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Pirate Party Sweden and Matrix of Corrupt Government. Part One





It is now time for the Dox or Hack of Pirate Party Sweden
New op : OpBlockSwedishBanks
Prime target: Block Money Transfers Between Government and Banks.
Second target: Download and save all data archive in prime target.
Free target : kill the server after first or second target.
Expect us !
From Lulz :

Starting Now: Do not speak, Do not fear, Do not do stupid things.
Make Public Everything You Find.




Leading Swedish Pirates Step Down

She went on to say that the Party had developed from a small technology based party to an aspirational, larger and more human-centered political organisation while she was in charge. She also gave credit to the membership who have taken the founding principles and applied them more widely and thus becoming relevant to a wider range of people.

The disappointment that this year’s elections (2014) did not realise expectations does not detract from her expectations that the party will continue to develop and become the tolerant, progressive party that Sweden needs. However, she warns that the party is at an important crossroads and she sees a battle ahead. She points to an alarming lack of empathy in sections of the party and points to a faction that, while calling for universal rights, is working only for their own rights at the cost of everyone else’s.  This is most apparent in the sexism, LGBT-phobia and xenophobia that is hampering the workings of the party. This tendency has found its way onto the board and is severely hampering efforts to make the party tolerant and all embracing. She accuses some members of the board of ignoring the administration’s concerns regarding the extremely poor working environment in the party.

She urges members of the party who have been cowed into the background in on and offline venues to stand up, support each other to take back the party from the mainly white, heterosexual, tech-savvy men who are dominating it. She said;


The Board has instead chosen to give tacit approval to individual board members to actively oppose management’s job. It has thus given these board members and others a free pass to actively contribute to the decay that management tried to counter. In these circumstances, I believe it is impossible to conduct responsible work in appropriate conditions where members are not mistreated, and where we as a party actually practice what we preach politically.

Anna is not finished with politics and she next intends to write a book which will be available for free download in January. Then she will continue the fight against big brother.

For the Deputy leader and the Secretary the problems are not only with a particular faction but also structural.

For Marit Delden, it was the way the board dealt with the exclusion of members by party officials. The straw that broke the camel’s back was a case where the process was shrouded in secrecy in a manner that Pirate Parties fight against in other organisations. The Pirate Party has a structure that favors only one type of personality. That person is a person who expresses themselves well in writing, that can sell themselves, who has great self-confidence, a thick skin and to be quite honest is good at being a little egotistical. This is very much in line  with an article published earlier in the Pirate Times Are we a Pachydermocrachy?

Henrik Brändén said that while the party is still needed, commonality is one word that many in the party have not understood. Instead, the party is full of fighting with internal squabbles such as who should get the right to a thread on Facebook. It has for some reason become more important to get a right, get just as one wants, than to try to find a way together.

The board published the following in response to the resignations (loosely translated)

Party leader Anna Troberg, Deputy Party leader Marit Delden, and Party Secretary Henrik Brändén have announced today that they will not make themselves available to their posts  next year. The party would like to take this opportunity to thank them for the large amount of work they have contributed.

At the same time the Pirate Party is ready for a term with many changes. We have recently appointed an organizational audit team which, during the winter and spring, will revise the party constitution and refresh the party’s internal structure.

We have much work ahead of us, including  combating problems in the party’s working. Everyone should feel welcome in the Pirate Party, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion, and everyone should have the same rights. We already have a process for combating sexual harassment, which we want to develop and clarify.

We in the Pirate Party Board are proud of our party’s strong stance on issues surrounding equal rights and including LGBT. Earlier this year we have been named as the best party of RFSL. Good politics is not everything, and we must work so that everyone can  feel comfortable in the party’s internal jargon and  environment.

Finally, we would once again like to thank Anna, Marit and Henrik for all their work – now the baton is handed over to the next in line, who will take us forward in 2015 and at an election victory until 2018.

Pirate Party Party Executive,
December 1, 2014

The Swedish Pirate Party will be selecting their new leader this weekend. The Pirate Times will keep you informed of the results.




ppswedenflagpurplu1Partistyrelsen är partiets högsta beslutande organ näst efter medlemsmötet. Enligt partiets stadgar är styrelsen ”ett långsiktigt, beslutande och strategiskt organ för partiet och har ett kollektivt ansvar för partiets verksamhet och att medlemsmötets beslut genomförs.” Styrelsen väljer bland annat partiledare, tecknar partiets firma, och beslutar om budget.

Styrelsen arbetar enligt en arbetsordning och är transparent i publicering av protokoll. Alla styrelsens möten är öppna för partimedlemmar, förutom fall där känsliga frågor eller personuppgifter behandlas.


The party is the party’s highest decision-making body next to the membership meeting. Under party rules, the Board a long-term decision-making and strategic body for the party and have a collective responsibility for the party’s activities and member meeting’s decisions are implemented.The Board shall elect among other party leaders, sign the party’s name, and decides on the budget.

The Board operates in accordance with a procedure and is transparent in the publication of minutes. All Board meetings are open to party members, except for cases where sensitive issues or personal data.

Presentation av styrelsen

ppswedenmalinMalin Ahnberg, sammankallande

Email: maalin.ahnberg@gmail.com

Telefon: 0708763655


ppswedengoranGöran Widham, sekreterare
Email: goran.widham@piratpartiet.se
Blogg: fridholm.net
Twitter: Widham
Telefon: 0761728080


Email: anton.nordenfur@piratpartiet.se

Hemsida: antonnordenfur.com

Telefon: 0707496840


PPswedenjanlindgrenJan Lindgren
Email: jan.lindgren@piratpartiet.se
Blogg: janlindgren.se
Twitter: janlindgren
Telefon: 0707-221 413


ppswedenjimmiekarlssonJimmie Karlsson
Email: jimmie.karlsson@piratpartiet.se
Skype: osten_jk
Telefon: 0733-720703
Blogg: jimmiekarlsson.se
Twitter: JimmieK_




ppswedenerikErik Hultin
Email: erik.hultin@piratpartiet.se
Blogg: erikhultin.se
Telefon: 073-816 21 92


ppswedenmattiasMattias Lundbäck


ppswedenmikaelMikael Holm

Email: mikael.holm@piratpartiet.se


ppswedentroedTroed Sångberg

Google Plus

Blogg: troed.se

Email: troed.sangberg@piratpartiet.se


ppswedenberglundC Magnus Berglund
Email: c.magnus.berglund@piratpartiet.se
FacebookGoogle PlusTwitter
Blogg: cmagnusb.wordpress.com
Skype: cmagnusb
Telefon: 0705-18 20 25



ppswedenemmaEmma Marie Andersson
Twitter: opassande
Gplus: +emmamarieandersson
Email: opassande@gmail.com
Hemsida: opassande.se




ppswedenjosefJosef Ohlsson Collentine
Twitter: collentine
Skype: josef.ohlsson.collentine
Email: josef.ohlsson.collentine@piratpartiet.se
Telefon: 073-824 98 49




ppswedencarljohanCarl Johan Rehbinder
Email: calle@rehbinder.se
Hemsida: tantrikblog.wordpress.com / rehbinder.se/calle
Facebook, Twitter
Skype: callerehbinder
Telefon: 070-79 76 333





ppswedenleifLeif Svahn
Email: leif.svahn@piratpartiet.se
Telefon: 073 18-210 99
Twitter: lsvahn

Sammanställning av mandat

Fem styrelseledamöter väljs av medlemmarna varje höstmöte, och sitter under en treårsperiod. Styrelsen består alltså av femton medlemmar i taget. Vakanta platser fyllnadsväljs på nästa medlemsmöte.

Mandat t o m 2015-12-31
Anton Nordenfur
Troed Sångberg
C Magnus Berglund
Malin Ahnberg
Jimmie Karlsson

Mandat t o m 2016-12-31
Göran Widham
Vakant (Nils Kadesjö lämnade partistyrelsen i december 2014)
Mattias Lundbäck
Erik Hultin
Jan Lindgren

Mandat t o m 2017-12-31
Mikael Holm
Marie Andersson
Josef Ohlsson Collentine
Carl Johan Rehbinder
Leif Svahn





CLOWNERNA på PPs styrelsen har ej kunnat framställa/utarbeta bevisen till mig.PP är toppstyrd, samma lobbyist som styr SD.
Ni som trodde ni blev av med Anna Troberg hade fel, hon är med i styrelsens backstage tillsm med clownerna som ledamoten+ mkt fler persn
som jag kommer avslöja med tiden här..En av största clownerna i PPs styrelse anklagar medlemmar: förortskillar, gangsters nervärderar människor i olika klasser/kategorier visar bara att PP är på väg att splittras helt.Piratpartiet hädanefter kommer aldrig vinna ett enda val i framtiden.
De lever på donationer och stipendier därför är många ansiktena kvar i partiet för nyttja det till sista droppe.För sanningen börjar komma fram med ju närmare tiden går.
Tidigare personer nekade Anonymous/olika data hackers grupper existens i partiet.
Det gjorde en stor del av medlemmarna besvikna.Nu sprids det som löpeld i flera sajter hur piratpartiets sanna ansikte sticker ut.Jag är ledsen, piratpartiets spökskepp sjunker med tiden.. — at Fight Club Stockholm
23 January at 05:18 · Stockholm, Sweden · Edited · Public

Raymond Johansen

I have no problem with your statement, Can.

But I do have a problem with your reasoning.

1. They are not hiding anyting – they are protecting the persons that made the allegations against you

2. Whatever you might feel it does not free you from the consequenses of threatening more people with doxes

3. Please continue to voice your discontent. That is a good thing, but stop right now with the black mails and threats.

And for gods sake do your homework on me before you say anything more.

Like · 14 · Report · Friday at 18:36

Jim Groth

Seems Mr Anonymous didn’t get the message and its continuing to use threats. I don’t think the board of the Pirate Party has anything to hide but I feel this is not the right way to use the name anonymous.

Like · 2 · Report · Yesterday at 16:11


Vad vi gör är inte på grund av Can. Finns många konstiga saker som PP göra och Anonymous har frågör som stirelsen vill inte svara. Att göma bakom regel för Anonymous holler inte detta. Awlc hota inte Pp och att diskutera med oss efter clawner svarade konstit är svört. Vi behover en bevis att Pp stana på samma idee som stanade dom gamla men dox can bli inte stoppat nu. Alla ska seja tack till de som svarade inte bra på voran fråga. Can är bara en privat konstig problem av Pp och vi vet många saker om detta.

Like · Report · Yesterday at 16:58

Andreas Hedström

Oj vad är det för Konstiga saker som Piratpartiet gör som är så Konstiga att Awcl Ägnar Just Piratpartiet all denna Ära?

Like · 1 · Report · Yesterday at 17:04

Raymond Johansen

Mr. Anonymous is terribly confused. I can assure everyone here that the collective idea Anonymous have nothing agaist the Pirate Party.

He is free to be a troll, even using the name Anonymous doing it, but his Rumanian ancestors will turn in their grave when they see what will happen if he goes through with his threats.

As I stated before, not one single Pirate are afraid of these patetic attempts of distruption. The Swedish Pirates have work to do. They will not be threatend or coherced into doing anything that goes against the rules. Pirates are fearless and strong – in 77 countries. That is all, except this:

DO NOT FEED THE WEAK TROLLS – IT ONLY MAKES THEM FEEL GOOD! (To be clear: if you do not answer them they will starve and go away.)

Like · 5 · Report · Yesterday at 17:13


Nothing will stop the dox and you know that. wink emoticon personal Zi hunt trolls and spy and is one hobby. My ancestors will support the worriors what defend the people and earth. Do not play this game whit me for I know all and make me just smile. 12 days. wink emoticon

Like · Report · Yesterday at 18:13

Raymond Johansen

Remember: Do not answer this troll. PS: I have already doxed him. His last claim was that he used to work for the Rumanian security services by the way. Forget him. He has nothing, he is weak and pityful. Just consentrate on your work Pirates! Enjoy your weekend. smile emoticon

Like · 5 · Report · Yesterday at 18:18


Ha ha. Clowns in Pp. Nothing kan stop the dox And Ss whant to kill me not to pay me but you know beter yes mr ? Aaaa remember to make Honk to the finish wink emoticon.

Like · Report · Yesterday at 19:45

Erik Lönroth

Men snälla….

Like · 3 · Report · 11 hours ago

Kya Kyablo Diablovic

Jag känner Anonymous. Ingen troll och en an mina närmaste vänner. Om ni tror Raymond är någon stor eller något så tror ni fel. Det enda han har sagt att man ska googla honom osv. Plus han vill ses öga mot öga. Jag ser fram emot det. Han säger mata inte trollet och sen skriver han pm. Komisk




Ny ekonomiansvarig sökes

ppswedenfinancemanager1Nu söker Piratpartiet en ny ekonomiansvarig, med högsta ansvaret för administrationen av partiets ekonomi. Kan du siffror? Har du koll på bokföring? Är du van kassör? Hör av dig!

Ekonomiansvarig är en ideell post som ansvarar för partiets ekonomi – återbetalning till aktivister som lagt ut pengar, betalning av fakturor, bokföring och bokslut. Det är en oerhört viktig post, utan vilken Piratpartiet helt enkelt stannar.

Partiet har de senaste åren regelbundet använt sig av PirateWeb-systemet för bokföring, ett system som just nu utvecklas mot sin femte version. Under utvecklingstiden kommer vi numera att använda det välkända bokföringssystemet SpeedLedger, ett bekvämt och praktiskt system där alla som är det minsta insatta i bokföring och ekonomi säkerligen kommer att känna sig hemma. 

Är du intresserad? Eller vill du ha mer information? Skicka ett mail till anton.nordenfur@piratpartiet.se eller ring 0707 496 840!


Translated from Swedish to English by Google Translate.

New Finance Manager Wanted
Posted on 2015-01-25

Now looking for the Pirate Party, a new finance manager, with the highest responsibility for the administration of the party’s finances. Can you numbers? Do you have an accounting? Are you used treasurer? Get in touch!

Finance Manager is a nonprofit postal responsible for the party’s finances - repayment to the activists who spent money, pay bills, accounting and financial statements. It is an extremely important item, but the Pirate Party simply stops.

The party has in recent years regularly used the PirateWeb system of accounting, a system that is currently moving towards its fifth version. During the development period, we are now using the well-known accounting system SpeedLedger, a convenient and practical system where anyone who is the least versed in accounting and economics will certainly feel at home.

Are you interested? Or would you like more information? Send an email to anton.nordenfur@piratpartiet.se or call 0707 496 840!


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