If you are a physician in need of further information, including a recovery protocol,
you may call Lloyd Phillips at 336-600-1055, or Email: PPL@Mailbox7.net
Gardasil Syndrome, a.k.a. Vaccine Syndrome, a.k.a. Gulf War Syndrome, a.k.a. Phillip-Offit-Wakefield Syndrome, with similar symptoms found in Lyme Disease and Autism: Top Symptoms:
1) Fatigue; 2) Pain: headache, stomach, or joints; 3) Lightheadedness upon standing (POTS); 4) Flares of inflammation, nausea, and Lupus-like symptoms plus possible Ankylosing Spondylitis if HLA-B27 gene mutation is present; 5) Irritability & Short Temper; 6) Memory Loss & Inability to concentrate; 7) Increased sensitivity to light and/or loud sounds, smells, foods; 8) Eczema, acne, hives, rashes, ITP; 9) Multiple Vector-borne pathogens, such as Lyme-related infections and co-infections may typically be present; 10) Unskilled doctors may typically tell you it’s all in your head (Conversion Disorder); 11) Histamine Intolerance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastroparesis, plus Thyroid and Gallbladder disorders have been observed when left untreated.
Tests Required: 1) Comprehensive Cytokine Panel (NeuroScience Panel #5086); look for LPS Stimulated Cytokines to be typically greater than 50% below gate; 2) LabCorp #HNK1. NK-CD57 counts will typically be FAR BELOW gate (absolute counts greater than or equal to 63), with many absolute count results falling at or below 22
Four Year Analysis of Adverse Reactions to the Gardasil HPV Vaccine
by Lloyd W. Phillips
Copyright ©2013 Lloyd W. Phillips
Prolonged inflammation initiated by powerful vaccine adjuvants such as Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AAHS), may be life-threatening and/or result in cognitive and motor skill disorders in those individuals with multiple genetic mutations which affect:
1) Transsulfuration (such as CBS 699t),
2) Glutathione production and utilization (such as GSTM1), and
3) Pathogen Load (such as HLA-DR15).
Although other mutations may contribute to the cascade of debilitating events, such as C282Y, which is associated with Hemochromatosis, the above three genetic conditions formed the core group in this study.
Concomitant (multiple) vaccinations may increase the severity of adverse reactions.
Physical Activity as a Risk Factor for an Adverse Vaccine Reaction
We observed that children who appeared to be very healthy prior to receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and were the most physically active following the vaccination (participated in sports, cheerleading, dancing, biking, skating, or other physical activity), suffered the most severe debilitating symptoms, possibly due to the increased distribution of the vaccine throughout their body due to increased circulation from exercise.
Syncope / Fainting
We observed that Syncope (fainting), following the Gardasil HPV vaccine, may be the result of an acute allergic reaction. Dr. L.C., received the Gardasil HPV vaccine in 2006 while attending medical school. She returned to class after receiving the HPV vaccine, and lost consciousness. Her vitals were taken, and it was documented that her blood pressure had plummeted to a life-threatening 50/32. We hypothesize this “fainting” was due to an acute allergy-related response to the yeast associated components in the vaccine, which resulted in a massive histamine release from eosinophils and mast cells. This elevated histamine quickly dilated blood vessels, and appears to be the cause for the drop in blood pressure. We suspect that these children may not have been properly screened for an allergy to mold and other members of the Fungal Kingdom. Fortunately she did not drive home after her vaccination and die in a car crash. Warnings were not issued until three years later (2009).
Head Pressure (acute)
The majority of children who develop debilitating and/or life threatening conditions reported severe head pressure within one or two hours of receiving the HPV vaccine. Those who received concomitant vaccines appeared to have a quicker onset of new medical conditions after just one or two HPV vaccinations.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D levels appear to plummet (25 Hydroxy Vitamin D) in this group following the administration of the Gardasil HPV vaccination.
Intracellular Magnesium
Intracellular magnesium quickly becomes depleted following administration of the Gardasil HPV vaccine. However, serum magnesium typically remains on the low side of lab normal.
Magnesium and the “Fight or Flight” Response
Our findings indicate that the immune system may not be capable of distinguishing between fear and the inflammation caused by aluminum adjuvants in modern vaccines. Both events were observed to trigger the “Fight or Flight” response, which forced the subject to excrete magnesium.
The human body uses magnesium in the production of about 300 different enzymes. When intracellular (within the cell) magnesium becomes depleted, it is virtually always missed by doctors who look at serum (blood) magnesium. Every cell in the body will contribute its last bit of magnesium to keep the heart pumping. We observed multiple symptoms of a magnesium deficiency: muscle jerks and spasms; pain; irritability; newly acquired panic disorders; heart arrhythmias; headache; and more. Low magnesium may result in personality changes and irritability. One mother described her daughter as the “she bitch from hell” since receiving the Gardasil HPV Vaccine.
Since many cycles fail (methylation, H3K4 Trimethylation, etc.), we observed that it was necessary to administer some vitamins in their active form to maintain proper serum levels. This was especially true of Vitamins B6 and B12.
Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency (Beriberi): Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide
Although many of the subjects received Vitamin B1 supplements, we observed many symptoms of a Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency. Thiamine is involved in a variety of glucose metabolism-related and neurological functions, including the making of myelin. Many symptoms of the B1 Deficiency decreased when Thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD) was administered. Allithiamine is one alternative name for TTFD, a fat-soluble form of Vitamin B1.
We acknowledge the observed genetic deficit(s) in the Transsulfuration Cycle due to the CBS gene, and confirm the findings of DETH R et al, Thomson, and others who documented that oxidative stress plays a critical role in the utilization of Thiamine in the human body.
Genetics and Pathogens
The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Serotype was present in most who were tested. The HLA-DR15 mutation was found in those most seriously affected. Those with HLA-DR15 appeared acutely sensitive to mold, and exposure would cause a re-emergence of debilitating symptoms.
Genetics and Transsulfuration
Many tested positive for the CBS Gene, and were not able to properly process sulfur. The Cystathionine Beta-Synthase gene, especially the CBS 699t genetic mutation, appeared to be causing a life-threatening cascade of events in these patients, and we observed the following sulfur-related symptoms:
- Low Glutathione – Sulfur is required for Glutathione synthesis. ALL who were tested had low glutathione levels.
- Connective Tissue Disorders – Sulfur is responsible for Collagen Synthesis, and lack of sulfur leads to poor tissue (skin) structure and strength.
- Inflammation – low sulfur can lead to the progression of inflammation and degenerative disorders
Note: Medical Practitioners should be aware that an infant or toddler who screams for prolonged periods, or any child who bangs their head, may actually be signaling that they are experiencing a breakdown in the TRANSSULFURATION Pathway (CBS Gene). When sulfur is not properly metabolized, EXCRUCIATING HEAD PRESSURE may result when sulfites enter the brain and produce acute pain. You should always be on guard that a migraine may be a warning sign of a CBS Gene mutation, especially CBS 699t.
Sulfur-related sustained inflammation, especially involving inflamed glial cells in the brain, may affect nearby Oligodendrocytes, which may then inhibit myelin production, and result in demyelinating disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis.
Medical practitioners and caregivers, including parents with the best intentions, may do more harm by attempting to treat symptoms of impaired transsulfuration. An example is totally removing dietary fruits and vegetables necessary for the prevention of damage caused by oxidative stress, in an attempt to lower oxalates, instead of taking measures to improve transsulfuration.
Interstitial Cystitis
A significant number of female subjects developed Interstitial Cystitis, including many months after they appeared to be feeling better. We suspect, but cannot confirm, that the failure of the transsulfuration cycle may have contributed to this condition.
Histamine Intolerance and Sustained Inflammation
We have observed that the majority of subjects developed a Histamine Intolerance, which resulted in self-sustained inflammation. This Histamine Intolerance was not present prior to the Gardasil HPV vaccine, nor was any indication of Mastocytosis.
We took note of the extensive research done by Husheng Li et al., at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, into how aluminum vaccine adjuvants activate caspase-1 and induce IL-1beta and IL-18 release. We hypothesize that the release of IL-1beta and Interleukin-18 (and possibly other pro-inflammatory cytokines), may have inflamed the gut and caused a breakdown of the mucosal lining. This appears to have allowed immune cells in the lining of the gut to come into contact with food proteins as they traveled through the gut. The immune cells appear to have made antibodies to some foods, and when these foods were again eaten at a later date, the immune system appeared to treat these food proteins as allergens, and trigger mast cells to produce histamine. We observed that the majority of these children and adults felt lightheaded upon standing. We hypothesize that the elevated histamine, caused by this newly acquired histamine intolerance, dilated blood vessels, and significantly lowered blood pressure to the brain. We further hypothesize that this may be the cause, or a contributing factor to Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).
We observed that this newly formed histamine intolerance and resulting self-sustaining inflammation did not subside until foods containing moderate to high amounts of histamine were removed from the diet. We observed that Low Dose Naltrexone was beneficial for this condition, and it also helped relieve insomnia.
Insomnia was present in the majority of the subjects. We attribute this to the pineal gland possibly being inhibited by cortisol as a result of inflammation, including inflammation associated with the newly acquired histamine intolerance.
Pathogens and Body Burden
(a) Enteroviruses
The most common enterovirus we observed was Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). EBV can act as an incubator for other pathogens and infect fast-growing cytokines when inflammation is present. A previous history of Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever) was virtually a 100% predictor of a life-threatening adverse reaction to the Gardasil HPV vaccine, and similar results were observed among families of autistic children.
Only one out of approximately 100 families observed or interviewed was eventually diagnosed with Chronic Active Epstein Barr (CAEBV)
(b) Parasites
Vector borne pathogens such as Bartonella, Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme Disease), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Babesia, and FL1953 (Protomyxzoa Rheumatica), were the most commonly observed pathogens. Several of these would typically be found together in the children who were tested. Bartonella was never found alone.
Note: NK-CD57 counts typically ranged between 8 and 51, with the majority falling at or below 22.
(c) Bacteria
A history of Mycoplasma/Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Acne Vulgaris (which can turn Interleukin-10 into Viral Interleukin-10 (vIL10)), and eczema were identified as risk factors for an adverse event. Interleukin-10 is associated with controlling inflammation.
Several girls became pregnant during this four year study, and in each case their symptoms subsided for the length of the pregnancy. We hypothesize that elevated levels of Interleukin-10, released during pregnancy, attenuates inflammation, which is key to this syndrome.
- Insult to immune system, typically a vaccination, may cause inflammation
- Inflammation triggers the Fight or Flight response
- The Fight or Flight response causes magnesium to be excreted
- Inhibition of ~300 magnesium-dependant cycles
- Failure of transsulfuration cycle results in inhibited sulfur-dependant cycles such as those responsible for glutathione, collagen and connective tissue, control of inflammation, etc.
- When gene mutations are present, low cycle output may result in a cascade of debilitating or life-threatening events
- Dormant pathogens may become virulent
(Reuters) – Dr. Julie Gerberding, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was named president of Merck & Co Inc’s vaccine division, the company said on Monday.
Gerberding, who led the CDC from 2002 to 2009, stepped down when President Barack Obama took office.
She had led the agency from one crisis to another, including the investigation into the anthrax attacks that killed five people in 2001, the H5N1 avian influenza, the global outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, and various outbreaks of food poisoning.
“As a preeminent authority in public health, infectious diseases and vaccines, Dr. Gerberding is the ideal choice to lead Merck’s engagement with organizations around the world that share our commitment to the use of vaccines to prevent disease and save lives,” Merck Chief Executive Officer Richard Clark said in a statement.
“I am very excited to be joining Merck where I can help to expand access to vaccines around the world,” added Gerberding, who will head up the company’s $5 billion global vaccine business that includes shots to prevent chickenpox, cervical cancer and pneumonia.