well-known
McMartin Preschool case took place. I have an informant in Lincoln,
Nebraska. In Iowa City, Iowa, a town of 150,000 – 1,500 Satanists. It
averages to about 1.5 per cent of the population.”

Gunderson asserts that “…50,000 to 60,000 individuals are sacrificed
every year. There are about eight satanic holidays.”

The sick joke of it all? The FBI keeps a count of stolen or missing
cars, but has yet to keep a tab on missing children in America.


You shouldn’t be surprised to know that FBI Supervisory Special Agent
Kenneth V. Lanning, of the Behavioral Science Unit of the National
Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, denies the existence of
satanic ritual abuse in his 1992 Investigator’s Guide to Allegations of
Ritual Child Abuse. Lanning’s intellectual posturing and specious
reasoning should be studied as a prime example of serpentine logic. His
semantics are brilliant, as he claims that “the words ‘satanic’,
‘occult’ and ‘ritual’ are often used interchangeably” and “it is
difficult to define Satanism precisely”. Then he frames the discussion
of Satanism in non-judgemental terms, that “it is important to realize
that for some people any religious belief system other than their own is

As Pilate asked “What is truth?”, Lanning asks “What is Satanism?” He
writes that at “…law enforcement training conferences, it is
witchcraft, santeria, paganism and the occult that are most often
referred to as forms of Satanism. It may be a matter of definition, but
these things are not necessarily the same as traditional Satanism.” He
almost trips over himself declaiming the impossibility of knowing the
definition. Then he dismisses satanic ritual abuse as a simple
psychological problem: “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder”.

Of course, if he had taken the time to interview true believers, he
would know that it’s an actual belief system based on the ritual
performance of torture and murder in loyalty to Satan and as an exchange
for future rewards from the forces of darkness.

Lanning’s denial, ignoring the evidence of mind-control atrocities and
ritual abuse, is astonishing. Is Lanning a crypto-Satanist? He’s
publicly denied it, but he didn’t have to bother. His “freedom of
religion” is protected by the US Constitution.


Private investigator Ted L. Gunderson was dragged kicking and screaming
into the netherworld of Satanism, child kidnapping, drug smuggling and
other corruption.

Before he retired in 1979, Gunderson was the FBI Special Agent in Charge
(SAC) in Los Angeles. He headed the FBI office, where he had 800 people
under him and a yearly budget of over US$24 million. Since then,
Gunderson’s role as a private investigator and security consultant has
led him to expose CIA drug dealing, child kidnapping and trafficking,
mind control, and satanic murder-for-hire groups. He has also
investigated many high-profile cases like the Dr Jeffrey McDonald case,
the McMartin Preschool case, Nebraska’s Franklin Cover-up case, the
Oklahoma City Bombing case, the Inslaw/Octopus case, and many other
real-life criminal conspiracies.

“Shortly after my retirement, I was asked to investigate the Jeffrey R.
McDonald case as a private investigator,” said Gunderson in a recent
interview. “He’s a doctor who was convicted of murdering his wife and
two children at Fort Bragg, North Carolina on February 17, 1970. I put
in about 2,000 hours on the case. He had been convicted and sentenced to
three consecutive life sentences. Much to my surprise, the evidence that
I read, the information I developed…I’ve established beyond any
question of a doubt that this man is absolutely innocent.”

Jerry Allen Potter, author of Fatal Justice, a powerful point-by-point
refutation of Joe McGinnis’s cover-up book, Fatal Vision, agrees. His
book exposes McGinnis’s best-seller as pure fiction.

Gunderson continued: “I obtained a signed confession from Helena
Stokely, the girl in the floppy hat, for those who are familiar with the
case. She said Dr McDonald did not commit these crimes. They were
committed, she said ‘…by my satanic cult group. It was my initiation
into the cult that night,’ she said.”

After a while, Gunderson realised that the McDonald case was a classic
case of US Government crime and cover-up.

“She gave me detailed information about movements within the house. She
told me she attempted to ride a rocking horse in the child’s bedroom
that night, but she couldn’t ride it because the spring was broken. The
only way she could have known that was to have been there that night.

“I submitted an 1100-plus page report in March 1981 to Judge William
Webster, who was then the head of the FBI, with a personal letter to him
and to the US Department of Justice. Much to my surprise, my 19
witnesses including Helena Stokely started calling me and telling me,
‘Hey Ted, they’re trying to get me to recant.’ And I’m telling myself,
‘That isn’t the responsibility of the FBI. The FBI is supposed to gather
information, not destroy it.’ And that was my first clue that we had a
serious problem in that case and in the other cases I handled. I noticed
in each instance that evidence was destroyed, lost, stolen; that there
were strong indications of corruption.

“So I asked myself, ‘What’s going on here?’ And over the years I started
gathering materials. Up until about two years ago, I kept saying,
‘There’s a loose-knit network operating in this country, involving
drugs, pedophilia, prostitution, corruption, etc. From my research, I’m
convinced it’s much more serious. It’s much more than a loose-knit
network. It is a conspiracy. And you know how the media goes after you
when you use that ‘c’-word. And I’m going to prove it to you. By the
way, this conspiracy involves pornography, drugs, pedophilia and
organised child kidnapping.

“My ‘missing children’ lecture documents that the Finders, an
organisation in Washington, DC, is a CIA front,” said Gunderson. “It’s a
covert operation involved in international trafficking of children.”

He was referring to a US Customs Service report which states that the
Finders case is to be closed because it is “an internal CIA matter”.

Gunderson added: “These people – the satanic movement in the world –
have set up preschools for the purpose of getting their hands on our
children. The parents drop them off at nine in the morning and pick them
up at night.”

Far-fetched? Think again. In The Law Is For All, Aleister Crowley
writes: “Moreover, the Beast 666 [Crowley’s reference to himself]
adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness
every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood
fog and mystery stupefy their minds whose error else might thwart and
misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of self-symbolism.”


Sexual abuse of children and horrific mind control technology may be
tenets of ‘faith’ for the Satanist believer as well as the programmer.
Or they may be symptomatic of a larger struggle on a cosmic scale. When
you peer in the face of Absolute Evil, you cannot remain complacent.

Therapist Dr M. Scott Peck, author of The People of the Lie, writes:
“…at one point I defined evil as ‘the exercise of political power that
is the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion
in order to avoid…spiritual growth'”.

Psychologist Erich Fromm, author of The Heart of Man, defines this
struggle between Good and Evil as biophilia (the love of life) vs
necrophilia (the love of death). “The necrophilous person is driven by
the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic, to approach life
mechanically as if all living persons were things,” he writes. “The
necrophilous person can relate to an object – a flower or a person –
only if he possesses it; hence a threat to his possession is a threat to
himself… He loves control and in the act of controlling he kills
life… ‘Law and order’ for them are idols…”

In the end, it may be that spiritual warfare – or the clash of the
absolutes – is the real reason why ritual abuse and high-tech mind
control have been exposed. Satanic imperialism continues unabated, and
the battle for planet Earth moves to the next stage.


? Coleman, John, “Illuminati in America”, World in Review (2533 N.
Carson St, Carson City, NV 89706), USA, monograph, 1992

? Constantine, Alex, Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in
America, Feral House (2532 Lincoln Blvd #359, Venice, CA 90291), USA,
1997 (USD$14.95)

? DeCamp, John, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder
in Nebraska, AWT, Inc. (PO Box 85461, Lincoln, NE 68501), USA, 1996, 2ed

? Gunderson, Ted, “McMartin Scientific Report” (1993); Corruption: The
Satanic Drug Cult Network and Missing Children, vols. 1&endash;4;
Satanism & the CIA’s International Trafficking in Children (video,
USD$20.00), Ted Gunderson, PO Box 18000-259, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA

? Marks, John, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind
Control, McGraw-Hill, 1980

? Mind Control Foundation website, www.mk.net/~mcf

? Mind Control series, CKLN-FM, website, www.mk.net/~mcf/ckln

? O’Brien, Cathy (with Mark Phillips), TranceFormation of America: The
True Life Story of a CIA Slave, Reality Marketing (PO Box 27740, Las
Vegas, NV 89126) USA, 1995 (USD$20.00)

? Potter, Jerry Allen and Fred Bost, Fatal Justice: Reinvestigating the
McDonald Murders, W. W. Norton Co., New York, London, 1997

? Springmeier, Fritz, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Ambassador House (PO
Box 1153, Westminster, CO 80030), USA, 1999 2ed (USD$20.00)

? Springmeier, Fritz and Cisco Wheeler, Illuminati Formula used to
create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, Fritz and Cisco (916
Linn Ave, Oregon City, OR 97045), USA, 1996 (USD$59.00)

? Stratford, Lauren, Satan’s Underground, Pelican Publishing (PO Box
3110, Gretna, LA 70054), USA, 1998 (USD$10.95)

? Sullivan, K., MK, K. Sullivan (PO Box 1328, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384),
USA, 1998 (USD$18.00)

? Taylor, Brice, Starshine: One Woman’s Valiant Escape from Mind
Control, 1995 (USD$20.00); Revivification: A Gentle, Alternative Memory
Retrieval Process for Trauma Victims (1998, USD$7.50), Brice Taylor
Trust, PO Box 655, Landrum, SC 29356, USA

About the Author:
Uri Dowbenko is CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp. He can be
reached by e-mail at <u.dowbenko@mailcity.com>.


The Universal Seduction  by world recognized authors, investigative journalists, mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and scholars. Goals of the NWO, alien underground bases, alien/military abductions and implants, the secret Mars colony, mass mind control, Dulce, Area 51, reptilians, covert govt. time-travel and cloning,HAARP,chemtrails and CIA channeling programs.

The Secrets of the Mojave by Branton. A history of the military/alien connection. 26 sample pages with TOC, excerpts and index on Amazon.

Born of Illuminati And Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave



Every intelligence service since time began has sought methods of owning people and ensuring they stayed loyal. Two of 13 Illuminati familieswho are known to have developed extremely well-run bloodline intel ligence groups are the Li family and the Rothschild family. The Li’s family started its Chinese intelligence back in 1400 A.D. They had already been an ancient chinese aristocratic family for many centuries prior to this. Some of their techniques for their agents were state of the art mind control techniques. The Rothschild’s personal spy network and their own mail service was known to be superior to the national european governments during the 19th century. Traditional spycraft has involved the ability to recruit and keep agents loyal.

The professional spook manipulates his recruits for a living. He becomes adept at controlling people. For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them. Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience. A natural non-verbal threat cue would be brusque movements, and an innuendo in their voice.

A contrived cue would be placing both hands behind the head, which is a code for “I AM YOUR MASTER, OBEY ME.” Another cue for slaves to obey is when the master makes a fist with his right hand and touches his forehead. This means, “OBEY.” Even children, who were multiples, who were being taught to control their mother who wanted to leave the cult, have been observed using the fist to the forehead to try to get obedience from their mother. Staring is one method that the Programmers use. Charles Manson, who was both a slave and a handler, is an example of how a penetrating hypnotic stare is used by the Programmers. One way to control people is to wear clothes of authority. Dr. Green, Dr. Black, Dr. Star, Michael Aquino and other programmers have worn Nazi uniforms while programming, and at other time have worn Satanic Priestly garb. A beginning point to control people is understanding human needs, and understanding the individual to be controlled.

A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation. Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/ programmers have an extremely personable side to them–and a very deadly animalistic side to them too. They will be trained to look anyone they want to recruit in the eyes and withstand their stare. “Friendship begins with a smile; recruitment with a stare.” (This is a quote from the book Suvorov, Viktor. Inside The Aquarium. New York: Macmillan, p. 108. During training, men in U.S. Army Intelligence are told to read this book to understand how U.S. intelligence works.)

The entire lives of Monarch slaves are kept on records. Zbigniew Brezinski, and the heads of the CIA, and Sec. of Defense Dick Cheney are just some of the men known about who have access to the computer records that contain records on every active Monarch slave. Not everyone has a price, but everyone will respond to their needs being met. James K. Van Fleet, an important military intelligence officer, wrote about how to manage people. In military intelligence, they keep files on people where they identify which subconscious desires of people are important to the person at the time. All this information is kept in SOFT FILES–which are not official files, so these files have never officially existed and are not given up even to Congressional subpoenas. The Intelligence agencies know that if they find out what the person wants above all else in life, they can control the person. The nine areas that are monitored to see if they are important at the moment are:

1. emotional security
2. recognition of efforts or reassurance of worth
3. creative outlets
4. a sense of personal power
5. a sense of roots–belonging somewhere
6. immortality
7. ego-gratification
8. love in all its forms
9. new experiences

Once they monitor these areas and then they determine which needs are priority needs for the person, then they will use what they call “the depth approachto subconsciously gratify those needs in a way that they gain control over the person. Modern companies are doing this too. Dough mix isn’t being sold, but rather making a family memory with the children is. Soap isn’t sold to get dishes clean–but rather soft beautiful hands are sold. Cosmetic companies don’t sell an item–they sell you hope or an image. Fruit dealers don’t sell fruit, they sell health and vitality. Car dealers don’t sell cars, they sell prestige and images. Freezers aren’t sold, emotional security from having a full freezer is sold. They have learned to genuinely appeal to the 9 subconscious desires. In intelligence, these desires are called “weaknesses”, because intelligence case officers and handlers will attempt to manipulate those desires for their own gain by sincerely helping the person. They set up short-range & long term goals and plans on how manage a person.

For instance, if a Monarch slave’s day to day alters want ego-gratification, a creative outlet, and reassurance of worth, the Illuminati may promise the slave that if the alters comply they will give them a singing contract in Las Vegas. If they need to appeal to their emotional security–they can promise a big salary and a nice house. If they need to appeal to immortality they can promise to award them a star on Hollywood Boulevard or whatever religious immortality they can credibly offer. (The slave will get the short end of any deal.) Anything the slave gets is going to come at a price. The slave will have to do something in return for the Network. Illuminati alters are promised power, honor, glory and wealth. Considering the power and wealth of the elite, they do have the resources to make good on this if they want. However, the price of obedience might be to shave one’s head in submission and sacrifice a child.

Another important point is that the abusers want to get the active cooperation of the person being used. This can be accomplished by lies (or facts if they are convenient) which appeal to the person’s views of right and wrong. For instance, a pedophile will talk to the child who they are going to rape to get its cooperation. The CIA handlers will listen to what a Slave needs, and solve it for them. Bear in mind, they will only do this if the slave doesn’t live with the handler and is pulling in the wrong direction. For instance, the CIA has lots of sleepers, who are dangerous people just waiting to be set off. In these cases, the CIA has to work with front alters who aren’t aware of the mind control. Rather than force an issue with control, sometimes a gentle manipulation will work. Then again some slave alters are under such strong mind control that they simply need an order, and don’t need gentle manipulation.

The isolation that the handlers impose on their slave to prevent real relationships with outsiders, and the strong bonding of the slave to its master (trauma bonding, etc.) that is administered via the mind control, actually provides a chance for freedom IF the slave survives its master’s death. Most slaves are programmed to die soon after their master dies–the co-author Cisco was. If the slave survives the suicide programming, the Illuminati will have already taken into consideration who the slave will be passed onto. Cisco’s system survived their programmer/master’s death, and they were not able to break the intense bonds which made the System loyal to that master. Because there is so much secret mind-control slavery going on, if only a small percentage begin to break loose because their loyalty programming backfires on the Illuminati, it has still has given us on the other side a significant break. Another example of an MPD system becoming exposed when a handler dies, is when Rothschild, the President of Oilfield Scrap & Equipment in Kentucky, committed suicide.

He was the handler of a highly functioning MPD slave, who was his secretary, Mary Davis. Mary Davis could not function after his death and sued in court– Davis v. Oilfield Scrap & Equipment Co., 482 So.2d 970 (La. App. 3rd Cir. 1986)–for worker’s compensation because she could not function after her handler’s death. Because the Illuminati have kept their membership secret, people have not seen the connections between the various cases of multiple personality that surface. In Iowa in 1987, a Multiple named Freeman was arrested for stealing a car. In South Carolina in 1990, a Rutherford with MPD was in court. In North Dakata in 1988, an MPD daughter named Johnson tried to sue her abusive father named Johnson for her sexual abuse. In 1984, a Multiple named Hall was hit by a truck and was in court. In 1987, a Multiple named Jones tried to use his MPD to get off of a murder conviction in Washington. In 1988, Marie Moore, a Multiple in N.J. ran a coven which tortured teenagers.

The police found a well hidden body in her house, but the corrupt judicial system did not convict her of murder. In 1988, a Ms. Wheeler applied for Social Security disability benefits due to mental impairments such as MPD. In each of these MPD cases: Freeman, Hall, Jones, Johnson, Moore, Rutherford, and Wheeler are all surnames that have many members in the Illuminati. The secrecy of the Illuminati has protected people from seeing their hidden genealogies. Tracking these genealogies would in turn start exposing the extent of their mind control. As the handlers isolate the slave from mainstream society, they can begin to give them things that will satisfy their long suppressed emotional needs. These are given in a way that they further lock the person in to the control. For instance, the slave has been stripped of power, he craves power–so he is given power over other people’s lives. The slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family. Each Monarch slave exists in their own situation, but there are often common features to how they are controlled.

For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never write their own checks, will never drive anywhere, and will seldom watch television unless it is something like a Walt Disney movie which is mind-control programming. Some slaves are allowed to drive, but only on a limited basis and their sense of direction is stripped from them hypnotically. In January, 1995, this co-author’s newsletter From A Follower of Christ had a feature article on Marilyn Monroe. Monarch mind-controlled slaves like Loretta Lynn and Marilyn Monroe lived tightly controlled lives, and were not allowed to drive automobiles. The one exception is that Loretta has been allowed to drive her car around the ranch. The following is some excerpts from the co-author’s January ‘95 newsletter because it gives a good example of how Marilyn Monroe, a mind-controlled slave had her life very tightly controlled.

On a day in October, 1957, a woman named Lena Pepitone was hired to take care of Marilyn Monroe. In 1979, she published her memories of the time she was the primary person taking care of Marilyn Monroe. I personally think that Lena Pepitone was clean, and didn’t know what she was dealing with. She describes in detail her life with Marilyn Monroe. The inside story of life with Marilyn is nothing like people might imagine. Lena’s book is such a clear description of how life with a Monarch slave can be–that I decided to use her book as the basis of some articles.

Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and during her infancy the Illuminati/CIA programmed her to be a Monarch slave. Before becoming an actress, while she was still a stripper, she spent time with the founder of the Church of Satan Anton LaVey. Victims of LaVey have pointed him out as a mind-control programmer. At that time, Marilyn was going by several names including Mona. When they made her a star, Marilyn lived on the 13th floor, in 13E at Sutton Place, NY the world of the rich and famous. That is where Lena came to help her. However, Marilyn’s existence was not that of a rich person, but was more like that of an inmate. Marilyn was allowed to have no personal life, outside of the dictates of her programmers and her masters. The programmers and users bore down so hard on controlling Marilyn that they repeatedly came close to driving her insane. The following format the words in italic are direct quotes from Lena Pepitone’s book which is entitled Marilyn Monroe Confidential, An Intimate Personal Account, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1979.

p.16- “Floor-to-ceiling mirrors were everywhere. Even the dining alcove at the rear of the living room had a table with a mirrored top. All these mirrors didn ‘t cheer things up.”

In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind. Because Marilyn was so stripped of any personal identity, she decorated her house as her mind looked on the inside–full of mirrors. Although other Monarchs may have some desires to decorate with mirrors, Marilyn is the most extreme case I know of filling one’s house full of mirrors.

p.25– “Marilyn ‘s bedroom was definitely not a queen ‘s chamber…” There were no paintings in the cramped, square room, only mirrors. Marilyn’s controllers kept her down. Even when she was famous and great, she lived like a slave. She was not allowed to have any self-esteem beyond what she was programmed for.

p.29 — “May was finally able to call for the chauffeur to take Marilyn away. “… Marilyn was a captive, she didn’t go anywhere on her own, she always had someone drive her.

p.32– “First of all, Marilyn’s life was incredibly monotonous for her. Her doctor ‘s appointments (I later learned these were appointments with psychiatrists) and her acting lessons were virtually all she had to look forward to. She spent most of her time in her little bedroom…” Marilyn went out of the house to be either programmed or groomed. Other than that she stayed cooped up in her room. Does the reader begin to see that the woman was a slave with no life of her own?

p.33– “She [Marilyn] didn ‘t even own a television, never listened to the radio.” They stripped Marilyn of any contact with the outside world to insure that their mind control would work. They were afraid that something might go wrong with the first Presidential slave that was allowed to be highly visible to the public….

p.41– [Marilyn says], “Shit. My life is shit, “she wept. “I can’t go anywhere. I’m a prisoner in this house” Marilyn is only telling the truth.

· p.43– “Because Marilyn had no real friends, she concentrated on herself” The closest friend Marilyn had is saying that Marilyn Monroe had no real friends. Doesn’t that strike someone as strange? Marilyn didn’t have any real friends. Almost the only ones in her life were her abusers, and they worked hard to strip her of any personal goals or esteem.

p.70– “You can go anywhere,” I [Lena] assured her. “Anywhere in the world” “Who with? she asked sadly. “Who with? By myself” “Mr. Miller, your friends…” “What friends? I ain‘t got nobody.” Many times during the programming, the programmers separate the victim from anyone who could be a support person, they are isolated from having friends and relatives unless the relatives are in the occult.

p. 71 –Marilyn repeatedly calls herself a prostitute. She says, “They laugh at me. What am I . . . nothing… a prostitute. Further on the page Marilyn tells Lena that no one has cared about her for her entire life, including her mother….

p.77– “Don’t take my baby. So they took my baby from me… and I never saw it again. “After Marilyn had a healthy baby it was taken away from her and she was never allowed to see it. It was very likely sacrificed. Marilyn was too afraid to ask what they were going to do with it.

p.100– Marilyn loses her baby at the same place that some of her programming was done at. One can speculate that they took the baby for some perverted use….

p.134 — “The operation took place at Polyclinic Hospital where Marilyn had lost her baby the year before… [Marilyn said]”Going back to that hospital’s a nightmare… .Pain? What‘s pain?” For her, the only pain was in not having her own child. Notice she always goes back to the Polyclinic Hospital. Monarch victims have had to endure vast amounts of horrible torture. They learn to survive by disassociation. When Marilyn says “What is pain?” she is being accurate in reflecting her response to pain. She could not have pain–because she would disassociate it. Certain alters are created to take the pain, and the other alters don’t have to experience it.

p.135– “I found Marilyn in a small room without any view. It was very depressing, especially since there were no flowers or any other signs that Marilyn had friends who were thinking of her.” Imagine a great actor like Marilyn is given a room without a view and no flowers or anything to cheer her up.

p.137– “Marilyn’s now almost daily visits to the psychiatrists .. . She was closely monitored.

p.193– Marilyn’s half-sister tries to come into Marilyn’s life. Marilyn says, “I have a right to have a family.” And on the next page, “Gee, you’re really my sister. My sister… At least you lived with relatives.” Marilyn’s masters did not want her to have any family. They often strip the deeper alters of a Monarch slave from any ties to any non-cult person….

p.199–Marilyn orders a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made. Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of Oz programming which is usually the foundational programming.

p.202– “Frank… clipped two gorgeous emerald earrings on Marilyn ‘s ears.” Again we see that emerald green is often used by Monarch slaves.

p. 205– “Aside from her evenings with Frank [Sinatra], Marilyn’s life in California seemed identical to her life in New York. She didn‘t read, didn‘t watch television, didn’t go anywhere. Although the sun was always shining, Marilyn was as pale as ever. She didn’t like to go outside during the day.”

As time goes on, the case officer or handler will weave an ever firming, ever tightening web of control around his asset. They will often use rapport. Many of the CIA’s Monarch programmers are very likable people, they have learned the skill of “B.S.” and building rapport. Some of this involves just understanding people and NLP. The handler will look for telltale signs such as absenteeism, lateness, nervousness, or inconsistency. He will rely on intuition, spies, astral projection or psychic abilities to keep tabs on the asset. Then if a problem develops, it will be addressed with appeals to patriotism, greed, ambition, or fear. Whatever works is the motto of the game. When slaves are picked up, the men picking them up are called Draconian enforcers. Both authors of this book are very familiar with some of these men.

They are often big male Monarch slaves. A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand with the enforcers thumb in the area between the victim’s thumb and index finger. The pressure will be strong enough to leave a bruise after the access. At different times in different states, there have been patterns to what kind of car they drive. They often take the cars from cooperating dealerships, so that there is no license number to trace. They also use stolen license plates on their cars. In 1993, in NY they were using brown volkswagens. In the Oregon area (especially Portland), a full time Monarch slave enforcer named Rex drives his large red pickup or at times someone else’s other vehicle (like his Illuminati boss’s white pickup truck). He will carry a gun and a cattle prod. The cars in some places have been often red or black. A white or silver car sometimes is used to denote someone of rank. When limousines are used to pick up slaves, they may switch license plates regularly because the plates contain access codes.

This was one reason the establishment began allowing people to customize their own license plates! When one wants to control a group of people, as a leader of a country Machiavelli’s book is great. Some of those principles can be scaled down to working with individuals. Fritz has observed that almost across the board, if slaves are left within a non-cult family, relatives will consistently misperceive what is happening in the slave’s life. Switches between personalities are reinterpreted to fit the world view of the observer–the multiple is merely perceived as “moody” and “irrational”. Half-way decent cover stories will generally suffice to cover the slave’s activities for the mafia, the CIA, and the satanic cult they belong to. The slave merely needs to pull up a good front alter for public consumption, for people want to think the best of everyone. The public will watch the 7-Swans fairy tale where a magical coat turns swans into a princess, never guessing that a news story far greater is happening all around them. One way to control a person is to identify who the key people are in their life and then influence those people.

Some of the work in controlling Monarch slaves goes on behind the scenes, even without the slave ever realizing it. A number of Monarch slaves have been maneuvered into marriages without actual mind-control even being necessary. One of the items to successfully controlling people is that they know who they are taking orders from. In the military, officers get frustrated because they end up getting conflicting orders from conflicting jurisdictions. This happens with the control of Monarch slaves too, when too many chiefs and not enough indians are around. When a slave ends up serving several handlers within a short period of time they can get really messed up. This is because the slaves receive severe abuse and their programming can be splintered and destroyed if not handled correctly. Of course, the slave takes the blame, but that doesn’t eliminate the problem. If a handler wants a better chance of his slave functioning smoothly, the slave shouldn’t be tampered with by lots of handlers.

This common sense logic of management seems to have been missed by a large number of handlers. One thing can be said, someone who is a common drug dealer had better not tamper with an Illuminati Mother of Darkness alter slave if they want to stay alive. It appears that slaves are seldom tampered with without permission. Another ingredient in controlling people is knowing what your competition is going to do. Because the cults work with the intelligence agencies, they often know who, what, where, when, and how their enemies are going to challenge them. The authors of this book could write a book on how the Illuminati/intelligence agencies have watched them. People such as therapists and ministers who challenge the Monarch trauma-based programming have nice growing dossiers in CIA files.

A note should be made that the American intelligence agencies tattooed some of their slaves with blue Monarch butterflies, bluebirds, or roses for identification purposes. The bluebird relates to the CIA project name Project Bluebird. Some satanic cults tatoo the “sign of the great Beast” on the heads of victims. They also place scars with occult designs on their victims. The Illuminati slaves, who are hierarchy members of the Illuminati, are not tattooed, although a hard-to-see scar consisting of dots in a triangle on the third eye is done to some members. The prohibition against marking up one’s body is not consistently enforced in the Illuminati–it seems this standard is enforced more with the women than the male Illuminati members. CIA slaves have received the Butterfly tatoos from the age of about 11 on up.

The following points are of a scenario which was developed as follows by the author: Fritz observed how the CIA were carrying out an operation to recapture a Monarch slave who was trying to escape. These activities follow standard spook textbook methods, and for instance, fit the same patterns of an intelligence operation codenamed Operation Sphinx described in detail in the book By Way of Deception. By exposing how an operation is put together perhaps it will become clearer how the CIA monitor an asset they fear is escaping.

POINT 1. An event that looked like an accident was planned. The event was impossible to miss. This can include car accidents, people waving one down to tell you that you have a flat tire, etc.

POINT 2. They studied their prey to determine his/her routine. They will watch a residence intently to determine the person’s routine and take advantage of this.

POINT 3. Then an insignificant accidental event is planned. Repeatedly, in the many Monarch people the authors have known, the tiniest insignificant points in people’s lives are being manipulated. (Bear in mind the intelligence people are carried away and overdo much of what they do, even over planning some of their ops.)

POINT 4. The chief is given the order to “hit at convenience.” They are watching and probing to discover a weak point, and when they find a weak point they will strike at convenience.

POINT 5. Listening devices are installed. (The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies are illegally monitoring the lives of Americans with bugs that go up to 2 Ghz. Companies like Tektronics which work with the CIA are selling counters which won’t detect bugs at 2 Ghz. In other words, what is mainly sold the public is inadequate, but BK Precision does sell a counter which goes past 2 Ghz. for those who want to know when they are being illegally spied upon. Since MI-6 & the CIA cooperate, the CIA can simply say that their American intelligence information is from MI-6. It may be illegal for the CIA to spy in the U.S.-ha! no one stops them, but British MI-6 can legally spy on American citizens.) The intell. groups themselves use BABBLERS, which are electronic devices that emit noise & chatter & destroy the effectiveness of bugs.

POINT 6. Teams of experts are brought in to brainstorm about the operation. The people called in on a case will be coordinated by a team or teams. One of these teams will consist of various experts whose combined brains will give great ability to plan.

POINT 7. The person will be watched by moving in an observer into a nearby building.

POINT 8. An intelligence woman or man will be sent door to door selling perfume or something else–perhaps they will pose as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

POINT 9. The door to door undercover intelligence person will be very personable, very nice to talk to.

POINT 10. The team will take all the surveillance information and spend hours going over every detail, and they will debate and get tense as they hash out the significance of certain intelligence pieces of information as they work out a plan of action.

POINT 11. The Intelligence people will take advantage of the social needs of someone close to their prey. They might give his wife some opportunities for fun things away from the house. They know how to take advantage very quickly & smoothly of the social needs of people who are around a Monarch slave. (They put used car salesmen to shame.)

POINT 12. The intelligence people have the capability to enter without keys.

POINT 13. They practice “motionless following.” That means they followed people in shifts. They will follow by tag teams so to speak, and use car phones.

POINT 14. They like to use “trade” occupations as a cover.

POINT 15. The man will give a business card which had an actual office, etc. but which was a front. They will be willing to give a business card–which is a real address, but only a CIA front. The day they realize they are exposed, the phone will quit working. Handlers and men within the Network often use business cards and other cards they carry in their wallets as codes indicating various things.

In intelligence operations, the agents will take their “intelligence”–that is the info they have collected, and put it through 4 steps.

1) “direction”, who is going to collect what where.
2) “collection”, the actual spying.
3) “processing”, analyzing and integrating what they have collected, and
4) “dissemination”, distributing (via reports, talks, charts) the analyzed and rewritten reports to their ustomers.

Most of the intelligence groups have a reputation for distorting the truth in the third stage to fit their agency’s “party line”. Count St.-Germain (169?-1784) is a good example of an intelligence officer. He was one of the leading Illuminati of his time. He did alchemy for Louis XV, and magic for the Masonic leader Karl, prince of Hesse. He spied for the Dutch and the French, and who knows who else. His fundamental allegiance was to the Mystery Religions of the Illuminati. Modern day examples are Lord Victor Rothschild, one of the leaders of MI-6, Sir Dick Goldsmith White, Jewish, Mason, & leader of MI-6 from 1956-69, Sir John Rennie leader of MI-6 from 1969-73 whose son Charles Tatham Ogilvy Rennie was a known, major drug runner, Major General Sir John Sinclair, of the Illuminati, MI-6 chief from 1953-56. MI-S has had a number of Illuminati/Freemasons called Director-Generals (rather than Chiefs) running it too. Nigel West, a pseudonym for a man who worked for MI-6 devoted an entire chapter in his book MI-S about how Hugh Astor and Victor Rothschild ran Britain’s double agent division. ALL, I repeat ALL of the German agents spying on England during W.W. II were double-agents actually working for the British. If anyone tried to work for the German’s secret service who wasn’t disloyal, that person could only work for the Germans IF they turned into a double agent for the British. Today, almost every one working against MI-5, MI-6 and the Illuminati’s New World Order, is a double agent. This book may be followed by a number of similar books by double agents of the New World Order’s Network.

George White, working for the MK Ultra Mind Control program supplied during the 1950s a long list of prostitutes to the CIA for study. During the 1950s, the CIA was refining its knowledge of what makes a prostitute tick. How do you use them? How do you train them? How do you teach them to do both espionage and seduction? What are the elements of seduction? All these sciences were refined. For instance, if a prostitute stays longer than she is paid for, she will shock the john, and he will find his ego greatly boosted. With the right methods, the prostitute agent can elicit all types of secrets from the vulnerable male. With the ability to create Black Widow Spiders (deadly seductive Monarch alters), the Illuminati gained one more sure method to control others. Seduction and then blackmail. The CIA, just as FBI J. Edgar Hoover did, keeps detailed files on sexual preferences. It supplies what people want, but the supply comes with a price that the individual is now under blackmail.


This dirty game has been honed to a fine art, which is a standard feature of the Illuminati/intelligence groups. The CIA term for blackmail is an “OK FIX.” When they use a person’s past sins to force someone to do something they refer to this as “biographic leverage.” Any weak point in a person can and will be exploited. Sexual entrapment for blackmail is referred to as a ‘HONEY TRAP”. Black widow alters are being trained and sent out for this purpose. Blackmail of the slave begins when it is beginning to get verbal. At 3, the cults will tell a child they have a bomb planted inside them, that the cult can detonate if they don’t obey. In order to blackmail, or threaten, you have to have something to threaten the person with. Men are frequently entrapped by sexual behavior which is criminal. Sometimes they are also entrapped by murder.

The Monarch slave will be allowed to have children so that they can be blackmailed into complying to save the children or grandchildren. The Monarch slave in turn may be used to blackmail others. Certain alters are trained in this. A Monarch Beta model is highly trained in seduction and will seduce a man. Then an alter which feigns death will take the body and the man will be threatened for having killed the woman. Many politicians and ministers are operating under blackmail today. When Jimmy Swaggart’s ministry fell, over 200 Assembly of God ministers called headquarters and confessed that they had similar problems. The extent that blackmail is being used by the NWO would boggle people’s minds. Porn films are taken of the Monarch victims, so that they can be used to blackmail the victim. Monarch victims are forced to commit ritual murders which are photographed and then used to blackmail the poor mind-controlled victim. Perhaps, one of the cruelest forms of blackmail which is carried routinely by handlers, is the threat to incarcerate the mind-controlled slave in a mental hospital.

The co-author Fritz has read a number of books about the situation in America’s mental hospitals, and sections of these books will literally make a person vomit from disgust. The legal climate in this nation has made it easy to stick someone else in a mental hospital. Once there, they are routinely given tranquilizers Mellaril, Thorazine or Stelazine so that they can’t rebel against the most wretched conditions. Nadine Scolla was a nurse in a mental hospital who wrote an expose based on her diary while she worked. Her book is entitled Keeper of the Keys (Westlake Village, CA: F&J Publishing Corp., 1976) The following are quotes from her account of working in a mental hospital,

“How can they allow such places to exist? They really need to reform, but who is going to do it?.. .We’re supposed to be civilized and yet many people are treated worse than the lowest form of animals. Who cares about these patients? (p. 15).. .Doctors receive one hundred thousand dollars a year starting salary, and the nursing personnel receive the highest pay in the profession, and yet the patients get the worst of care. (p. 19).. .I could see that the patients had no rights here. (p.27)… [on page 49-50 she reports about a secret hospital grave yard where patients could be buried without anyone knowing]..

Do you remember the young rape victim and how they treated her-the girl with beautiful olive skin and long brown hair?… They filled the bath tub with cubes of large ice and dropped her into it. They removed her from that and placed her in scalding hot water. She came out red as a lobster. Her body was badly blistered. This treatment didn’t help, so they decided upon shock treatment. ‘I never saw anything so awful in all my life. They forcibly strapped her down, tied her hands and legs, stuck the electrodes to her head and placed a tongue blade in her mouth. She couldn’t scream, wiggle, or do anything after the treatment.. .Tammey was dead. Her body was limp-she was still trapped in the chair. It was more than I could take. I had to go off by myself and cry.’ (p.51) I don’t understand how our local government can allow these people to be treated worse than a dog in the local pound. At least the animals have their own cubicle and their own food dish. (p.73)”

According to what Nadine Scolla was told, half of the patients in mental hospitals are schizophrenics. A hefty percentage of these “schizophrenics” are really programmed multiples who are being quietly discarded by the system. How many victims of trauma-based total mind-control have ended up sent to mental hospitals? Many tens of thousands, maybe the exact number will never be known. America’s mental hospitals have also played an active role in the programming and the research for the programming.


Their skill at bribes is an extension of understanding human nature, and human needs and wants. It works together with blackmail.


One of the basic ideas of creating a mind-controlled slave, is to control the entire milieu of the slave. This is expressed in Nexus Seven. The environment of the slave is designed for what is called “story immersion.” A Monarch slave who has been given the basic Alice In Wonderland and Wizard of Oz programming will see objects connected to these story lines in almost every store. Restaurants in Dallas and San Antonio (The Time Machine Restaurants) which are used to reinforce programming, have mirrors on their walls, doors and ceilings and their waitresses dressed like programming script characters–such as Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz. It is no accident that one of the leading Satanic singers calls himself Ozzy Ozburn, or that a certain Mexican witch calls herself Oz. It is no accident that recently a witch wrote the book The Witches of Oz. It is no accident that the elite have promoted the Wizard of Oz theme with television product advertisements. It is no accident that the U.S. has Oz stamps, that television has Oz cartoons, and Oz characters are appearing all over the place.

For a while even Kansas had an Oz theme to their license plates (“Land of Ahs”). Hillary Clinton, (a 6th level Illuminati witch & sadistic Monarch slave handler) received a witch’s hat in anticipation that she would be called the wicked witch of the West, and that Mary Matalin (who married Clinton’s top campaign advisor James Carville) had a photograph of Hillary Clinton as the Wicked Witch of the West on her wall with the caption “I will get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!” The witch’s hat and the caption both are popular with these people associated with the White House because they are so rich in triple and quadruple meanings. The deadliest meaning is that the Monarch Slaves that sexually service Hillary and Bill Clinton have Wizard of Oz programming. Hillary is really the Wicked Witch of the West! to these poor Beta slaves. The constant bumping into Wizard of Oz paraphernalia or pictures of it helps focus the slave’s mind onto their Wizard of Oz programming. MGM Grand recently built a multi-million dollar pyramid complex with a theme park which is based on the Wizard of Oz and the Alice in Wonderland themes.

The hotel at the MGM Grand is the world’s largest with 5,000 rooms, which shows that mind-control is big business. A team of actors dressed up in the Wizard of Oz theme like Dorothy and her friends (Tin man & Scarecrow) and walked on a yellow brick road constructed in the MGM complex. Emerald City is part of the theme park. The complex cost $1 billion according to the Las Vegas Review Journal, Dec. 19, ‘93 page Al. This complex is given the occult name Luxor, and is at 3900 Las Vegas Boulevard South. It has been advertised as the “Next Wonder of the World.” It’s a shame that the 1990’s big wonder is a programming center. Another part of the control of the Milieu is labelled “planned spontaneity” by the controllers. The Monarch victim repeatedly finds experiences “just happening.” These are the coincidences that are so mystical that people feel there must be a higher significance to the event. Many of these are well-staged events. A slave may try to escape marrying the person they are commanded to marry. The handlers stay one step ahead of the slave, and through a series of coincidences introduce another acceptable person.

The slave in an effort to escape grabs the first available substitute who has been coached on how to push all the correct green mental buttons to get the escapee to marry them. ‘The slave jumps from the frying pan into the fire. Things which validate the programming and the mystical beliefs of the cult will be repeatedly introduced. The skill in introducing these secretly into the life of the slave are amazing. There is no limit to what can be attempted, and some of these staged events are worthy of Houdini. The occult world has placed their symbols all over the United States. The most esteemed institutions such as Walt Disney are fountains of the occult. Walt Disney movies are steeped in magic, and yet American society is so drowned in the occult, they have been desensitized to how it permeates American culture. The concept of “Sacred knowledge” versus “profane knowledge” is introduced. If the slave should escape, the first choice is to send someone who can pick them up. I have heard of slaves escaping from Europe on the plane, only to be picked up by a handler when they land in New York. Mt. Shasta’s programming site, accessed by helicopter, specializes in reprogramming escaped slaves. Jerry Lee Lewis has a notorious reputation among the Network as being exceptionally sadistic in reprogramming escapees.

However, if the slave is not needed, and is wanting out–tens of thousands of them have been locked up in mental hospitals as paranoid schizophrenics. In the mental hospitals they can continue to get drugs and electro-shock–the very things that caused their problems in the first place. The insiders have a name for these slaves, they call them “broken butterflies”. If the slave tries to go to court, according to some the Non Compos Mentis Law prevents them from testifying against their abusers. At any rate, with or without this law it would not be easy for a victim to get his testimony accorded the respect it deserves. If they get psychiatric help–their therapist can not tell anyone about what they have suffered, and the therapist is hamstrung about what they can do in court for the client. Recently, 15 states have created statutes of limitations on sadistic rape. This is in response to all the Monarch slaves who have begun recovering memories. ·The extent that entire culture and society protect the Monarch Programming is enormous. Anyone admitting MPD (aka DID) is in fear of being labelled crazy and losing some of their rights and their job.

Because the conspiracy (the Network) is so vast, an examination of how the Illuminati controls society would be needed to cover the subject of milieu control. This would take an entire book. The reader is encouraged to read some of Fritz Springmeier’s other works which expose how the Illuminati’ s control extends over all levels of society. Most people have settled their minds on this issue without getting the facts. When the real facts are shown, it blows people’s minds. Some of the easiest and everyday items to show people, are simply a dollar bill–with its Illuminati symbol on the back, and a can of vegetables which has a bar code on it. Every bar code has 3 secret and non-functional numbers in the bar code, which are 666. The silent hammer that strikes out at the Monarch slave is that everywhere they go, the occult world is there. Several cars are named after Satan. The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. When Freemasonry’s greatest philosopher/Illuminati Mind-control Programmer/Grand Druid Council member Manly P. Hall wrote Cabalistic Keys to the Lord’s Prayer (Los Angeles, CA: The Philosophical Research Society, 1964, p. 10) he wrote “Saturn = Hallowed be thy name.” The men who head these auto manufacturing companies are in the Illuminati.

There is no question that they were NOT ignorant of the significance of these names. Many other occult names of big significance to the Illuminati involving eagles have been placed on cars. Electra is a recent car named after a demon. Viper is a slow and deadly creature, why would one want to use it to name a car? Viper is also the name of an important demon. Viper is found in Black Widow Monarch slaves. Some readers may begin to feel that things are being stretched. The connections of numerous car names to the occult could be exposed, but that is not the purpose of this book. We will quote straight from a company their own explanation for their car’s name in this next paragraph, simply to make the point, whether other perceive it or not, the Monarch slaves have to exist in a world full of satanic/occult symbology that ordinary people don’t understand. Mazda’s president, Norimasa Furuta, published a book in 1990 which it intended to give to all its employees. The book explains its purpose “…we have written a booklet to explain how MAZDA became the name of our corporation and what it means in order to help everyone who is related to MAZDA enhance their creativity and develop their potential.” The book entitled The Globe: In Search of the Origins of Mazda, goes on to explain about the founder of Mazda car company, Matsuda Jujiro, who is heralded as a great seer who “believed in himself, in his friends, and in heaven, and he achieved a truly global vision.” Mazda company’s book The Globe then explains that the company name Mazda comes from the god Ahura-Mazda which was the “god of light” and the “god of wisdom” according to the book. Jujiro believed that Mazda represents the “origin of civilization.”

The “god of light” (Lucifer) is often credited for starting civilization by those who aren’t Christians. The name Mazda according to The Globe symbolizes “unlimited possibility and stimulates people’s dreams.” Mazda’s book puts down in writing their New Age goals to “establish peace for mankind with a global point of view,” and “a spiritual foundation” toward which to work toward a “new age.” The book further states civilization started in Egypt and that Christianity evolved from the pagan mystery religions. Another book associated with Mazda cars, is the book The Meaning of Life given to everyone who test-drives a Mazda–that was as long as book supplies last. I quote the book “…the time when regions and continents existed keeping a certain distance from each other is a thing of the past…. We are eager to transmit the meaning of MAZDA to the children of MAZDA who will create a new MAZDA… With a strong desire for peace and through the production and sale of automobiles and machine tools, MAZDA has advanced on a course to unite the people of the world” [bold added] (pp 78-79.) An adept of the Illuminati is taught about Ahura Mazda. He would know that Mazda was the Persian God of Light who was also known as Ormuswhich is another name for the Preiure de Sion, which is a powerful group protecting the 13th Illuminati Bloodline.

Some of the names of cars which could be triggering to SRA survivors include the Demon, the Vagabond, Dodge Ram (Goat of Mendes), Buick’s Phoenix, Ford’s Cobra, Mercury’s Cougar, Eagle Jeeps, the Le Baron Eagle Logo, Navistar Eagle Truck (which may have Eagle mud flaps, and Goodyear Eagle GT tires). For most of us an eagle is a symbol of what is noble and beautiful. Historically, the eagle and the snake have been the logo of the tribe of Dan, considered the “black sheep” of the 12 tribes. The Prophet Hosea said, “Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law.” (HOS 8:1) And the Prophet Obadiah said, “Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.” (OB 1:4) The co-authors of this book didn’t create Illuminati history nor their symbols. We are only reporting on them. We would like the eagle simply to represent what is noble and fearfully made by God. Indeed, in some verses like in Isaiah the eagle has a positive connotation.

However, the construct, the refraining that is done by the Illuminati upon these symbols is that the eagle represents Satan’s empire. The Assyrian, Roman, and Nazi empires used the eagle. The Illuminati point these things out to their initiates, and ask, “Is this a symbol of Christianity, or the power of our lineages which ruled those empires?” It is not the co-authors desire to interpret what Hosea and Obadiah meant. Nor is it our desire to dissuade anyone from buying the cars mentioned above. Our only point is that the survivor lives in a world of occult symbols and occult programming triggers. How do you convince someone to quit fearing the power of their abusers when it has its symbols on their money, their canned food, their cars, and their churches? (Yes, there are such things as All-Seeing Eyes in some churches and Masonic logos on others, and other occult symbols. Hislop’s The Two Babylons is devoted to showing all the pagan symbology in the Catholic church.) Are we exaggerating? Fritz went into one fast food restaurant and the cups and placemats had a wizard throwing occult energy balls with occult symbols, the next fast food place had place mats showing the King Arthur story which is an extremely important myth for the Illuminati (the quest for the Grail!), the next fast food place had place mats giving children instructions on how to hypnotize your parents, the next one had a Wizard of Oz theme, and the next one was selling occult movies. Fritz kept these place mats to use in his talks! This nation is immersed in the occult and so desensitized they don’t realize it.

The public thinks nothing of a Gargoyle Coloring/Activity book. This type of thing is commonplace in American society. If one examines Golden Book’s Gargoyle Coloring/Activity book (1995) still being sold, you will find Gargoyle demons named after geographic locations that the child can color, you will find a Magus with a Book of Spells that the child can color. For activities, the child can duplicate pictures, work codes, match shadows with their figures, match objects and images, and work with robot heads of which several can be placed on one body. All these activities reinforce the type of skills that the programmers want children under mind-control to have. The book has castles, robots, a sentence about a kitten which is a code about a computer disk, and mazes. A perfect book for the programmers to give a child, and the naive public walks by these kinds of books on their store shelves everyday.

The Illuminati’s mind-control goes on in part right in front of America’s nose, and they don’t see it. One of the saddest things for Monarch mind-control survivors is that the Programmers are so systematic in destroying everything of beauty and value in life. Everything conceivable that can be degraded will be. This mind-control has spread like an unseen cancer to every segment of life, and threatens to destroy this nation from the inside out. Imagine that every time you heard your own national anthem that it reinforced your mind-control programming? That is the life of these victims of mind-control. We wish the American people could realize that George Bush and Bill Clinton are on the same team. Both are descendants of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines, both are totally corrupt morally, both are into the occult, and both were trained by the same person in subliminal language techniques [NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming]. The best in subliminal language techniques is said to be Tony Robins, and he is who the elite got to train both George Bush and Bill Clinton.

Monarch Mind Controlled Slaves have been created since the late 1940s. Since the early ‘60s, Monarch Slaves have been specially created for American presidents. These models are called Presidential Models. There are now living about 600 people (Monarch slaves) who were created into Presidential Models. That is a large harem. Presidential Models fit a particular set of physical standards, not one of the Presidential sex slaves has been black. President Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Bush, Reagan and Clinton have all been slave handlers. Many slaves have some deeper alters who have a realization that their Presidents are in on the corruption, how does that make them feel? The cults which program pay particular attention to showing the child that men in police uniforms and ministers of churches are participating with the cult. This has the effect of embedding in the mind of the victim that there is no escape–that the entire structure of society is secretly in cahoots with the programmers. Not all policemen nor all ministers are dirty, but because of the Monarch program, the entire structure of American society has been seriously compromised to the extent that all sectors are infiltrated and contaminated. Unfortunately, the worst fears of the victims, are in reality close to the truth.

The Monarch victim is further victimized because no-one wants to believe them in how controlled American society has become. The truth is we are on the verge of losing civilization as we know it, and entering into a dark sadistic slave-master society that will make Hitler’s Third Reich look like child play. What part of our lives are not controlled? We go to our jobs–our boss is naturally given the right to control us. For many centuries, the Machiavellian elite have provided the masses with “Bread and Circus”. That means “keep the people fed and entertained and they will not rebel.” After Americans come home they are kept busy with entertainment. The only exception to their work, and TV watching, are their trips to their churches. Even the various religions are secretly under elite control. See Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book for an 800 page expose of how the various Christian groups and New Age Religions are controlled.

The point is that people are kept busy and occupied, and they seldom try to step outside of the path that the elite want them to stay in. A slave’s front system will be a normal busy person for years, while the deeper alters serve their various functions for the elite. There is simply little that occurs that shakes the routine that gets established. If the handler doesn’t live with the slave himself, he will often place another slave as the spouse, to oversee the slave. The marriage couple’s deeper alters spy on each other. The schools that the slaves will go to are often controlled by the abusers. Some of the more obvious ones are Groton, a school for the elite’s children, and Santa Clara University and Williamette University used by the Illuminati to train their politicians for public office. The Beta Theta Pi is a political fraternity through which quite a few Illuminati politicians have joined. The Jesuit schools throughout the United States are used for abuse and programming. Note, that Bill Clinton went to the Jesuit university in Washington, D.C. called Georgetown University. A number of the military school that parents ship their elementary boys off to are used by the elite for the ongoing abuse and programming of slaves. The Illuminati foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, gave the initial funding for the Quest Program for the public schools. The Quest Program is being adopted by various public schools. It also goes by the names Skills for Adolescence, Skills for Growing, and Skills for Living.

One of the early editions of Quest had an exercise called “elevator” where the teacher uses visualization and guided imagery. The teacher places her school children in a mild hypnotic trance described in the Quest literature as “a quiet contemplative mood.” Then the teacher tells the students, “You are on an elevator.” Each button on the elevator represents an age of the child. When the students push a button, the elevator takes them back to experiences at that age. It is not possible in the scope of this book to cover how every sector of our lives are controlled. Those who are interested need to read some of Fritz Springmeier’s other writing including Be Wise As Serpents. However, it would be appropriate to cover how television shows and Hollywood are intimately linked to Monarch Mind-Control programming. A great deal that is coming out of Hollywood is linked to mind-control in some fashion.

Some of the hottest entertainers are Monarch slaves, such as Madonna, a Marilyn Monroe replacement. Co-author Fritz was given a catalog to Vidimax, which is an New Jersey occult porn video club by someone wanting to help his research. This cult video club actually sells snuff films. They sell the real life footage of cannibalism, virgin sacrifices, occult rituals, and worse. When Madonna was a teenage slave with the name Louise Chiccone living in NY East Village, a real life film was made of her being raped (a setup), and then her cult family taking the rapist and sacrificing him. Vidimax sells this for $19 to their members. Some of their videos are live footage of how kidnapped people have been tortured into becoming slaves. One of the catalog listing says, “tortured until their wills are broken and they become Olga’s submissive slaves!…WARNING EXTREME GRAPHIC VIOLENCE…BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND.”

By the way, the Illuminati have their own private porn distribution. Many people ask, “Why do they need mind-controlled slaves?” Part of the answer is they need them to make their sick porn. The history of the connections between the entertainment world and the occult and royalty go far back. One group of people known for their travelling entertainment, the gypsies, have some interesting parallels with the Illuminati bloodlines. A gypsy proverb is, “If you want to stay survive, you must be a devil.” Both groups have kept their bloodlines and their identity. Both are secretive. Both groups live double lives. Gypsy children will be given a secret magical name, and a name to use for outsiders. Gypsy children are often baptized in a magical circle. Both groups are into the occult, such as cannibalism, black magic, the evil eye, and white slavery. The gypsies believe in Charani, a big bird consumed by fire who rises from the ashes. The Illuminati call this the Phoenix. Both groups have a secret code that allows them to do anything to outsiders (who are called “Gadja” by gypsies meaning “enemy”). The gypsies originated in India and migrated west to Iran and Turkey and then to Greece and then into western Europe in the 1400s just prior to an occult revival in Europe.

The largest gypsy tribe in India is Ghor. They follow Durga (Kali). Other tribes also worship Kali under different names such as the Black Virgin for which they make an effigy called “Bibiaca” which simply means “lady”. Gypsies made up early groups of travelling entertainers. Sir Francis Bacon, who wrote under the pen name of Shakespeare, was the founder/leader of the Rosicrucians of his time. (The proof of who Shakespeare was is in several books, for instance, see Alfred Dodd’s research in his excellent book Francis Bacon ‘s Personal Life Story.) The previous two paragraphs are offered as examples of how close the occult world and entertainment have been over the centuries. The history of the two worlds coincide for many centuries back, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that today’s entertainment industry is still closely linked to the occult world, nor should it come as a surprise that the Illuminati have made sure they have control over the industry.

During W.W.II, the entire country was mobilized for the war effort and Hollywood was recruited so to speak to help with the war effort. For instance, cartoons were created as training films and as war propaganda. The military hired thousands of entertainers for USO Camp Shows, Inc. which was under the Special Services Division of the U.S. Army. Bob Hope, who worked for MI-6, British overseas intelligence, was the leading entertainer for USO tours. After the war broke out, he went on 12 major overseas tours which took him and his beautiful troop of stunning knock-out girls to every front of the war–from the quiet fronts like Panama to places like Italy and North Africa. To make a long story short, Bob Hope was used to run messages to programmed multiples for British & American Intelligence. Later, after the war Bob Hope became a slave handler. In some of Fritz’s other writings, Bob Hope’s connections to the Illuminati are gone into.

U.S.O. magicians were found to be the most overall popular USO show. The International Brotherhood of Magicians is intimately connected to the occult world and puts out a magazine The Linking Ring. Under the auspices of the USO (controlled by military intelligence) the country western industry’s roots developed. The country western industry became a front for drug running, money laundering and white slavery for the Programmers of Monarch total Mind-controlled slaves. The USO also created at least 200 bands, from which came Lawrence Welk’s band, Sam Donahue’s band, Claude Thombill’s band, and Guy Lombardo’s band to name a few. Over the last 45 years perhaps the most popular place for couriers to be signalled to meet was by someone holding a bird in a cage or at a shop with birdcages. The allusion to carrier pigeons is so obvious. Look at a caption “Speaking of WRENS” with a cartoon from Bob Hope’s book I Never Left Home (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1944) written in 1944 during the middle of W.W. II. The cartoon shows Bob chasing a girl with a bird cage and saying, “Tweet, Tweet, Tweet.” Hypnotic commands are given 3 times. What seems like a harmless cartoon, is more like a signal telling people that Bob Hope is in charge of a flock of carrier pigeons (couriers), which we know he was. When talking to a group of soldiers during the war, Bob said, “In London the bobbies caught a guy walking around in the fog with a bird cage giving the mating call but the American counsel got me.”

Walter Bowart in his researcher’s edition of Operation Mind Control discusses the case of two W.W. II vets, who had their W.W. II memories erased by the military using drugs, hypnosis and behavior modification, before they were released from the army in 1947. This is found in Cassiday, Karen and Judith A. Lyons. “Recall of Traumatic Memories Following Cerebral Vascular Accident” Journal of Traumatic Stress. NY: Plenum Pub. Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct. 1992, p. 627. The point is that evidence is surfacing from various locations that the U.S. government was carrying out mind-control during WW II. This was done under the auspices of British Intelligence (MI-6) during W.W. II. When Canada entered the W.W. II with Britain, one of the best british secret agent training schools was set up between Whitly, Ont. and Oshawa, Ont. on Lake Ontario’s north shore across from the U.S.-Can. border. The site was called Intrepid Park. Agents called it “the camp” or “the farm”. Today, the CIA have their own “farm” (Camp Perry). The official British name for this spy camp was British Security Coordination Special Training School No. 103 & Hydra. STS 103. It was also known as Camp X. British SOE (Special Operations Executive) set itself in NYC. Americans from the FBI and OSS went to Camp X for training, as well as the SOE,SIS, BSC, and the Canadian RCMP. The British were already using mind-control at this stage.

The connections are endless. Edgar Allen Poe, who was into the occult and worked for British intelligence wrote The Raven. Vincent Price starred in Hollywood’s version of the Raven, and passages of the book have been used as codes for a number of Monarch slaves, who had to memorize portions of the book with their photographic memories. Warner Communications came out with the book/& movie “Sybil” which is about a woman with multiple personalities. The book and movie “Sybil” are full of mental slides (misinformation detours are called “slides” by the CIA) to prevent people from looking and thinking in the right directions concerning MPD. Structured MPD (DID) like Sybil’s, occurs only from very specific trauma-based programming. Even the name Sybil is an occult name, although the idea that occult was involved in creating Sybil’s MPD is not hinted at. The chief financial power behind Warner Communications was the Illuminati/Pilgrim Society member Eugene R. Black, retired head of the World Bank. Warner Communications is headquartered at Rockefeller Plaza, and has produced quite a few occult movies and occult books, for instance their movie about a demon “It Lives Again.” When Monarch slaves watch television, the shows they watch can relate to their programming in the following ways.

1. First, many of the shows have code words or programming scenarios which are deliberately in the shows to control the slaves: such as Star Wars, Star Trek, The Wizard of Oz, the Love Boat, Fantasy Island, I Dream of Jeanie (Delta Genie in the bottle programming, and “YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND” type trigger), The Little Princess, the Miss Universe Contest 1995, Duck Tails (created to control child slaves, with deliberate triggers such as “earthquack”), Bobby’s World cartoon, Steven Spielberg’s Tiny Toons, My Fair Lady (used in several of the slave finishing schools), ET (for alien programming), etc.

2. Some of the shows which are supposedly pure fiction show elements of actual Illuminati ceremonies, Illuminati history, drug running methods, etc., such Bell, Book & Candle, Burn Witch Burn, Curse of The Voodoo, Equinox, Manos, The Hands of Fate, Witchcraft ‘70, as Spirits of the Living Dead, Frankenstein, Night of the Living Dead, Bewitched (with actual witches as actors). Raising Cain shows torture and MPD. Hellraiser 3 depicts “gatekeepers.”

3. Some of the shows portray the Monarch total mind-control program (!): Telephon, The Manchurian Candidate, Videodrome, Labyrinth, Trancer II, The Attack of the Robots, Dr. Goldfoot & the Bikini Machine, Attack of the Puppet People, The War of the Zombies, Colossus-The Forbin Project, and The Point of No Return starring Jane Fonda’s Bridgett, who is connected to the OTO. (By the way, Monarch mind-controlled slaves have been shown the movie “Telephon” to emphasize to them that their minds are controlled by their handlers, and for them not to forget it.)

4. Many of the movies and shows use Monarch slaves as actors & performers: such as Rosanne Barr, Bette Mittler, Marilyn Monroe, Loretta Lynn, Crystal Gayle and possibly Wayne Newton (a child singing protege, who never wrote a check for himself in his life). They also use lots of slave handlers such as Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, & Bob Hope. And occasionally the use programmers such as Anton LaVey, Jerry Lee Lewis. Cisco Wheeler, the co-author of this book, while in the Illuminati, was given repeated reason to believe that Elvis Presley was also a Multiple programmed by the Illuminati. We know that at times he went by code names, one which is publicly known was John Burrows. His group, called the Memphis Mafia, have talked about his ability to go into altered states of consciousness, even seem dead. Recently, another Illuminati slave, also stated that Elvis was an Illuminati slave. Cisco points out that Elvis’ twin brother was dead at his birth, and that Elvis knew that this gave him double spiritual power (according to Illuminati beliefs). The Illuminati will often kill a twin, so that the other will get the power of two souls. From what we understand, Elvis Presley’s handler/programmer was a Col. Tom Parker. Elvis belonged to a team of 4 Illuminati men. Elvis is publicly known to have studied yoga, numerology, drugs, and received some new age spiritual training in an academy overlooking Pasadena, CA. He was an active member in the Theosophical Society. After Elvis Presley supposedly died, the Sun International Corp. came out with an Elvis Presley album called Orion, with the winged-sun-disk on its cover.

The winged-sun-disk is an important Egyptian magical symbol used by the O.T.O. [Ordo Templi Orientis-satanic occult organization founded by German occultist Karl Kellner in 1896], Theosophical Society etc. Mae Boren Axton, known as the Grand Dame of Nashville, played a pivotal role in Elvis Presley’s life. Elvis & the Beatles were chosen by the Illuminati to introduce rock music to the United States. There is no doubt about Elvis’ and the Beatles’ musical talent. Elvis’ close friend Wayne Newton is highly suspected as also being a slave. Elvis worked with Burt Reynolds and Jerry Lee Lewis who also connect in with the Illuminati’s mind-control operations. The authors are puzzled why Elvis’ grave, which had millions of dollars spent on its security, has his name misspelled? We are also puzzled why Elvis, who repeatedly stated he wanted to be buried beside his mother, is buried beside his father, who he privately stated wasn’t even his real father. Why has no one ever tried to collect insurance on Elvis’ death? Once again, it seems, the front stories that the public hears are full of inconsistencies. We believe that some people in the Illuminati know the true story about Elvis Presley. For sure Elvis’ mysterious mind-control programmer/handler Col. Tom Parker would know.

The original series of Star Trek had lost money, but in September, 1987 a new series called Star Trek, The Next Generation was started with $1 million dollars budgeted for each of its 24 episodes. The episodes pushed the Illuminati’s agenda in every show. People were being aroused to bombard Paramount with requests for a new Star Trek. Bob Justman who worked with Gene Roddenberry said, “When I left Star Trek in 1968 it was a disaster. It was a failure as far as the network was concerned.” That is because it didn’t make money. Hollywood tells us it makes these movies because they are what the public want and that they have to go where the money is–the closer truth is that Hollywood makes movies that push an agenda–Hollywood makes movies that Hollywood wants to make. And since Star Trek was part of the NWO’s mind-control, the show and it successors had to go on. How important is Star Trek? A witness has talked about Boeing workers sneaking off their jobs and hiding in the tunnels underneath the hugh Seattle Boeing plant so they could watch Star Trek shows. This enormous Boeing plant is used for rituals and mind-control.

This Boeing building is enormous, for it is where they have assembly lines to build the hugh jets, like the 747s, 707s, etc. An extensive maze of tunnels lays underneath the main building, large enough to accommodate all the tens of thousands of workers on any shift. It is interesting who was associated with the production of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Script writers for the Next Generation had a Star Trek Bible to write from. These script writers included such persons as Alan Adler, Dennis Putnam Bailey, three Grays, Debra Mclntrye, Ronald Moore, Grant Rosenberg, Randee Russell, Bryan Stewart. These are common names within the Illuminati. Coca-cola, an Illuminati-run corporation, was one of the major advertisers for Star Trek, and the god-man Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is a Star Trek fan, visited the cast of Star Trek in 1988 in Hollywood and got his picture taken with members of the cast. Probert who worked with Star Trek productions also worked with Walt Disney’s Imagineering subsidiary. Here are some of the Star Trek scenes:

(A Wizard of Oz head is shown on a show) Data is a humanoid with an on-off switch who can store vast amounts of data. His memories can be so strong that personalities in those memories fight for control of Data. (See the episode aired 1/23/89).

Holodeck creations of people (humans who are mirror images) who are aware of themselves. This is a well-used concept for programming Monarch alters. The first episode with this aired 1/1 1/88 and got several awards–an Emmy Award, and an award from the George Foster Peabody Award board.

A few other items which will show the reader the occult agenda of Star Trek, the Next Generation and how it fits into the mind-control programming (airing dates shown in parenthesis):

1. a Reptilian Race called Tellisians (10/12/87),

2. a Cosmological Egg-from the cabalistic magical world view (10/26/87),

3. a brain scanned by a probe (11/9/87),

4. age regression,

5. reverse aging and memory loss (2/8/88),

6. android duels & a crystalline body (1/18/88),

7. a race of computer operators (2/1/88),

8. an ozone hole in the atmosphere kills a planet (2/15/88),

9. a matriarchal oligarchy–shades of the Mother of Darkness’s oligarchy (1/25/88),

10. people who are only holographic projections (4/11/88),

11. a cyberneticist & androids (2/13/89),

12. doubles (mirror images) (4/3/89),

13. half-human half-robot people (5/8/89),

14. clones of people (5/22/89),

15. a holodeck person who doesn’t know his last name (6/19/89),

16. Betazoids (11/13/89), and a drug which causes hysterical paranoia (7/17/89).

Colorado is the area where trauma-based alien-theme programming is carried out with a mock UFO. Gaston, one of the programmers in that area, is turning out top secret Monarchs with solometric systems. NORAD and Colorado Springs and several other Colorado locations are major headquarters for End-Time Call Back programming. Interestingly, they have placed the Star Trek Fan Club in Colorado.

This recent movie portrays Monarch Mind Control and S&M. Mind-controlled slaves are frequently used to create S&M films. The Illuminati’s S&M porn film industry has been booming for over 4 decades. (Compare the name Videodrome with Vidimax mentioned above.) The porn films done of a particular Monarch slave who is used as a porn star will be coded according to the code name given to the star. Let’s say they call the Star “Lily”, then the porn movies will be cataloged Lily 1, Lily 2, Lily 3, etc. This type of porn involves a great deal of real torture, humiliation, and actual deaths of people. This type of porn is portrayed in the Hollywood movie Videodrome. The main character in Videodrome represents what a mind-controlled slave would see. The main character Max is told, “I want you to open up to me.” He then feels intense pain and doubles up and falls down, and submits, “all right.” Then he is ordered to “Give us channel 83.” He then proceeds under the mind-control to kill two partners, who he has previously liked and with whom he has had no quarrels. He is further told, “You are an assassin for Videodrome. They can program you. They can make you do what they want.” Interestingly, the name of the brand of cigars smoked on the show are named Medicis. He is told, “To become the new flesh you must kill the old flesh.” This is the type of suicide programming given Monarch slaves. He is ordered, “Come to Mickey.” Mickey happens to be part of Mickey Mouse programming and one of the nicknames of the programmer Michael Aquino. He is then shown a picture of suicide. Then the hypnotic command, “Come to Mickey” is said three times. “Long live the new flesh.” The movie announces, “The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in Videodrome.”

This is also billed as a “cult classic”. Who decides what is a “cult classic”? At any rate, this is another film which depicts part of the Monarch total mind-control. We will not take the space to cover it in depth, but will touch on a few items here. The main character is McKnowlty which sounds a lot like MK Ultra. Is it a play on words? It could be. A council like the Illuminati’s with lifetime appointments is in the film. The persons under control in Trancer II bear some resemblance to the Monarchs. Some of the language that is used is lifted from the language that handlers use. “FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS, SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP” a person is instructed. “RABBIT SPEAKING”, “YOU BELONG IN A GREEN WORLD.” The movie also has Freeze codes which are a color.

This 1983 movie with Ken Marshall and Lysette Anthony is just one more example of hundreds of Hollywood movies which show some aspect of the Illuminati &/or their mind-control. Krull is an island ruled by sorcery. A prince searches for a magic ornament to save his bride and their kingdom. The film has a poppy field, castles, an All-Seeing-Eye, armies of robots, Satan, and other features that a Monarch internal world will be set up with. A person can turn into a dog, pig or lion.

This Shirley Temple movie was just one of many Hollywood films used for programming. The princess has a nice “dream”. Slaves are programmed to view their service in the real world as dreams, and their fantasy worlds in their internal mind as reality. The Princess has a scene with hot cross buns and ravens. This scene was used for programming. The Princess sits on a throne. There are fairies and a joker, which are used in programming. The father is said to be dead, but is not dead in this movie—thus creating the type of reversal that the programmers like to work into the minds of slaves. A rich genie helps the princess, and when she finds her Daddy, she wakes him up with a kiss and a song. The girl’s name is Sarah, a name which appears within a number of Monarch system’s as an alter name.

The broadcast of the 1995 Miss Universe Contest did a very unusual freeze-framing of the show while it was on. The screen was mysteriously freeze-framed 9 times, this was a trigger for Illuminati Mothers of Darkness alters. A Mother of Darkness type throne was sat upon by the winner of the contest. An all-seeing-eye was flashed up on the screen with the code A MAY ZING written on it. This is the type of puns that the programmers enjoy. The winners of the contest came from INDIA, CANADA, and the USA. The order and names of those countries have to do with end times programming. The names were a code to certain Mothers of Darkness systems. India wore a Mother of Darkness type garment. Canada wore black and white, and USA wore Red. Miss India gave another code during the interviews, “If someone wants to put monkey’s on your back, if you stand up they get on your back.”

In 1958, the author Richard Condon had his novel The Manchurian Candidate published which describes an American Army sergeant, who is captured and programmed to assassinate on the cue of a queen of diamonds of a deck of cards. Richard Condon’ s ability to think about the potential of behavior modification and hypnosis, had allowed him to stumble upon what had actually been going for over a decade. Frank Sinatra bought the movie rights for this book, let the movie out briefly and then squelched the second release of the film. Frank Sinatra has been a slave handler. He has handled Bob Hope’s slaves, when Bob Hope has lent them to the Rat Pack (which consisted of Dean Martin, Frank, Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford & Joey Bishop). Frank Sinatra spends time with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Both he and Dean Martin have handled slaves. Dean Martin was described by The Hollywood Reporter as a “hypnotically attractive, homegrown American monster.” In Fritz’s previous writings he has exposed how Peter Lawford & Sammy Davis, Jr. were satanists. Dean had the audacity to want to bring out a Monarch slave on his T.V. show on a leash in a tiger outfit. As mentioned previously, the sexual alters see themselves as kittens or cats and are given obedience training with the type of collar Dean wanted to bring them out on stage with on television. The television network stopped it. As Frank Sinatra grew up, his parents always had money.

His mother was a cigar-smoking, cruel, and foul-mouth woman who performed illegal abortions. She got caught once and had to face the penalty on Feb. 27, ‘39 in a Hudson Special Sessions Court. Frank’s hero was Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, boss of Murder, Inc. About 30% of the dirty work for the Illuminati is carried out by the Mafia. The Illuminati have their own death squads which are superior to the Mafia, but individuals must approach one of the Illuminati councils for approval to assassinate. Often it is easier for someone in the Illuminati just to put out an unauthorized contract than to go through proper channels. Bugsy associated with all the Mafia heads including Charlie “Lucky” Luciano who controlled mind-controlled slave Marilyn Monroe. Both Frank Sinatra and CIA mind-control programmer William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (aka William Joseph Bryon, and William Jenning Bryan III, etc.) were members of the Tommy Dorsey Band. Bryan programmed people while he was with the Air Force as Chief of Medical Survival Training which was the Air Force’s covert mind-control section. Later he opened up his own hypnotherapy Institute on Sunset Strip in Hollywood where he programmed some people in the Illuminati who are actors. He also was the person who programmed Sirhan Sirhan to be involved in the Robert Kennedy assassination.

He also hypnotised Alvert Di Salvo. After Bryan died in Spring, 1977, the CIA cleaned out all of his files including his home files. Bryan was fat, 6’ 1 1/2”, and a Satanic priest in the Old Roman Catholic church. This is the same satanic church that William Schnoebelen was a Satanic priest in, before giving his life to Christ. (Bill Schnoebelen tells his own story in Lucifer Dethroned. Chino, CA: Chick Publications, 1993.) Schnoebelen was offered a slave, but turned down the opportunity to be a handler. In William J. Bryan, Jr.’s book entitled The Chosen One The Art of Jury Selection, Bryan teaches how to use hypnosis on jury members to win one’s case. On the back of the book he states about himself, “In addition, Dr. Bryan served as an Electronics Engineer in the Navy in World War II, was Director of all Medical Survival Training for the United States Air Force, and a leading expert on brainwashing.”

William J. Bryan was the technical director for Frank Sinatra’s movie The Manchurian Candidate. It was hoped that the movie would scare Americans into thinking that the enemy (the communists) was carrying out mind-control.

There are episodes of the Simpsons which blatantly promote the Freemasons, the Illuminati and even show items of the Monarch mind-control such as “following the Yellow Brick Road.” The episodes are quite revealing. Aspects of Illuminati programming can also be seen in the movie “Spirits of the Dead”, where spirit copies of one’s abusers are placed into the slave, and the movie “Cat Girl”, where a beautiful girl is turned into a killer beast. Several movies have come out showing the concept of creating robotic people such as the 1920’s movie Golem, the 1966 movie Cyborg 2087, and the movie Frankenstein. According to Illuminati history, the Collins Illuminati bloodline did pre-2Oth century experiments to create a Frankenstein, and Mary Shelley’s novel is actually secretly based on their research [Also, Clive Collins may have been the name of the actor who played the role of the mad scientist who created the Frankenstein monster in the original 1930’s movie starring Boris Karloff]

The Rothschilds have carried out successful production of synthetic people this century. This is all in accord with the black magic goal of controlling bodies, whether live or dead. The 90 minute film, “Night of the Living Dead,” expresses the satanic black magic goal to control bodies. And if the Illuminati can’t control their slaves, the final solution, if nothing else works, is to (as the CIA say) “terminate with extreme prejudice” (a.k.a “Executive Action”), like they did to Mary Pinchot Meyer on Oct. 13, 1964, Princess Grace Kelly & countless others.


Two Sisters-of-Light (the level before Mothers-of-Darkness) will be placed before a many-faced mirror with intense lights and programmed to see each other as inseparable. They become twins, and are programmed to die if the other one dies. They are taught to be one in body, mind, and soul. They are bonded in many ways, including torturing each other, and sexual bonding. The trauma bonding that they undergo will consist of a. being put in life or death situations together, b. given programming scripts which intertwine & fill in to complete each other to make a whole, c. are placed in jobs that require total compliance with the programming in order to survive, d. are bonded together to other people. The scripture “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (MT 12:25, MK 3:25) is used to program people to stay in line with what the team is doing. High level four-person female teams and a four-person males team are programmed to work together after the Anti-Christ takes over. These types of teams form the male-female component of a larger 3-part team. With the advent of advanced medical technology the Illuminati are now able to make quintriplets, implant the eggs in surrogates, and then switch the identical children during their lifetimes. This type of high level subterfuge is going on, and it makes the identities of some slaves complicated to say the least. Readers may want to get some of the articles Fritz has written about the clones, synthetic people, organic robotoids, and double look-alikes that the Rothschilds and the rest of the Illuminati families are engaged in creating. The twinning programming is very complex and detailed. Within the Rothschild bloodlines–the 5 family lines that began with Mayer Amschel’s 5 sons going to 5 capitals- network/bond their female slaves together with Gennifer-Sally-Elsie-Sarah-Penelope programming. (The 6th son to finish the red schield hexagram is/was a bastard.) This is all part of a complex satanic world mind that is being created. This is the Adam Kadmon. Twins (& teams) claim to be telepathic with each other, and observations of slaves, has tended to support that claim. Many therapists have failed to take the twinning part of the programming into account. Twins must be deprogrammed together for best results, if one is left out they may try to impede therapy.


At the beginning of the programming, the Programmers are dealing with a small infant who is unable to verbalize to others about their abuse. They are further frightened in every way, and tortured, and given behavior modification to teach them to remain silent. Even without all these strong threats which always exist, the child would not capable of fighting back. The child will naturally think this is the way the world is, and of course, the programmers are reinforcing the idea that this is the heritage or path that the child is supposed to be following. The dissociative parts of the child do not fully comprehend that being sexually assaulted daily by their father is wrong. They are being misled by their abuser that it is correct, that that is their purpose in life. The child is never given a chance to realize that it has a right to refuse. It is conditioned to obedience. The abuse seems to be just another part of things that belong to the world of adults. For children, adults do many things beyond comprehension, at times ridiculous. And they seem to need no reason to do these things, except for the fact that they are adults. Other adults that come and go are also participants in the abuse, so the child doesn’t grasp that he can be defended by other adults. The programmers are always doing unexpected things to the child, so the child quits trying to figure life out, and fatalistically complies with what it is expected to do. Children all over the world grow up in an adult world, and are at the mercy of adults.

As the alters begin to experience life, they are generally in situations where the attitudes of the people around them, reinforce their programming. Boys are told by society in general to take their lumps in life “like a man”. They are taught to fight their own battles, and not to whine. Few boys risk the shame that comes from talking about their abuse. Society is not kind to “whiners”. Females are permitted to show emotions, without the social sanctions levied on males. If the child victim of mind-control comes from a family where only one of the parents is a participant in the abuse, then what often happens is that the clean parent, will never even discuss abuse issues with their child. Few adults ever really discuss abuse issues with children. The child is generally isolated from their peers as much as possible by the child’s handler’s and programmers. They place other children that belong to the cult in the child’s life to report on what the child is doing. When the child victim begins to “stretch their wings” so to speak and meet other people, there are very few people that will threaten the control of the programmers.

When the slave does find a good therapist to make friends with, this friendship will trigger all kinds of programming, unresolved issues around adults, trust, etc. The slave feels double-binded. If they move toward health and freedom, it creates many more problems than staying in slavery. They need tosee the bigger picture. They need to be given something positive to live for outside of the slavery. Psychiatrists are not permitted by their boards to get personally involved in their clients lives. Traditional therapy doesn’t address some of the issues that will stop the slave from wanting to gain freedom. Internal peer pressure from multitudes of programmed loyal deeper alters, and external peer pressure from cult children the victim is bonded to, begins to exert an overpowering force for the child to stay on the beaten path. Few people ever buck the system, and go against peer pressure. Someone as hurt and docile as a slave is going to want acceptance, and is not likely going to want to step out of line with society and their peers. Until society admits that there is a problem with mind-control, it will be a dangerous thing socially for a child slave to admit to what the victim is actually experiencing every day.

Are there any HAGABARDS or MOSES?

Now the reader has the FORMULA for the mind control. Now what? These programmed multiples continue to eat away at the moral fiber every one of America’s Institutions like an army of termites. On the outside the structures still look strong, but they are being readied to collapse, for the reign of the Illuminati’s AntiChrist. There is a series of books called the Illuminati books which are a fictional account of how the Illuminati run the world. In the novels, the Illuminati run essentially everything–which is actually what is happening. The hero, Hagabard fights against this ancient conspiracy. Who isn’t familiar with the Biblical example of the elite ruler, who leaves his place of royalty to lead a nation in slavery to freedom? this hero’s name is Moses. He also frees the people spiritually from the spiritual bonds of their hermetic magical culture. If there are any Hagabards or Moses’ or Aarons out there, it is time to buck this World System. “LET OUR PEOPLE GO. LET OUR CHILDREN GO.” Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve Me. (EX 8:1b)

Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Drugs Of CIA aka Illuminati Used in Global Mind Control ~ Monarch Project ~

The science of Pharmacology (drugs) has given the Programmers a vast array of mind-altering and body-altering drugs. Some of the drugs are not used to directly alter the mind, but to change the body(makethe skin burn), or make the pers
on vomit, or some other reaction that can be harnessed to further their nefarious programming goals. If they want a little girl to develop breasts they might give her hormones.Neuroscientists are now familiar with chemicals which cause personality traits. If one wants to create raving paranoia, simply provide the brain with too much dopamine in the emotional centers of the brain and too little dopamine in the seat of reasoning area of the brain.Reduce serotonin in the person and the person will be unable to connect disagreeable consequences with what provoked them. In other words, they can’t protect them
selves from danger. Thorazine was used regularly at the CIA’s Jonestown, Guyana group control experiment. Survivors of Jonestown have testified as to its effectiveness.After this gruesome experiment in mind control came to its end with a
massacre, large amounts of drugs were discovered. Just one footlocker at Jonestown alone contained 11,000 doses. The authorities prevented chemical autopsies of the bodies to insure secrecy of this sophisticated concentration camp which was used for medical and psychiatric experimentation by the CIA. An examination of the drugs that are used in mental hospitals to alter the minds of patients offers a clear indication of what is being used in the Monarch Mind Control programming.
The CIA/Illuminati programming centers have more than 600-700 different drugs at their disposal. The following is a partial list of the drugs available for their mind-control (aka MK-UltraProgramming). They can make a person feel like he is in heaven, or burning in hell. The drugs areat times used with elaborate light, sound and motion shows that produce whatever effect the programmer wants to produce. They can make a person believe he is shrinking,or that he is double (with mirrors),
or that he is dying. Before describing how drugs are used for programming & control, let us list a few which we know have been used. This list comes from CIA documents obtained from the Freedom of Information Act and from what Multiples used
as Programmers remember. Many of the new synthetic drugs are known only to the Illuminati/Intelligence community.:
2-GB (aka CBR, this is a strong hallucinogenic which also helps telepathic communication)
2-CT2 (produces dark, earthy visual patterns)
Acetylcholine (for EEOM, EDOM, and for blocking memory)
Amobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
Amobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)
Amphetamine (addictive)
Amphetamine sulphate
Anectine (succinylcholine, a strong muscle relaxant that makes one feel suffocated and drowning. The person feels terror at thinking he is dying.)
Aphrodisiacs (sexual manipulation by programmers)
Aprobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
Atropine (speeds heart rate
given with l.V.) Atrosine
BZ (designer drug ten times more powerful that LSD, produces amnesia)
Baradanga (truth serum which ma
kes people willing to follow any
Belladonna (a traditional drug
of witches since the middle ages).
Benzidrene (Benzedrene, stimulant used w/ other drugs)
Bulbocapnine (causes a catatonia and stupors)
Butabarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)
Butyl-bromallyl-barbituric acid
Caffeine sodium
Calcium Chloride
Cannabis (aka Marijuana, a sedative, change in perception, colors and sounds more distinct, time distorted. This drug is not used much in Monarch Programming because it IMPEDES mind control. It has been experimented with in combination with other drugs as an interrogation tool. The CIA listed it as being used in MK-Ultra, but it served as an experimental drug rather for programming.)
Chloral hydrate (a hypnotic sedative, the active sedative ingredient is the metabolite trichloroethanol, goes to work in about 30-60 minutes,aka Noctec)
Cocaine (addictive, blackmail, the availability of cocaine may pull up certain alters who are addicted to it)
Curare (to paralyze the body)
Delvinyl sodium
Demerol (a hypnotic, also given as a reward for good learning after an induced headache, is used in the Scramble programming where the victim must overcome its effect to concentrate on what is being said)
Desoxyn (used with Sodium Pentothal for hypnotic trance)
Dexedrine (amphetamine)
Di benzo pyran derivatives
Dramamine (aka dimenhydrinate, stops motion sickness)
Drobinal (for quick access)
Ecstasy (aka XTC, Adam, MDMA, this is an illegal designer drug, but it’s used by the government & cult programmers. Empathogens, like Ecstasy, enhance trust between the recipient & the programmer. It’s effect lasts for several hours.)
Ephedrine (stops hypotension)
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
Ethanol (to inebriate the victim to induce certain behavior)
Ethchlorvynol (hypnotic sedative)
Ethyl harmol
Estazolam (hypnotic sedative)
Ethclorvynol (hypnotic sedative, effect begins 30 mm. after digestion, addictive, aka Placidyl)
Ethinamate (hypnotic sedative, aka Valmid)
Evipan sodium
Flurazepam hydrochloride (hypnotic sedative)
Glutethimide (hypnotic sedative, has withdrawal symptoms, aka Doriden)
Halcyn (blocks explicit memory by impairing hippocampalprocessing)
Haliopareael (tranquilizer)
Harmine methiodide
Histamine (causes changes in the skin)
Hydractine (or Hydrastine)
Hypoloid soluble hexabarbitone
Indole methyllarmine
Insulin (shock for amnesia)
Ipecac (to induce vomiting for eating disorder programming)
Largatil (a powerful tranquilizer)
Lorazepam (sleep induction, may
destroy memory of previous day)
LSD-25 (Used to program alters to cut their veins; they want to end their nightmare by cutting what seem like white rivers w/black threadsor other scary delusions. Can cause psychosis & other effects. It’s used in small amounts for interrogations. Its active ingredient is psilocybin which can create anxiety & a fear of death.)
Lyscorbic acid
MDA (this is a cross between mescaline and amphetamine speed)
MDMA (also known as Adam, this is Ecstasy, see under Ecstasy for more information)
MDE (aka Eve, puts someone into a strictly intellectual head trip)
Manganese chloride
Mellaril (mood changer)
(hypnotic sedative)
Methotrimeprazine hydrochloride (hypnotic sedative)
Methy-prylon (aka Noludar, helpful for hypnosis, side effects are ahangover & skin rashes.)
Midazolam hydrochloride (hypnovel, versed, hypnotic sedative which can cause amnesia)
Morphine hydrochloride
Niacin (helpful to stop an LSD trip)
Nicotinic acid (stops LSD drug effect)
Nitrous oxide
Paraldehyde (hypnotic sedative produces sleep in 15 mm., has astrong odor & disagreeable taste)
Pentobarbital (hypnotic sedative)
Pentobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative, if mixed with dextro amphetamine sulfate it will half the stage 1 dream time when REM sleep ocurs)
Pentothal acid (helpful for hypnosis)
Pentothal sodium
Peyotl (interrogation, hallucinations)
Phenolic acid (injected into expendable children’s hearts to kill them)
Propranolol (calms the mind so it can function better)
Quazepam (hypnotic sedative)
Scapalomine S. (good amnesia drug)
Scopolomine (truth serum that makes people willing to do whatever they are told)
Scopolomine aminoxide hydrobromide
Secobarbital sodium (hypnotic sedative)
Sodium Amytal (hypnotic sedative that reduces REM sleep time)
Sodium barbital
Sodium dielvinal
Sodium evipal
Sodium pentobarbital (nembutal)
Sodium Pentothal (truth serum for interrogation, can be used with hypnosis, can be used with Desoxyn, given in an IV)
Sodium phenobarbital
Sodium rhodanate
Sodium soneryl
Sodium succinate
Sodium thioethamyl
Styphnic acid
Tetra-hydro-cannabinol acetate
Temazepam (hypnotic sedative)
Thallium (confuses thinking)
Thorazine (helps bring one out of an LSD trip)
Tranquility (a designer drug for programming that makes the victim compliant, like Baradanga)
Triazolam (hypnotic sedative, somewhat rapid)
Yohimbine sulphate
Zolpidem tartrate (hypnotic sedative)
When the victim’s body is saturated with all the drugs they can assimilate, they will receive herbs, which often have a drug effect.
Ayahuasca (a vine of Brazil whose alkaloids such as Telapatin are said to produce a telepathic state where the recipient can see through people like glass and read their minds.)
Bayberry (hemorrhaging)
Calamas (part of a cerebral tonic)
Cayenne Pepper (stimulant)
Charcoal (absorbent cleanser)
Caladium sequinum (injected into body parts to cause excruciating pain)
Clove Oil (placed in nose for relief from the pain of dental tortures)
Hemlock (a poison,used more to kill than for programming)
Hops (sleep aid aka Beerflower)
Lady’s Slipper (relaxant)
Kava Kava (sedative)
Mistletoe (for dizziness,
and lower blood pressure)
Narcissus (anaphrodisiac for males)
Opium (enchanting trip)
Potions (made from roots, powders, dried blood and animal parts are given.)
Rosemary (mild heart tonic)
Saffron (sedative)
Sage (part of a cerebral tonic)
andlewood & henbane (when burned the fumes cause convulsions & temp. insanity)
Skullcap (relaxant)
Sunflower Seed Oil (this may be used to help with brain stem scarring)
Valarium Root (works just like Valarium, also helps cramps)
Witch Hazel (hemorrhaging)
Yerba Mate (part of a cerebral tonic)
How many of this Drugs are used in Big Pharma scam and impement of Monarch Project on World Wide Scale?
How many Pharma products you have home or like Food and have this Drugs of Mind Control?



Anonymous World Legion Council call all Brave Anonymous of the World to War aganst NWO blood line Elite.
On the 05 november 2015 will Begin the World Wide Purge and in this project we mast make and help the Domino Effect to be world Wide over the Elite deeds.
The Hell will be the Ice Age over Anonymous World Wide Purge!
Defenders of the Earth we mast propect the life on our planet and stop the usless rats of Illuminati.
Many People look over us like Angels of the Earth and are our Duty to protect the life on our Planet.


Info for Romanian Anonymous about Elie Wiesel:


Office of the Press Secretary


October 28, 2011

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to
appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

. Joseph D. Gutman – Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

. Roman Kent – Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Council

. Howard D. Unger – Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

. Clemantine Wamariya – Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

. Elie Wiesel – Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Council

President Obama said, “These fine public servants both bring a depth of
experience and tremendous dedication to their new roles. Our nation will
be well-served by these men and women, and I look forward to working with
them in the months and years to come.”

President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals
to key Administration posts:

Joseph D. Gutman, Appointee for Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

Joseph D. Gutman is the Managing Director of Grosvenor Capital
Management. Before that, he was at Goldman Sachs, where he was Co-Head of
the Chicago office at the time of his departure. Mr. Gutman is the son of
a Holocaust survivor, and is an active member of the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Chicago office and the Birthright Israel
executive committee. He is a member of the Board of Overseers at the
College of Business at the University of Illinois. Mr. Gutman has also
held leadership roles with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. He is a member of the
Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago Board of Directors as well as the
board of the Make a Better Place Foundation. Mr. Gutman earned a B.S in
accounting from the University of Illinois and an M.B.A. from Northwestern
University’s Kellogg School of Management.

Roman Kent, Appointee for Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Council

Roman Kent is President of Namor International Corporation. Mr. Kent was
born in Lodz, Poland and is a Holocaust survivor. He arrived in the
United States in 1946 under the auspices of the children’s quota of the
United States Government’s “Displaced Persons Act.” He worked in the
field of international trade for 45 years focusing on textiles and
dinnerware. Mr. Kent has produced a documentary called “Children in the
Holocaust,” and authored two books, including an autobiography titled
“Courage Was My Only Option.” Mr. Kent was a member of the Presidential
delegation to Poland in January 2010 to attend the commemoration of the
65th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. He is Chairman of the
American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants,
President of Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Treasurer of the
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, and President of the
International Auschwitz Committee. Mr. Kent attended Emory University.

Howard D. Unger, Appointee for Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

Howard D. Unger is the founder of the investment firm Saw Mill Capital, a
private equity firm that acquires middle-market manufacturing and service
companies. Prior to forming Saw Mill Capital, Mr. Unger was a partner at
Chase Capital, Chase Manhattan Bank’s private equity investment group.
Mr. Unger is the son of a Holocaust survivor. He is a member of the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Committee on Conscience, the arm
of the Council tasked with stimulating worldwide action against genocide
and other crimes against humanity. Mr. Unger also serves on the board of
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center and is a member of the
Investment Committee for The Binghamton University Foundation Endowment.
He received a B.S. from Binghamton University and an M.B.A. from the
University of Chicago.

Clemantine Wamariya, Appointee for Member, United States Holocaust
Memorial Council

Clemantine Wamariya is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. During the six
years following the genocide, Ms. Wamariya lived in numerous refugee camps
in seven different African countries before coming to Chicago in 2000.
Since first discussing her experiences as both a survivor of genocide and
her life as a refugee on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2005, Ms. Wamariya has
traveled the country, speaking at numerous universities, high schools, and
other organizations. During this time, she has spoken at the Annual U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum Luncheon, the United Nations Annual
Commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide, the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security Human Rights Law Conference, and the National Tribute Dinner of
the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. At Yale, she is involved in several
human rights and genocide intervention activities. She is a part of the
Yale Refugee Project which works closely with New Haven’s Integrated
Refugee & Immigrant Services, and she also serves on the board of Reach
Out, a Yale University partnership for international service. Ms.
Wamariya is currently an undergraduate at Yale University.

Elie Wiesel, Appointee for Member, United States Holocaust Memorial

Elie Wiesel is University Professor and the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in
the Humanities at Boston University. Mr. Wiesel is a prolific writer,
political activist, and a Holocaust survivor. Mr. Wiesel is the author of
57 books of fiction and non-fiction. Night, his memoir based on his
experiences in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps is
considered among the most important works in Holocaust literature. Mr.
Wiesel was the Founding Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial
Council and was instrumental in the development of the Museum. He has
served continuously on the Council since its creation. Mr. Wiesel has
been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States
Congressional Gold Medal, the rank of Grand Officer in the French Legion
of Honor, and, in 1986, he received the Nobel Peace Prize.




The White House . 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW . Washington DC 20500 .


WorldWidePurge ~FBI ,CIA,DOD – Officials Adresses



This is a quick overview of Quick Leak
John O. Brennan – CIA Director
13351 Point Rider Lane
Herndon, VA 20171

Keith B. Alexander – NSA Director
10245 Fairfax Drive
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Keith B. Alexander – NSA Director
1274 State Route 49
Constantia, NY 13044

Robert S. Mueller – former FBI Director
14443 Bromley Street
Orland Park, IL 60462-2808

James Comey – FBI Director
1762 Kirby Lane
McLean, VA 22101

Philip Goldberg, Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research
5828 Hannora Lane
Fairfax Station, VA 22039-1429

Matthew Olsen, Director, National Counterterrorism Center
9608 Old Spring Road
Kensington, MD 20895-3124

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
209 2nd Avenue SW
Fort McNair, DC 20024-5123

James Clapper, – Director of National Intelligence
5366 Ashleigh Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Richard McFeely – Executive Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch
538 Heavitree HI
Severna Park, MD 21146-1009

James Cole – Deputy Attorney General
700 13th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

Rand Beers – Acting Deputy Homeland Security Secretary
1908 Biltmore Street NW
Washington, DC 20009

Robert Litt – General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
839 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20006

Sean Joyce – Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
3701 5th Street South, Apt. 303
Arlington, VA 22204-1649

John Chris Inglis – Deputy Director, National Security Agency
605 Hillsmere Drive
Annapolis, MD 21403-4117

Vincent C. Gray – Mayor of Washington DC
2619 Branch Avenue
Washington, DC 20020

Charles T. Hagel – Secretary of Defense
920 Towlston Road
McLean, VA 22102-1036

Leon E. Panetta – former CIA Director
15 Panetta Road
Carmel Valley, CA 93924

Department of Defense Officials–

Paul D Wolfowitz, 7104 Pinehurst Pkwy, Chevy Chase, MD, US

Paul Wolfowitz, 3804 Shepherd St, Chevy Chase, MD, US
Stephen A Cambone
Home (703) 848-0754
1809 Barbee St
Mc Lean, VA 22101-5213

Richard N Perle
Home (301) 656-0390
5 Grafton St
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3427

Paul D Wolfowitz
7104 Pinehurst Pkwy
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3145

Paul D Wolfowitz
Home (301) 907-2963
3804 Shepherd St
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4128

Paul Wolfowitz
1160 Park Ave
New York, NY 10128 (646) 360-4218

Elliott E. Abrams
Home (703) 757-2877
10607 Dogwood Farm Ln
Great Falls, VA 22066-2937

Abram N Shulsky
Home (703) 960-7156
5901 Mount Eagle Dr, Apt 1416
Alexandria, VA 22303-2511

John J Trigilio
5440 Balls Bluff Ct
Woodbridge, VA 22193
(703) 670-4265

Reuel Marc Gerecht
5131 Wissioming Rd, Bethesda, MD, US
Reuel M Gerecht
5131 Wissioming Rd
Bethesda, MD 20816-2257

Charles Timothy “Chuck” Hagel
Charles T Hagel
Home (703) 757-5823
920 Towlston Rd
Mc Lean, VA 22102-1036

Ashton Baldwin Carter
37th St N, Arlington, VA, US
A Carter
Home (508) 857-0873
401 Warren Ave
Brockton, MA 02301

Ashton B Carter
7 Ravenscroft Rd
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 729-3074

Ashton Carter
30 Cambridgepark Dr
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 492-1205

Ashton B Carter
1177 22nd St NW, Unit 4K
Washington, DC 20037-1256

Martin E Dempsey
110 Grant Ave
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1204

James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
James A Winnefeld
509 Fontaine St
Alexandria, VA 22302
(757) 858-9760

James A Winnefeld
1309 Harmott Ave
Norfolk, VA 23509
(757) 858-9760

James A Winnefeld
102 Grant Ave, # 8
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1204
Associated: Mary A Winnefeld

James A Winnefeld
1333 Merrie Ridge Rd
Mc Lean, VA 22101-1826

James N Miller Jr
Home (703) 538-6561
3701 N Harrison St
Arlington, VA 22207-1865

Patrick Z Alston
75 Lincoln Hwy
Offutt Afb, NE 68113-1025

James F. Amos
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.
8th St SE, Washington, DC 20003

James F Amos
Home (703) 430-2311
122 Evergreen St
Sterling, VA 20164-2411

Lloyd J Austin II
229 2nd Ave SW
Fort McNair, DC 20024-5123

Rene C Bardorf
11747 Alexander Hays Rd
Bristow, VA 20136-2808

Micheal P. Barrett
US Marine Corps Headquarters
1555 S Southgate Rd, Arlington, VA 22214

Michael P Barrett
4476 Oakdale Crescent Ct #741
Fairfax, VA 22030

Raymond T Odierno
Home (703) 525-0580
206 Washington Ave
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1207
Jonathan William “Jon” Gre
Jonathan W Greenert
802 Tingey Cres SE
Washington, DC 20003-4601

John M. McHugh 4685 Us Route 11, Pierrepont Manor, NY 13674
Raymond Edwin “Ray” Mabus, Jr.
Raymond E Mabus
345 Richardson Rd
Ridgeland, MS 39157 -8652

Michael B Donley
6823 Bluecurl Cir
Springfield, VA 22152

Bryan B Battaglia
228B Lee Ave
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1103

Sharon E Burke
Home (703) 329-2361
3841 Dominion Mill Dr
Alexandria, VA 22304-6452

Daniel Y Chiu
Home (202) 483-2535
1448 Q St NW
Washington, DC 20009-3808

Senior Defense Officials’ Mailing Addresses

Office of the Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000

Frank Kendall
Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
3010 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3010

Jessica L. Wright
Acting Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
4000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-4000

James N. Miller
Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
2000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-2000

Robert F. Hale
Under Secretrary of Defense (Comptroller)
1100 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1100

The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Martin E. Dempsey
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Secretaries of the Armed Forces

John M. McHugh
Secretary of the Army
101 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0101

Ray Mabus
Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-1000

Michael B. Donley
Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

The Chiefs of Staff

Raymond T. Odierno
Army Chief of Staff
200 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0200

Admiral Jonathan Greenert
Chief of Naval Operations
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-2000

General Mark A. Welsh III
Air Force Chief of Staff
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

General James F. Amos
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps, Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Reserve Forces Policy Board
Staff Directory
Military Executive – Maj Gen James N. Stewart
Chief of Staff – COL Robert Preiss
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) – CAPT Steven P. Knight
Senior Enlisted Advisor – Sergeant Major Gary L. Martz
Senior Program Analyst – Fergus Paul Briggs
Senior Policy Advisor for Army National Guard – COL Robert A. Preiss
Senior Policy Advisor for Army Reserve – COL Timothy J. Lynch
Senior Policy Advisor for Navy Reserve – CAPT Steven P. Knight
Senior Policy Advisor for Marine Corps Reserve – Col Reidar F. Larsen
Senior Policy Advisor for Air Force Reserve – Col Michelle Obata
Senior Policy Advisor for Air National Guard – Col Mary A. Salcido
Senior Policy Advisor for Coast Guard Reserve – LT Alisa Harkins
Administrative Support – SMSgt Joyce Voyles, Mr. Alex Sabol, Ms. Karen Baber
Reserve Forces Policy Board
Main Office
5113 Leesburg Pike, Suite 601
Falls Church, VA 22041

Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Stephen Cambone, Elliot Abrams, and Adam Shulsky

Modern America’s Unique Form of Authoritarianism
The unique modern strain of American fascism can be traced through Leo Strauss and the University of Chicago.
Leo Strauss is the father of the Neo-Conservative movement, including many leaders of recent American administrations.
Indeed, many of the main neocon players – including Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Stephen Cambone, Elliot Abrams, and Adam Shulsky – were students of Strauss at the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years.
The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See this and this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.)
For example, Shulsky was the director of the Office of Special Plans – the Pentagon unit responsible for selling false intelligence regarding Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. He is now a member of the equivalent organization targeting Iran: the Iranian Directorate.
Strauss, born in Germany, was an admirer of Nazi philosophers such as Carl Schmitt and of Machiavelli (more on Schmitt later).
Strauss believed that a stable political order required an external threat and that if an external threat did not exist, one should be manufactured. Specifically, Strauss thought that:
A political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat . . . . Following Machiavelli, he maintained that if no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured.
(the quote is by one of Strauss’ main biographers).
Indeed, Stauss used the analogy of Gulliver’s Travels to show what a Neocon-run society would look like:
“When Lilliput [the town] was on fire, Gulliver urinated over the city, including the palace. In so doing, he saved all of Lilliput from catastrophe, but the Lilliputians were outraged and appalled by such a show of disrespect.” (this quote also from the same biographer)
Moreover, Strauss said:
Only a great fool would call the new political science diabolic . . . Nevertheless one may say of it that it fiddles while Rome burns. It is excused by two facts: it does not know that it fiddles, and it does not know that Rome burns.
So Strauss seems to have advocated governments letting terrorizing catastrophes happen on one’s own soil to one’s own people — of “pissing” on one’s own people, to use his Gulliver’s travel analogy. And he advocates that government’s should pretend that they did not know about such acts of mayhem: to intentionally “not know” that Rome is burning. He advocates messing with one’s own people in order to save them from some artificial “catastrophe”.

Iranian Directorate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Iranian Directorate or Directorate for Iran is a unit of The Pentagon created in 2006 to deal with intelligence on Iran in the context of diplomatic and military tensions between the United States and Iran.[1] Critics compare it with the Office of Special Plans (OSP) which dealt with controversial intelligence reports about Iraq.[1]
Charles H Jacoby Jr
804 Hartinger St
Colorado Springs, CO 80916-5258

Charles D Luckey
Home (719) 694-8781
844 Hartinger St
Colorado Springs, CO 80916-5258

Lieutenant General Michael D. Dubie, USAF
Headquarters, NORAD/U.S. Northern Command,
250 Vandenberg,
Peterson AFB, CO 80914-3808

Command Sgt. Maj. Robert A. Winzenried
Headquarters, NORAD and U.S. Northern Command,
250 Vandenberg,
Peterson Air Force Base, CO 80914-3808

Derek H Chollet
Home (202) 483-7775
2138 California St NW, Apt 107
Washington, DC 20008-1833

Madelyn R Creedon
Home (703) 998-0024
5920 Reservoir Heights Ave
Alexandria, VA 22311-1016

Sharon H Cooper
Home (703) 683-0760
210 S Lee St
Alexandria, VA 22314-3308

SES Michael H. Decker
Assistant Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, Marine Corps.
1555 S Southgate Rd, Arlington, VA 22214

Amanda J Dory
Home (202) 237-1595
4703 Windom Pl NW
Washington, DC 20016-2405

Command Senior Enlisted Advisor,
United States Southern Command
3511 NW 91st Ave, Doral, FL 33172

Alan F Estevez
Home (301) 229-0624
5206 Nahant St
Bethesda, MD 20816-2334

Evelyn F Farkas
3601 Connecticut Ave NW, Apt 512
Washington, DC 20008-2449

Thomas A Ferguson
501 Slaters Ln
Alexandria, VA 22314

Marilee Fitzgerald
Home (301) 320-3320
7209 Helmsdale Rd
Bethesda, MD 20817-4623

Christine H Fox
4815 Peacock Ave
Alexandria, VA 22304

Christine H Fox
4505 Pinecrest Heights Dr
Annandale, VA 22003

Frank J Grass
43470 Greenwich Sq
Ashburn, VA 20147

National Guard Bureau
111 S. George Mason Dr.
Arlington VA 22204

Lynne M Halbrooks
5000 Dodson Dr
Annandale, VA 22003-6141

Kenneth B Handelman
Home (301) 652-3865
8000 Custer Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814-1350

Mark D Harnitchek
Home (571) 730-4774
9801 Portside Dr
Burke, VA 22015-4306

John T Hastings
1306 Titania Ln
Mc Lean, VA 22102-2751

John T Hastings
6707 Washington Blvd, Unit B
Arlington, VA 22213-1097

David F Helvey
Home (571) 312-1847
828 Slaters Ln, Apt 308
Alexandria, VA 22314-1266

Rebecca K Hersman
Home (301) 280-3319
9011 Levelle Dr
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-5607

Caryn C Hollis
Home (571) 312-2814
828 S Lee St
Alexandria, VA 22314-4334

Major General Karl R. Horst
U.S. Central Command
7115 South Boundary Boulevard
MacDill AFB, FL

Lloyd J Austin
Home (850) 944-9258
7302 Tannehill Dr
Pensacola, FL 32526-5018

James A Hursch
Home (703) 569-1884
6806 Brisbane St
Springfield, VA 22152-3406

Joseph H Jeu
7430 Old Maple Sq
Mc Lean, VA 22102

Laura J Junor
Home (703) 719-9401
6113 Lemon Thyme Dr
Alexandria, VA 22310-2660

Elizabeth L King
Home (202) 541-9689
6134 Sligo Mill Rd NE
Washington, DC 20011-1526

Paul S Kofsky
Home (202) 966-9283
4708 Windom Pl NW
Washington, DC 20016-2406

Charles P Kosak
4228 Sleepy Lake Dr
Fairfax, VA 22033-2841

Bill E Landay III
7003 Yates Ford Rd
Manassas, VA 20111-3903

Peter K Lavoy
Home (703) 442-8699
1502 Mintwood Dr
Mc Lean, VA 22101-4113

Michael J Leavitt
1308 N Herndon St
Arlington, VA 22201-5012

William K Lietzau
Home (703) 825-1475
5973 Burnside Landing Dr
Burke, VA 22015-2518

George E Little
Home (202) 362-1815
2844 Albemarle St NW
Washington, DC 20008-1036

Alfredo J Darden Sr
Home (240) 457-4145
5019 First Flight Ct
Frederick, MD 21702-8246

Cassandra D. Redd
Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Garrison
Fort Detrick, Maryland
Fort Detrick
Public Affairs Office (PAO)
810 Schreider Street
Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702
E-Mail: usagpao@amedd.army.mil
Phone: 301-619-2018

Stanley A Mcchrystal
1301 S Joyce St #4528
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 418-2537

110 Nebraska Rd
Dyess Afb, TX 79607-1048

7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs, 7 Lancer Loop, Ste. 210
Dyess AFB, TX 79607-1960; Commercial: 325-696-2863

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ph.D.
Senior Research Professor of International Relations
(202) 663-5884
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Nitze Building Rome 735
1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Henry Alfred Kissinger
350 Park Ave Fl 26
New York, NY, 10022-6045
PO Box 38
South Kent, CT 06785-0038

Colin L. Powell
1317 Ballantrae Farm Dr
Mc Lean, VA 22101-3028

George P. Shultz
325 Sharon Park Dr Apt 308
Menlo Park, CA 94025-6805

1. Paul D Wolfowitz, 7104 Pinehurst Pkwy, Chevy Chase, MD, US
3. Paul Wolfowitz, 3804 Shepherd St, Chevy Chase, MD, US
4. Stephen A Cambone
5. Home (703) 848-0754
6. 1809 Barbee St
7. Mc Lean, VA 22101-5213
8. Richard N Perle
9. Home (301) 656-0390
10. 5 Grafton St
11. Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3427
12. Paul D Wolfowitz
13. 7104 Pinehurst Pkwy
14. Chevy Chase, MD 20815-3145
15. Paul D Wolfowitz
16. Home (301) 907-2963
17. 3804 Shepherd St
18. Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4128
19. Paul Wolfowitz
20. 1160 Park Ave
21. New York, NY 10128 (646) 360-4218
22. Elliott E. Abrams
23. Home (703) 757-2877
24. 10607 Dogwood Farm Ln
25. Great Falls, VA 22066-2937
26. Abram N Shulsky
27. Home (703) 960-7156
28. 5901 Mount Eagle Dr, Apt 1416
29. Alexandria, VA 22303-2511
30. John J Trigilio
31. 5440 Balls Bluff Ct
32. Woodbridge, VA 22193
33. (703) 670-4265
34. Reuel Marc Gerecht
35. 5131 Wissioming Rd, Bethesda, MD, US
36. Reuel M Gerecht
37. 5131 Wissioming Rd
38. Bethesda, MD 20816-2257
39. Charles Timothy “Chuck” Hagel
40. Charles T Hagel
41. Home (703) 757-5823
42. 920 Towlston Rd
43. Mc Lean, VA 22102-1036
General Lloyd J. Austin III, Commander
5803 Louisville Ave
Pensacola, FL 32526-1827
2518 Gator Ln
Pensacola, FL 32505-3414
(850) 944-9258

45. Ashton Baldwin Carter
46. 37th St N, Arlington, VA, US
47. A Carter
48. Home (508) 857-0873
49. 401 Warren Ave
50. Brockton, MA 02301
51. Ashton B Carter
52. 7 Ravenscroft Rd
53. Winchester, MA 01890
54. (781) 729-3074
55. Ashton Carter
56. 30 Cambridgepark Dr
57. Cambridge, MA 02140
58. (617) 492-1205
59. Ashton B Carter
60. 1177 22nd St NW, Unit 4K
61. Washington, DC 20037-1256
4528 37th St N Arlington, VA 22207
Noblis Inc
3150 Fairview Park
Falls Church, VA 22042-4504
62. Martin E Dempsey
63. 110 Grant Ave
64. Fort Myer, VA 22211-1204
66. James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
67. James A Winnefeld
68. 509 Fontaine St
69. Alexandria, VA 22302
70. (757) 858-9760
71. James A Winnefeld
72. 1309 Harmott Ave
73. Norfolk, VA 23509
74. (757) 858-9760
75. James A Winnefeld
76. 102 Grant Ave, # 8
77. Fort Myer, VA 22211-1204
78. Associated: Mary A Winnefeld
James A Winnefeld Sr
7205 River Crescent Dr
Annapolis, MD 21401-7727
James A Winnefeld
509 Fontaine St
Alexandria, VA 22302 (757) 858-9760
James A Winnefeld
7205 River Crescent Dr
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 266-3377

Kurt W. Tidd
Kurt W Tidd
1805 View Top Ct
Annapolis, MD 21409
(410) 349-8960

Bryan B Battaglia
228 Lee Ave # B
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1103

Raymond T Odierno More Info on Raymond T Odierno Check for Email Address Google
24 Swede Mine Rd
Rockaway, NJ 07866 (973) 366-4506 Confirm Current Phone & Address
Background Check on Raymond T Odierno 0 Comments
Raymond T Odierno More Info on Raymond T Odierno Check for Email Address Google
6792 Patton Dr
Killeen, TX 76544 (254) 539-4476 Confirm Current Phone & Address
Background Check on Raymond T Odierno
Raymond T Odierno More Info on Raymond T Odierno Check for Email Address Google
206 Washington Ave
Ft Myer, VA 22211 (703) 525-0580 Confirm Current Phone & Address
Background Check on Raymond T Odierno 0 Comments

John Michael McHugh
501 Slaters Ln Apt 414
Alexandria, VA 22314-1116
General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps, Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-3000
Joseph F Dunford Jr
801 G St SE
Washington, DC 20003-2850
Jonathan W Greenert
3400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20007

Frank J. Grass
National Guard Bureau
111 S. George Mason Dr.
Arlington, VA 22204
Frank J Grass
43470 Greenwich Square
Ashburn, VA 20147-4552
(703) 729-0994
2002 Park De Ville
Columbia, MO 65203-4645

Brad Rogers Carson
2910 N Underwood St
Arlington, VA 22213-1516
1201 N Fillmore St Apt 608
Arlington, VA 22201-2880

Daniel Bartlett Allyn
229 2nd Ave SW
Fort McNair, DC 20024-5123

Dan A Dailey
9218 Matthew Dr
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 330-0352

Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel A. Dailey
Headquarters, U.S. Army TRADOC
Attention: Chief, Public Affairs
950 Jefferson Avenue
Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5700

David S Davenport
908 Johnstons Rd
Norfolk, VA 23513-2915

Michael D Stevens
809 S Courthouse Rd
Arlington, VA 22204-2104

Office of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-2000

April A Beldo
6616 Hunter Creek Ln
Alexandria, VA 22315-6052

William F Moran
6906 Annapolis Rd
Hyattsville, MD 20784-2126

Lisa S Disbrow
502 S Fayette St
Alexandria, VA 22314-3902

Deborah Lee James
c/o Frank J Beatty
Engility Corporation
3750 Centerview Dr
Chantilly, VA 20151-3200
Tel: (703) 708-1400

Frank J Beatty
Air & Space Conference
1501 Lee Highway
Arlington, VA 22209-1198
James A Winnefeld
1333 Merrie Ridge Rd
Mc Lean, VA 22101-1826
James N Miller Jr
Home (703) 538-6561
3701 N Harrison St
Arlington, VA 22207-1865
Patrick Z Alston
75 Lincoln Hwy
Offutt Afb, NE 68113-1025
James F. Amos
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.
8th St SE, Washington, DC 20003
James F Amos
Home (703) 430-2311
122 Evergreen St
Sterling, VA 20164-2411
Lloyd J Austin II
229 2nd Ave SW
Fort McNair, DC 20024-5123
Rene C Bardorf
11747 Alexander Hays Rd
Bristow, VA 20136-2808
Micheal P. Barrett
US Marine Corps Headquarters
1555 S Southgate Rd, Arlington, VA 22214
Michael P Barrett
4476 Oakdale Crescent Ct #741
Fairfax, VA 22030
Raymond T Odierno
Home (703) 525-0580
206 Washington Ave
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1207
Jonathan William “Jon” Greenert
Jonathan W Greenert
802 Tingey Cres SE
Washington, DC 20003-4601

John M. McHugh 4685 Us Route 11, Pierrepont Manor, NY 13674
Raymond Edwin “Ray” Mabus, Jr.
Raymond E Mabus
345 Richardson Rd
Ridgeland, MS 39157 -8652

Michael B Donley
6823 Bluecurl Cir
Springfield, VA 22152
Bryan B Battaglia
228B Lee Ave
Fort Myer, VA 22211-1103
Sharon E Burke
Home (703) 329-2361
3841 Dominion Mill Dr
Alexandria, VA 22304-6452
Daniel Y Chiu
Home (202) 483-2535
1448 Q St NW
Washington, DC 20009-3808
Senior Defense Officials’ Mailing Addresses

Office of the Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000

Frank Kendall
Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
3010 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3010

Jessica L. Wright
Acting Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness)
4000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-4000

James N. Miller
Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
2000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-2000

Robert F. Hale
Under Secretrary of Defense (Comptroller)
1100 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1100

The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Martin E. Dempsey
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318-9999

Secretaries of the Armed Forces

John M. McHugh
Secretary of the Army
101 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0101

Ray Mabus
Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-1000

Michael B. Donley
Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

The Chiefs of Staff

Raymond T. Odierno
Army Chief of Staff
200 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-0200

Admiral Jonathan Greenert
Chief of Naval Operations
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-2000

General Mark A. Welsh III
Air Force Chief of Staff
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670

General James F. Amos
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps, Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Reserve Forces Policy Board
Staff Directory
Military Executive – Maj Gen James N. Stewart
Chief of Staff – COL Robert Preiss
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) – CAPT Steven P. Knight
Senior Enlisted Advisor – Sergeant Major Gary L. Martz
Senior Program Analyst – Fergus Paul Briggs
Senior Policy Advisor for Army National Guard – COL Robert A. Preiss
Senior Policy Advisor for Army Reserve – COL Timothy J. Lynch
Senior Policy Advisor for Navy Reserve – CAPT Steven P. Knight
Senior Policy Advisor for Marine Corps Reserve – Col Reidar F. Larsen
Senior Policy Advisor for Air Force Reserve – Col Michelle Obata
Senior Policy Advisor for Air National Guard – Col Mary A. Salcido
Senior Policy Advisor for Coast Guard Reserve – LT Alisa Harkins
Administrative Support – SMSgt Joyce Voyles, Mr. Alex Sabol, Ms. Karen Baber
Reserve Forces Policy Board
Main Office
5113 Leesburg Pike, Suite 601
Falls Church, VA 22041

Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Stephen Cambone, Elliot Abrams, and Adam Shulsky

Modern America’s Unique Form of Authoritarianism
The unique modern strain of American fascism can be traced through Leo Strauss and the University of Chicago.
Leo Strauss is the father of the Neo-Conservative movement, including many leaders of recent American administrations.
Indeed, many of the main neocon players – including Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Stephen Cambone, Elliot Abrams, and Adam Shulsky – were students of Strauss at the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years.
The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See this and this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.)
For example, Shulsky was the director of the Office of Special Plans – the Pentagon unit responsible for selling false intelligence regarding Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. He is now a member of the equivalent organization targeting Iran: the Iranian Directorate.
Strauss, born in Germany, was an admirer of Nazi philosophers such as Carl Schmitt and of Machiavelli (more on Schmitt later).
Strauss believed that a stable political order required an external threat and that if an external threat did not exist, one should be manufactured. Specifically, Strauss thought that:
A political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat . . . . Following Machiavelli, he maintained that if no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured.
(the quote is by one of Strauss’ main biographers).
Indeed, Stauss used the analogy of Gulliver’s Travels to show what a Neocon-run society would look like:
“When Lilliput [the town] was on fire, Gulliver urinated over the city, including the palace. In so doing, he saved all of Lilliput from catastrophe, but the Lilliputians were outraged and appalled by such a show of disrespect.” (this quote also from the same biographer)
Moreover, Strauss said:
Only a great fool would call the new political science diabolic . . . Nevertheless one may say of it that it fiddles while Rome burns. It is excused by two facts: it does not know that it fiddles, and it does not know that Rome burns.
So Strauss seems to have advocated governments letting terrorizing catastrophes happen on one’s own soil to one’s own people — of “pissing” on one’s own people, to use his Gulliver’s travel analogy. And he advocates that government’s should pretend that they did not know about such acts of mayhem: to intentionally “not know” that Rome is burning. He advocates messing with one’s own people in order to save them from some artificial “catastrophe”.

Iranian Directorate
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The Iranian Directorate or Directorate for Iran is a unit of The Pentagon created in 2006 to deal with intelligence on Iran in the context of diplomatic and military tensions between the United States and Iran.[1] Critics compare it with the Office of Special Plans (OSP) which dealt with controversial intelligence reports about Iraq.[1]

#WorldWidePurge ~ The 21 Goals Of New World Order ~ Agenda 21


There is a world wide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals ( at least at the highest echelons ) Which include many of the worlds wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite , as well as members of the so-called BLACK NOBILITY of Europe ( dominated by the British Crown ) whose goal is to create a ONE WORLD ( FASCIST ) GOVERNMENT , stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries,that is obedient to their Agenda.

Their Intention is to effect COMPLETE AND TOTAL CONTROL over human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the worls population by 5,5 BILLION PEOPLE. While the name NEW WORLD ORDER is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, its more useful to identify the principal organizations,institutions , and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider-web of elite conspirators.

The Illuminati is the oldest term commonly used to refer to the 13 BLOODLINE FAMILIES ( and their offshoots ) that make up a major portion of this controlling elite. Most members of the Illuminati are also members in the highest ranks of numerous secretive and occult societies which in many cases extend straight back into the ancient world. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalized ( need-to-know-basis ) Illuminati structural pyramid include planning committees and organizations that the public has little or No knowledgeof. The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees whit names such as:








THE COMMITTEE OF 300 ( also called THE OLYMPIANS ) ,


Many FUNDATIONS among others.

In 1992 , Dr Jhoon Coleman published Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable sholarrship and meticulos research.

Dr. Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy , him accurately summarizes the intend and propose of the Committee of 300 as Follows:

” A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and one unit monetary system,under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this ONE WORLD entity , popultion will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family , diseases , wars , famines ,until 500 MILLIONS to 1 BILLION PEOPLE who are useful to the ruling class , in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined ( FEMA CAMPS ) remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle clss , only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws , backed  up by a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT POLICE FORCE and a ONE WORLD UNIFIED MILITARY to enforce laws in all former countries where no national shall exist. The system will be on basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT will be rewarded whit the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws , thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.”


  1. To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and to negotiate whit terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was BETTINO CRAXI who persuaded the Italian and US governments to negotiate whit the RED BRIGADES kidnapers of PRIME MINISTER MORO and General DOZIER. As an aside Dozier was placed under strict orders not to talk what happened to him. Should he even break that silence he will no doubt be made ” A HHORRIBLE EXAMPLE OF” in the manner in which HENRY KISSINGER dealt whit ALDO MORO , ALI  BHUTTO and General ZIA UL HAQ.
  2. To penetrate and subvert all governments and work form within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.
  3. To give the fullest support to supranational intitutions such as the UNITED NATIONS ( UN ) , the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND ( IMF aka FMI ) , the BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS ,the WORLD COURT and as far as possible make local institutions less effective , by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN.
  4. To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of US.
  5. To cause a total collapse of the Worlds economies and engender total political chaos.
  6. To export “RELIGIOUS LIBERATION” ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the CHRISTIAN RELIGION. This began whit the “JESUIT LIBERATION THEOLOGY” that broughtan end to the SOMOZA FAMILY rule in Nicaragua and which today is destroying EL SALVADOR, now 25 year into a “CIVIL WAR”. COSTA RICA and HONDURAS are also embroiled in revolutionary activities , instigated by the Jesuits. One very active entity engaged in the so-called liberation theology is the Communist-oriented MARY KNOLL MISSION. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of MARY KNOLLS so called nuns in El SALVADOR a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents andtheir activities were widely documented by the Gouvernment of El Salvador. The US press and the new media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation possessed by the Salvadorian Government , which proved what the MARY KNOLL MISSION nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countrys and placed a leading role in bringing Comunism to Rhodesia,Mosambique, Angola and SouthAfrica.
  7. To press for the spred of religious cults such as the MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD , MOSLEM FUNDAMENTALISM , the SIKHS and to carry out mind control experiments of the JIM JONES and ” SON of SAM” type. It is worth nothing that the late KHOMEINI was a creation of BRITISH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIV.6 -MI6. This detailed work spelled out the step-by-step process which the US GOVERNMENT implemented to put KHOMEINI in power.
  8. To continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism begun by the BRITISH EAST INDIA COMPANYS servant DARBY , which will be misused to strengthen the ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL by identifying whit the Jews through the myth of “Gods chosen people” , and by donating very substantioal amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.
  9. To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock music ,gangsters such as THE ROLLING STONES ( a Gangster grup much favored by EUROPEAN BLACK NOBILITY ). and all of the TAVISTOCK – created rock groups WHICH BEGAN WHIT THE BEATLES.
  10. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies BY MEANS OF ONE CREATED CRISIS AFTER ANOTHER AND THEN ” MANAGING” SUCH CRISES. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced whit too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In case of the US an agency for CRISIS MANAGEMENT is already in place. Is called THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ( FEMA ) , whose existence was discosed in 1980.
  11. To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. AS jobs dwingle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the CLUB OF ROME,the report envisages demoralized and discouraged workers resorting to alcoohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the statusquo thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard,the Committee cimmissined TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. TAVISTOCK DIRECTED STANFORD RESEARCH to underrtake the work under the direction of PROFESSOR WILLIS HARMON. This work later became known as the “AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY”.
  12. To cause.by means of LIMITED WARS in the advanced countrys ,by means of SSTARVATION and DISEASES in The World Countries , THE DEATH OF THREE BILLION PEOPLE BY THE YEAR 2050 ( now they devanced the progect to maximul 2025 ) People they call ” USELESS EATERS”. The committee of 300 ( Illuminati ) commissioned CYRUS VANCE to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title ” GLOBAL 2000 REPORT” and was accepted and approved for actionby former president JAMES EARL CARTER and EDWIN MUSKIE ,then SECRETARY OF STATES for and on behalf of the US GOVETNMENT. UNDER THE TERMS OF GLOBAL 2000 REPORT THE POPULATION OF US IS TO BE REDUCED BY 100 MILLIONS BY THE YEAR 2050 ( now they advanced the program to the 2025 ).
  13. To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. Especially targeted is Nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularity hated are the fusion experiments currently being scorned and ridiculed by the Illuminati and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Illuminati conception of ” LIMITED NATURAL RESOUCES” right owt of the Window. A Fusion Torch properly used, culd create unlimited and as yet untapped natural resources, even from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion, and would benefit mankind in a manner which as yet is not even remotely comprehended by the public.
  14. To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the POL POT regime in CAMBODIA. It is intresting to note that POL POTs genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the CLUB OF ROME research Foundations , and overseen by Thomas Enders , a high-Ranking STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL. It is also intresting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the POL POT butchers in CAMBODIA.
  15. To encourage, and eventually legalize the use of drugs and make pornography an “ART-FORM” , which will be widely accepted and,eventually ,become quite common place.
  16. To Bring about the END TO ALL INDUSTRIALIZATION and the protection of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “THE POST INDUSTRIAL ZERO-GROWTH SOCIETY”. Excepted are the computer and service industries. US industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. As we saw in 1993 , this has become a fact through the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement , known as NAFTA. Unemployables in US , in the wake of Industrial destruction,will either become opium-heroin and/or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination of the “EXCESS POPULATION” process we know of today as Global 2000.
  17. To enstablish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what ZBIBNEW BRZEZINSKI called TEHNOTRONICS , which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make FELIX DZERZINHSKIS RED TERROR look like Children at play.
  18. To engineer and bring about the destruction of religion, and more especially , the Christian Religion , whit the one exception ,their own creation , as mentioned above.
  19. To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride ,which was a primary consideration if the concept of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT was to work.
  20. To enstablish a ONE WIRLD GOVERNMENT/NEW WORLD ORDER whit a UNIFIED CHURCH AND MONETARY SYSTEM under their direction. THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT began to set up its church in the 1920s and 30s, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind must have an outlet and therefore set up a “church” body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
  21. To take controlof education in AMERICA whit the intent and purpouse of utterly and completely destroyng it. By 1993 the full force effect of this policy is becoming apparent and will be even more destrutive as primary and secondary schools begin to teach ” OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION” ( OBE ).

The Illuminati develops control of an area/country through Ist:

  4. LAW
  5. MEDIA

Now plz think whai you miss in your ignorance and stand up in the last day of your life HUMAN.

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